Dear Ann,
I miss being in your sunny backyard, making videos and dancing around with neck napkins and such. I’m so glad I finally had the opportunity to perform The Steeking. I believe this was the second time I’d shlepped this Hlekkur cardigan across state lines for purposes of steeking. I really wanted some company for my first official sweater steek. Thanks for being there for me, and documenting the moment.
Sweater design: Védís Jónsdóttir. (The pattern is Hlekkur, in Istex Lopi No. 28.)
Steek method: the crochet method, as taught by Ragga Eiríksdóttir. Note: if you are going to steek a sweater using this method, watch Ragga’s detailed video here.
Yarn: Létt-lopi.
Videographer: Ann Shayne.
Video editor: Ann Shayne.
Person who says, “Waaaaaaa” at the end of the video: Ann Shayne.
Emotional support tech: Kermit Shayne.
Scissors: Fiskars.
Things you probably shouldn’t say in an instructional video: “I don’t even know how to crochet and I’m doing this.”

Regrets: If I had it to do over, I would have woven in all the ends and blocked the sweater before cutting the steek. I hope I get the chance to do it again and make these improvements.
No, don’t change a thing, the ends here and there give it a Martin Margiela (ca 2008) look! Srsly–It’s beautiful. (PS After a Stopover speedwalk, I have now sprinted to the finish on a Riddari. Love love love Lopi and yokes. Aftur is next.)
Ain’t we got fun?
The sound of the scissors cutting was both exciting & terrifying – no doubt much more intense in person! It’s a beautiful cardigan -love the colors & yoke pattern.
It is lovely. Make more and more.
Pretty confident that I will make more.
The “Waaaaaaa” at the end totally makes the video.
Perfect timing as I am considering steeking the sweater I just started! Thank you!
Wow, that sweater is so beautiful!
Great accomplishment.
A beautiful sweater.
That scissors sound is just really hard, especially early in the morning. And I’ve resisted use of that crochet thingy all my life, so I find your skill with it impressive.
Steeking is so BRAVE. I intended to steak my Stopover, but backed out because I loved the way it turned out as a pullover. NEXT TIME. Honest.
Also, now I think I need those scissors.
Lovely sweater! I used a slightly thinner, but still grippy, yarn to crochet mine, shetland jumperweight would be perfect, and with less ruffling. Also, per Ragga’s instructions I blocked first, which helps all the fibers lock in place before cutting.
I waited so long to cut the steek that I forgot that bit of the instructions…..now worried all the ends will unravel in the water—what was I thinking? Stay tuned…..
I cut and whip-stitched the edges of my Stopover cardigan, and then washed it with no ill effects. Lopi is so sticky I think it will be fine.
That was a very interesting video. I always wanted to see how steeking worked without cutting my own precious knitting. I agree with Christina, I would not change a thing. The comment about not crocheting was perfect. When you first mentioned crocheting, I thought oh no I am not ever going to do this. You made it all look effortless. Thank you.
I believe that when you have the hook in your hand, you just know how to do it. (Granny Squares, though–not so much!)
Re: crochet. Never holding the crochet hook correctly, I have found that with the traditional aluminum hook, I keep catching the yarn as I go, making the whole process frustrating. I find that the “in line” style of crochet hook works so very nicely for me. It is made by Susan Bates. For making granny squares, I learned fromally a booklet the summer before junior or senior year in high school. I made almost 30 traditional grannies before I put it aside for a while. I have never forgotten how to make the traditional square (for fancy ones, I need instructions). Since they’re done in double crochet, a rhythm is created and it can go surprisingly fast (with the right hook) because the basic method is also easy to memorize. You can do it, Kay. No problema.
So cool. I’ve steeked once, but I machine stitched my edges before The Cutting. I’ll definitely try this method next time. Oh, and thanks for reminding me that I have Ragga’s Craftsy class. I’d forgotten all about that!
Ragga’s instructions are great! Congrats!
gorgeous!! a triumph!
Fabulous! Oliver and I shouted “Hi” and waved at you all the way through that.
Steeking is fun. I’ve always favoured the crochet method, using E.Z.’s destructions, I think, as it seems (ha, ha) wrong to machine stitch knitting.
It’s a gorgeous cardigan.
[WAVING HI BACK AT YOU AND O]–So funny, that is my objection to machine-sewing, also–it just doesn’t seem right to machine sew on knitting.
Please,please,please video the zipper and ribbon portion. I will then feel confident to try the WHOLE STEEK thing.
Thank you for sharing!
Yes, PLEASE make a how-to video of the zipper and ribbon application. It would help so many knitters to take the next step.
