Pattern Scout
Ready, Set, Go: Sock Yarn Shawls!
Around here, the obsession with sock yarns not only continues, it grows.
We’ve shared the tip of the iceberg of great patterns for sock yarns, here and here. With one stunning exception, they were sweaters.
Then, like a person on an old TV commercial realizing that they could have had a can of sodium-flavored vegetable juice instead of whatever else they were having, we smacked our foreheads as we realized: we could’ve knit a shawl with sock yarn! What about sock yarn shawls?
Sock yarn shawls are an even bigger mountain of knitting patterns than sock yarn sweaters. Shawl and scarf designers love these beautiful yarns, in all their colorful variations and their practical washability. There must be, literally, thousands of them.
We’re going to try to keep the focus on newer patterns that you might not have seen yet, but we’ve got two older favorites, from MDK Field Guides, that we will never, ever, wever get tired of.
What’s your part in this? Suggesting your favorite shawls for sock yarns in the comments, of course!
Indira by Vanessa Smith

Have you noticed the latest trend? It’s called halo. It’s achieved by knitting with two strands: one of a smooth fingering-weight yarn and one of a laceweight mohair blend. The result? Lightweight warmth, depth of color, and that fabulous fuzz of mohair. To make this, we’d pluck two skeins of Lichen and Lace 80/20 Sock and two skeins of Neighborhood Fiber Company Loft off the MDK Shop shelves, and go. We love the drape and understated elegance of this design.
Can you see the halo?
Joy Shawl by Safiyyah Talley

Here is a small, joyful shawl that gives the knitter the choice of two sizes and two stitch textures: stockinette (smaller) and garter stitch (larger). Neither version calls for more than 467 yards of sock yarn.

The garter version is great for variegated sock yarns because the purl bumps interfere just enough to break up pooling or flashing.
Don’t forget the tassels! Tassels are every bit as on-trend as a mohair halo.
Bonus: Safiyyah Talley is donating proceeds from this pattern to a compassionate cause.
Colorwash Scarf by Kirsten Kapur

A collection of MDK Field Guides can come in handy when you’ve got a couple of skeins of sock yarn and need a zippy plan for them. Pair two matching skeins of fabulous sock yarns, or combine two different skeins for a striped version of Kirsten Kapur’s Colorwash Scarf from MDK Field Guide No. 3: Wild Yarns. The openwork mesh ensures that all combos are harmonious. This pattern is a perennial favorite knit and an always-welcome quick gift.
Corrugated Shawl by Cecelia Campochiaro

I know! The original version of Cecelia Campochiaro’s magnificent sequence knitting sampler, the Corrugated Shawl, from MDK Field Guide No. 5: Sequences, is sublime in the smooth, subtle tones of Crave Caravan. But Ann Shayne has taken this addictive pattern to a whole new technicolor place with her new version, in Lichen and Lace 80/20 Sock.

