Recipe File: Salty, Buttery, Saucy

Lately I have been amusing myself by making little batches of flavored salts and butters and green sauces. This is a harmless and rewarding distraction.
I feel virtuous because these condiments use up all sorts of forgotten fridge items, old greens and herbs, and shriveled citrus.
When I have some or all of these on hand, laziness passes for clever effort.
And it’s fun because I’m not following a recipe, or even concentrating. Concentration and focus are in low supply lately. Can you relate?
No recipes here—just proportions and suggestions.

For flavored salts, I use kosher salt and stir in a mixture of whatever fresh herbs I have on hand in a ratio of one part salt to one part herbs.

Thyme, sage, oregano, and rosemary make sense. Sometimes I also add lemon or lime zest.

Smoked paprika is so good too, maybe a tablespoon for a cup of salt. Smoky and pretty.
You could of course use dried herbs as long as they’re fresh and fragrant.
Then I use the salt to season with abandon whatever I’m cooking: protein, sautéed greens, salads.

A stick of butter, a teaspoon of salt, black pepper, 8 or 9 roasted garlic cloves, (or 1-2 grated raw garlic cloves), some minced parsley, juice of half a lemon—mash that all together with a fork on your cutting board.

Or blue cheese and black pepper; orange zest, orange juice and dill; honey and chili flakes; anchovies!

Wrap well in wax or parchment paper. The butters keep for a week in the fridge and for a couple of months in the freezer.
Put dollops of flavored butter right on flounder or steak, tofu, hot potatoes.
This counts as saucing. The orange and dill butter is mandatory spread on dark rye with gravlax or smoked salmon.

Green sauces are the most fun because No Rules.
Spinach, watercress, parsley, or kale (but remove the stems and blanch it first), blended with salt, pepper, olive oil, and lemon or a splash of vinegar for acid.

Go pesto and add cheese and nuts, go Anchoïade and add anchovies and capers.
Mustard, fresh or dried chilies, olives, ginger, green peppercorns.

This stuff is addictive and so good drizzled on everything and smeared onto sandwiches.
I’ve been eating warm bowls of beans or vegetable soup with green sauce on rotation this winter.
Tonight I’m going to reheat some leftover potatoes in garlic butter, then add cheddar cheese and six beaten eggs to the pan and bake till just set.
I’ll serve a warm wedge of this frittata with steamed broccoli and a couple of slices of prosciutto, all drizzled with plenty of green sauce. Bread on the side, obviously.

Tomorrow I may season a chicken with paprika/herb salt and then roast it gently for dinner. My stash of flavorings will last for weeks!
This is right up my alley! I love experimenting with cooking. I’m going to raid the fridge for veggies for quiche now… I don’t know if I have any greens, though, I might need to get some. But there’s definitely some cilantro, green onions, and Meyer lemons. I think that would make a fantastic salt or butter. I can always visit my garden, too. Even in winter there’s lemon thyme and rosemary.
I love to cook with herbs. Wonderful ideas on how to mix herbs and butter. Yummy And is ready to be used!
Happy knitting and all your endeavors. Thank you.❄️
So good. Definitely depositing sone of these gems in the flavor bank this weekend. Thanks, Sarah!
Oh goodness now I’m hungry!!! Perhaps a savory breakfast this morning? Do I have time and what do I have hiding in the fridge? Great idea!!! Thanks for sharing these yummy ideas!!
So true difficult to concentrate long these days. Cooking, baking, knitting and a lot of music and walking to replace thinking!!!
Peace everyone…I wish you peace.
During these current uprisings my head and heart hurt.
THIS will bring me joy . . . and everything is at hand! (smiling!)
I’m DROOLING… My creativity is never-ending, but alas doesn’t encompass the kitchen. Gonna copy this into a document and PRINT and put in my binder of best recipes!
Love these ideas! And I have so many appropriate ingredients, who knew. Thanks Sarah
Thanks, Sarah. Your article and pictures make me feel warm inside in this cold wintry season. Soups and meals with herb mixtures are so warming. I have many recipes that are stained with spills.
They are always our go-to recipes.
Every winter I am fortunate to glean a very large meyer lemon tree. Most go to local food charities, but I do bring some home, and use them in many ways. For later use I zest some, combine with an equal quantity by volume of coarse sea salt, and spread it out in a large shallow dish to dry for several days. Lemon salt stores for months. Then the lemons can be juiced and the result frozen in ice cube trays. Two flavor boosts for the lean lemon months.
And thanks for the orange-dill butter tip. I just wish they were in season here at the same time.
Bread on the side, obviously. 😉
Yummy, I do this all the time!!!! Delish
Yum! Thanks for the inspiration! Saving this for when my busy season ends.
Brilliant! These look delicious. I’ll try to get to at least 1