I love that you said that you shouldn’t have worried about the steek while knitting the sweater and that that is a metaphor for life! What a wonderful life lesson! How many times, I have worried about something in the future that turned out as well as your steek! Your sweater is beautiful. I would also like to see the finished zipper with ribbon!
Believe me I will be shouting all over the place when I get that zipper installed.
Seconding Di’s request for a zipper and ribbon video. I had visions of doing just that with my Stopover but chickened out since I can’t really sew. Just doing the steek and picking up buttonband stitches was almost more new stuff than my brain could handle in one knitted object. But a knitted cardigan with a double zipper is my dream sweater so I’m always looking for tips.
These videos are great, Kay. My fear has vanished. A steeked cardi (okay, maybe a vest) will happen this year.
Brave woman! To me, steeking is the scariest thing in knitting, and no, I have never attempted it.
To me, fabric should be cut …. not knitting!
I’m a big chicken s*** and you’re so very brave! I want to use the Modern Daily lipo-suction surgery on a h-u-g-e sweater and then knit a button band but I have no idea how to do this “pick up and knit” a button band “stuff.” Any guidance or suggestions? You’re truly my heroine!!!
I am so glad you turned it over to cut between the visible crocheted lines – I could see myself cutting through them and saying very bad words!
Way to go Kay (&Ann for the filming & support!). I’ve always thought I could do this & you have taken away the mystery! And as a bonus, I know how to pronounce Ragga Eiríksdóttir! Loved seeing you both at Stitches!
I love to hear you talk. When I read your writing. It’s a Noo Yawker writing no doubt. When you speak, well, you’re a mid-western Gal just like me. Selfish,but, it makes me happy. Not that I don’t love the sounds of the natives of New York I do. I just enjoy the one woman two cultures contrast.
Those are some mighty fine video editing chops you’re sporting. Rock on.
Love! Every part! Especially “I don’t know how to crochet and I am doing it”!!
Perhaps this needs to be the year of Lopi? Yes??
You make steeking look so easy! I agree that it is extremely intimidating, but now it seems much more do-able.
I suspect that your crochet was half-double or double (depending on US vs UK), but it got the job done, so good on you for forging ahead!
This is the most terrufying video I have ever seen. I was in agony until the happy ending.
You made it looks so easy. Love the crochet part. I can do that!
SOmeday……a Lopi with a steek!
Last week’s episode of Nashville (the TV series) featured troubled teen Maddie wearing a Lopapeysa.
It certainly made me think of you all!
Whaaaaaaaa? Ann did not keep me informed!
Your sweater is totally gorgeous—thanks for posting this. Please follow up with information on how you install your zipper. I think that if you did the crochet and then washed/blocked the sweater, the fibers from the sweater and the crochet would kind of meld together and the steek would hold even better. Congratulations on a knit well done!
Great video! I loved knitting my Stopover and now want to knit another Lopi–maybe this time with a steek.
Yowza! That was some video – I’ve read about this type of thing, but have been timid just because I have. I’ve been liberated!
So much awesome!
Wow! (as I hit myself in the head) Of course, crochet! It’s so simple, so organic. The full Gestalt. Also responded to the sound of the scissors (I assumed they were the ones that Ann got one vacation a few years back), which gave me “shear” nervous excitement. Great video, great courage. The sweater looked good on, too.
Now, Kay, you have really lovely hands. What is your secret? Mine look like they need ironing.
Knit on!
Amazing how easy it looks. I would have required a clothing change afterwards. Thank you for the video. Please make one when you insert the zipper!!!!!!
The sweater is lovely and the yarn is divine.
I’ve always machine-sewn my steeks, as I once had a very bad time with crocheted steeks (I tend to use superwash, it’s not as sticky as traditional wools). But I’m always intrigued when I see a successful crochet steek.
(A tip for anyone who is planning on steeking on machines and is worried about your sweater getting eaten: place a sheet of tissue paper between the back of your work and the feeder dogs, it will keep the machine from eating any loose ends!)
Thanks for the video! I have always figured I would crochet a steek if I ever got to a project that needed steeking, and watching your video, I think I could do it.
I have yet to steek. Like socks, I will get to it some day and I know where to go when I do. 😉
Well now wasn’t that just a ton of fun watching your video!! Loved it – as I love all your blog entries and videos. Thanks so much.
Maybe one day you’ll do a video on putting a zipper in a knit cardigan – maybe?
Steeking is on my knitting bucket list! You made it look so easy. I think I’d like to cardiganize the Stopover and steek it.
Please document adding the zipper and the ribbon! Can’t wait to see the finished sweater!!
Now that I am breathing again, I just wanted to say thank you. I’ve wanted a Lopi cardigan for the past 30 years, but stuck with pullovers. A cardi is definitely next.