If a co-bloggette can brag on her co-bloggette (I can, and I do), this is just: wow. Look at the way she did stripes to make a mini-fade transition between the sections! I love the Corrugated Wrap plain, and I lurrrrve it all colored up in hand-dyed.
Lay ‘Em On Us
What are your favorite shawl, wrap, or scarf patterns for sock yarns? Share the love in the comments.
Thistle Rambles is one of my favorites.
Helen Stewart’s Dust of Snow shawl will use up all you leftover sock yarns and it’s held with a strand of silk cloud so you get that wonderful halo.
When I decided to use my stash of sock-weight yarn to make a “shawl”, I decided to wing it with a style that looks more like a blanket. I then added more variegated yarns as I acquired interesting colorways. It is a long-term project, since there is a lot of yarn left. But, I do work on it and it’s growing. When I get it to the size I am looking for, I will probably have a lot of leftovers. That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll find something else to do with those. I’m still not knitting socks. Not my thing.
Anything from either of Jen Lucas’ two books Sick Yarn Shawls and Sick Yarn Shawls II
Did your auto-correct feature change Sock Yarn Shawls to Sick Yarn Shawls?
Since a cowl is just a shawl that stays put, I’ll mention Susan Ashcroft’s “That Nice Stitch” cowl pattern, which looks fabulous worked up in Barnyard Knits sock yarn. I used the colorway called A Walk in the Woods – so soothing and leafy!
I have this in my queue— glad to hear it makes an interesting result!
Susan has some excellent patterns.
I love Susan Ashcroft’s patterns. I’m glad you mentioned the cowl.
The Aurora Crescent Shawlette by Brenda Lavell was fun to work and this shawl always gets noticed and commented on when I wear it. It’s a fine size as is, but it’s easy to just keep going if you want it larger.
I have several. The first shawl I ever made was Easy Goes It. An asymmetrical shawl with sections of garter stitch and eyelet. I have made it several times. I even have one with my owned hand dyed yarn. Also I love the Changing Staircases Shawl.
I have a question, what is flashing that you mentioned in the article?
Pooling is when a color clumps together as you knit it, and flashing is pooling when it turns into diagonal stripes of pooling. If you search for planned pooling you can find some amazing images— it can almost look like argyle.
Oh, I think I understand now. Is it like when you’re knitting a hat and the colors spiral around the hat?
Hi! Got any crochet sock yarn shawl patterns to share?
Diana, Ravelry allows you to do a filtered search.
If you use Pattern browser and advanced search, and input shawl/crochet/fingering or light fingering and 300-450 yards, there are 525 patterns!!
Have fun looking.
Thank you! I look forward to the treasure hunt!
Stupid autocorrect, sorry Diaba.
I am really enjoying the shawl on my needles – Steven West’s Sea Swell Shawl. There is a 3 color version and a 5 color version. Choosing the yarn is at least half the fun!
I love anything my Martina Behm, but the Hitchhiker is by far my favorite!
Her “Endless Rainbow”. I’ve just finished my 4th!! One big skein, one little, perfect for color fun and reversing the contrasts, doing the triangles with a slow color change like freia? So stunning.
Mine too, I have made several and never given one away….yet.
Her Fractal Dangers is a perfect travel project
I made the Find Your Fade shawl with an assortment of sock yarn and fingering weight yarns fading into one another. It was a great way to use a lot odds and ends from my stash.
Perfect timing MDK…again! I’ve enjoyed very much knitting my first socks along with your guidance in WANDERLUST-FIELD GUIDE 11–which by the way—has been a great adventure—but am already planning for shawls with sock yarn—as I’ve recently become yarn rich with some gorgeous hand-dyed ones. There are so many lovely patterns to choose from, but as always, your suggestions and the feedback from the knitting community are right on point and keeps me inspired and growing in my own craft. Thanks!
Love this blog. Always something new and inspiring. Go girls!!!!!
Everyone should also read Jillian Moreno’s article in the “How To” about sock yarn vs fingering weight – wonderful learning especially for those of us who like lacy shawls.
Ambah O’Brien has a huge variety of sock wt shawls. I’ve made her Kallara shawl twice and I have a few in my Rav queue…Stephen West also has a ton of fingering shawl options – Exploration Station, Dotted Rays, Purlbreak, Pogona, The Doodler, Marled Magic Shawl, Spring Cleaning Shawl were all fun and very well written patterns. My current favorite to wear is Bendy Arrow by Charlotte Bory! That’s a super easy pattern too.
I love the color wash shawl and have bought yarn for it but I’m wondering if there’s a way to do it rectangularly instead of as a parallelogram. Anyone have any ideas for that?
There are so many, but one that immediately comes to mind is “Tiny Tassels” – a neckerchief that showcases a lovely skein and allows you to make some very clever…wait for it…tiny tassels along the edge. Great for Sock yarn leftovers.
Ok, so we’re talking about plump, well plied, honest to goodness sock yarn? Not just fingering weight? Here’s my fave, . One ball, one shawl.