You are my hero, Kay. My sister signed us both up for an all day steeking class, with a zipper installation, at Ann Budd’s knitting retreat at the end of the month — I’ve been really, really nervous! Your video makes me think I can handle it. The zipper I’m still not sure about….
Your sweater is beautiful!
The first time I steeked, I told my mother what I was about to do (she is not a knitter, but still deeply appreciative of the craft). She advised against it – she’s a big one for “oh that does not sound wise” about things of which she knows very little – but she finally agreed to hold my hand while I did it. We both whimpered through the machine-sewing (I wasn’t brave enough to try the crochet method), which turned into a full-on screaming duet as the scissors sliced their way up the middle of my beautiful work. EZ was right – I had to lie down in a darkened room with a damp cloth to my forehead afterward – but it turned out so well, and I would never hesitate to steek again. Ok, well, I would hesitate, but that’s a natural reflex, no?
The sounds affects (snipping scissors and the Waaaaahh) are what makes it great cinema. I was going to ask why you’d want to block first but I already learned the answer by reading the comments.
It looks so easily do-able, it makes me want to knit a lopapeysa cardi even though I prefer pullovers.
And since my Stopover is getting plenty of wear time this extended winter, maybe I should. Peer pressure!
Color me red! I’m totally embarrassed since I never told you how beautiful your sweater is, Kay..and you were so kind to reply with some suggestions for me. My mom truly brought me up to be better than that…please forgive! You did an outstanding job, and were so lucky to have Ann with you to hold your hand! If my operation steeking comes out half as well, I’ll be a happy camper! Again, many thanks for everything!
I am currently working on my first steeked sweater. I plan on doing the steek at my LYS, because I can’t imagine doing it alone! I think I need some of those fancy scissors, though…..
This is a great video. It manages to be both succint and encouraging. I also continue to marvel at how much sheer joy and fun both of you infuse into life and knitting! And the icing on the cake is that you share some of the joy and fun (and learning! And information!) with us. Thank you for all the fun and help.
Well done all! Very helpful. Shout out to Kermit.
Thanks, Kay – this is an excellent video and if I ever get to the brink of a steek I will come back and watch it a few more times. (I watched it three times already.)
Well done, Ann and Kermit.
I have always found the idea of steeking rather terrifying, but that crochet is brilliant, and now I think I need to go knit something to steek so I can experience the wow for myself!
Congratulations on your first steek! That is awesome.
This came along at exactly the right time! While you two were banging out Stopover, I was schlepping through Hela, a lovely Vedis Jonsdottir zippered cardigan. It is now blocking and I am getting the scissors ready!
Its’ a metaphor for life? I really loved that and it’s true, we worry a lot about things that are not important in the end…. Thank you for the great video. I’m still frightened by steeking anyway… I need you to make another three or five videos so I”l find the courage. Some day.
Gorgeous sweater!!! I love it!!
I thought w Lopi you didn’t need to weave in ends that eventually they just felt to the sweater? (Yes, I know your a perfectionist, as opposed to me who has been wearing a Coe work cowl for days without blocking or ends being sewn in. And it REALLY needs both!)
That was supposed to say “color work cowl” but apparently autoINcorrect thought otherwise.
Agree, Ann, excellent video, editing & sound effects!
Hello Dahlings!
Brioche sounds like a wonderful nibble to have with a cup of warm tea and well camels are very good to have especially on Wednesday!
Muah! ~T
I make an exception, this camel can put his nose under my tent! Come on in!
The camel blend that I knit with was very soft, and smelled nothing like the animal from which it came. It also refused to spit at me, as the source is known to do. Would love to win this kit.
Would love to win the yarn! Have never tried the brioche stitch but this is a good time to learn. And camels are interesting creatures!
Beautiful yarn. Love the camel fiber.
Camels are such exquisitely beautiful animals. They get a bum rap for spitting, though. I mean, it’s what they do, but it’s not like they do it to spite anyone.
As for brioche the bread, I love the stuff to an unhealthy degree. It’s a good thing my local bakery only makes raisin brioche during Lent, or I would be buying much larger pants. The first time I tried brioche — the stitch — I couldn’t believe how much yarn it consumed. It’s a great stash buster.
Despite now banging out an April sweater, I did finish banging out the February plus a March sweater….I am now being tempted by brioche. The yarn is really lovely. Of course, now I would love some tea and the food brioche to accompany it 🙂
Camels are so unusual. I remember teaching years ago a third grade class and there was a picture of the camel’s nose with the explanation of why camels can live in the desert. One of my students got so tickled over that, he had us all rolling in the aisles.
I would love to knit with this fiber!!