I love sock yarn shawls! One of my recent favorites was Janine LeCras’ Another Chance to Shine. Pretty portable since it’s easy to memorize, with the added bonus that it’s designed to use up scraps from previous projects.
Just finished Mustang Island by Martha Wissing. Uses 2 contrasting colors if sock yarn (I used 3). Martha is one of the KnitStars 4 teachers coming in fall if this year.
If you have two skeins of sock yarn that is lovely but won’t play well with others, you can make Sunwalker by MelanieBerg. It really makes the yarn the star.
I’m a big fan of all things Kieran Foley. Many of his patterns are perfect for sock yarn. I’ve just finished a Shetland Ruffles scarf, I love the way it has turned out, and I haven’t even blocked it yet!
That is on my soon-to-knit list! Glad to hear someone enjoyed it, it’s a bit intimidating at first read.
This will be my next sock yarn shawl: I’m making it with the leftovers from my Sparkle Cardigan by Joji Locatelli, which is a sweater that really, really lends itself to being knit with sock yarns!
Great beginners shawl.
I don’t know of a sock yarn skein that’s 467 yards==That’s two skeins with a bunch of leftover. I now tag my queued and faved patterns in Ravelry with “variegated” or “solid” (read also, shaded solid) for my many, many single sock yarn skeins. Two favorite patterns—both work for travel knitting, variegated yarns—are 400m sprint and Hedgehog.
Most of the sock yarns I use have at least 400 yards. Barnyard Knits yarn, for example, has 463 yards per hank.
I love so many of Laura Aylor’s shawls. Her Therapy shawl is a wonderful introduction, if you haven’t tried any of hers before, very relaxing and fun to knit.
Helen Stewart of Curious Handmade has so many beautiful shawl designs. Any of Andrea Mowry’s shawls are a good start as well. I have WAY too many shawl patterns!
Jen Lucas , Sock- yarn shawls book. Harvey is my fav. It’s garter stitch and lace.❤️
Just about any shawl by Melanie Berg
Thanks for letting me chime in! I loved the NITPICKS CHROMA SISTER SHAWL. I also loved the SKYDIVE STOLE
Currently working on a Plein Soleil shawl in Malabrigo Sock.
Awesome. Ty
The Silverfall Shawl by Inese Sang is a gorgeous shawl. I was lucky enough to be a test knitter and it turned out absolutely fabulous!!
Another is Tiny Tassels by Karin Fernandes. It is a quick shawl using 1 skein of speckled gorgeousness and the tassels can use up leftover bits from toes and heels.
I love the Holden Shawlette. I made the small size in a knitting shop class. It was the first lace shawl I ever made and I hope to make it again. It has a mistake (a yarnover done incorrectly) near the spine. I didn’t notice it until I was blocking it, so left it there–but I always have to tell everyone about it. The small size required 430-450 yards, but it is not available in larger sizes as well.
Butterfly/Papillon by Marie Melchior. Stunning!—papillon
Starting Point or Fading Point by Joji Locatelli.
I recently made this shawl with two Zauberballs: a gray/white/black for the welts, and orange/purple/pink for the mesh bits. It’s so colorful!
I’m working on my 3rd “Dissent” Shawl by Lisa Mitch of Northbound Knitting, her designs are modern , very easy to make and are amazing in different colour combos.
Lisa Mitch….Sorry, typo
Lisa Mutch
Wingspan, Tri’Coterie Designs It comes out great!
I just finished the new Square Route shawl by Mary Anarella –
It’s all garter stitch, and has a really cool construction – you knit mitred 3 squares, then join then with mitred triangles to get one lovely thing that Looks Complicated and Your Knitting Friends Will Scoff When You Tell Them How Easy It Is.
Bonuses – because most of it is knitting squares, it’s extremely portable! Also, all those mitred squares had me nostalgic for the Team Blankets.
I like Chinook. It has a little lace edging on one side and an I-cord edging on the other, with only two ends to weave in, and can be done with one skein. It also looks good in a tonal or variegated yarn.
Last year, I made Taylor which is a small but pretty shawl. I needed a gift in a short time, Taylor was it. I also am making my 1st Andrea Mowry fade. What took me so long, I know?
I enjoy MDK so much. Soak is the only product I wash hand knits in for years. Stitch house my lys is a great community of knitters!Actually I moved from Boston so my fave city lys. I was discussing your chat about “halo” knitting with an employee. No offense, we knitters in greater Boston have been halo knitting for awhile. I mix yarns frequently for a change in texture, color, halo, etc. Steven B is a marvelous designer to explore more knitting with various skeins. I had the pleasure of hearing him at Greater Boston Knitting Guild few years ago. I guess in the Northeast we have a longer core/winter season to knit and experiment with yarns.
I continue to look forward to MDK posts, funny, informative yarn chats. Thanks
Fabulosity, by Casapinka. I am nearly done with mine, lots of fun to knit, helped with some de-stashing of sock yarn leftovers though I did “need” to buy a new skein for the bottom border.
Reedcutter by Gianna Bertelli Knowles of Knorfolknots. For one beautiful plain-colour skein, when you can’t decide whether garter or stocking-stitch will show it off best. You get both!