Rhinebeck Blowback

Dear Kay,
Two chance encounters at Rhinebeck have resulted in a significant knitting detour. Up for some rubbernecking? Here we go.
Encounter No. 1: The Crete Cardigan
Flashback to a couple of weeks ago, at the New York Sheep and Wool Festival. I’m over in Barn 394,803, with exactly ten minutes to get back to the Book Barn for a signing, when I see this:

In the Dragonfly Fibers booth, there it is: a cool, simple jacket. Wow, what a gorgeous thing.
I look closer and discover it’s a pattern by Nell Ziroli.
Nell Ziroli? What? We’ve just talked Nell into being a part of MDK. She has been a teacher, designer, and resident of the online knitting world for many years, so we feel really clever to have engaged her wisdom and good humor. She knows 74 different provisional cast ons. OK, I made that up. But she probably knows 72. In the coming days, you’ll find Nell over in The Lounge as moderator of what we hope will be a never-ending conversation about knitting. (Watch for The Lounge to open next week. We’re installing new shag carpet. It’s going to be real nice.)
This Crete pattern soaked directly into my soul. So simple. And the Nell Factor—there are no coincidences, y’all. I took a picture and made a note to track down Dragonfly Yarn when I had more than six minutes to navigate a million booths and an animal parade that included a very cheerful goat with a very cheerful nun.
Encounter No. 2: Yarn with No Name
I blasted my way back to the Book Barn, late to the book signing. I passed the Sweitzer’s Fiber Mill booth, and unfortunately or fortunately, the phrase “Bargain Bin” leapt out at me from a sign taped to a pile of yarn. What’s a knitter to do?

Atop the Bargain Bin, I discovered six skeins of merino/cashmere/flax, marked down and looking like forlorn puppies at the humane shelter.
Whoever heard of a merino/cashmere/flax blend? Crazy. I adopted them all, despite the fact that three were one colorway, the other three slightly different. Didn’t care. Had to have it.
The Best Part
When I got home with this classic batch of Rhinebeck impulse purchase yarn—1,200 yards of yarns that didn’t really match—I had that dark night of the soul, facing into the reality of my impulsive yarn grab.
I kept looking at my photo of that Crete jacket. SIGH.
I read about Crete on Ravelry. Lo and behold, Nell designed this pattern specifically for variegated yarns, when you want the colors to break up in an artful and pleasing way.
She accomplishes this by working with two balls of yarn at once—one at each edge of the jacket, so that you knit two rows of Color A, then two rows of Color B begun at the other edge.
The result is what looks like a knit-purl ribbing pattern, but the fact is, it’s all knit stitches.
Well, that was that. I don’t really think I have enough yarn to make this, but I’ve started on it anyway.

I can’t really overstate the fun of a ramble like this, the chance encounter of pattern and yarn that results in a great bout of knitting on a fall weekend.
Serendipity!! It’s looking great Ann! It was so nice to meet you and Kay at Rhinebeck… have a beautiful Tuesday!
that’s beautiful!!! clearly meant to be!
May the stars align and your splendid game of yarn chicken be won!
what a perfect way to get a project.. those can become the very best ones…jealous and good luck!
I met Nell for the first time at Rhinebeck, she’s amazing! As is the simple jacket.
Swietzers Mill has set up at our small local fiber festival in Northeastern Pa. She is a charming, knowledgeable women who works so hard at the mill along with her husband. Loved seeing their name up on your board as it will bring them to the attention of the “knitting world”.
It’s already glorious to behold… Enjoy your journey. Can’t wait to see it finished.
And did I miss something? What about your big flower coat… Is that waiting until next Rhinebeck?
Obviously, the flower coat comment is for Kay… Unless you, Ann, have adopted it for finishing.
No coincidences! So true!
Ann, such a great story of synchronicity and “meant to be”! I do hope, like the loaves and fishes, that your yarn will be enough to complete this lovely jacket.
I do hope you have enough. It’s looking great!
That is exactly what I would have done. Thought it was just me pitied lonely skeins like they were puppies needing a good home!
Lucky you! On so many levels. A friend and I went yarn crawling last weekend – I have no idea how many yards I came home with – mostly with patterns in mind and/or on hand. Life is GOOD!
Ann! You will look fab in that beautiful color! I also had a stop-in-my-tracks moment at Sweitzer’s…
And thank you, I’m delighted to be part of this amazing community.
And I see grey! We, The Greylings, have been a’feared that recently you have been tempted down the wayward paths of colors. Shudder. Welcome back Ann
Never fear, Elizabeth. A Greyling can take only so much cheerful yarn. I’m heading back to the dim, dark corner we all love . . .
As soon as I saw that cardigan picture in the deluge from snap-and-share folks during Rhinebeck weekend, I thought, “There’s Ann Shayne’s next sweater!” It’s going to look great on you 🙂
I saw it in someone’s photo of Rhineback, too, and looked it up immediately on Ravelry, then favorited it. I’d love to hang out with Ann Shayne in our matching Crete jackets.
Oh, I think I just found a use for the Dragonfly skeins I got in Rhinebeck! Lovelly to finally meet you too ladies, even nicer in person 🙂
Likewise, Maria! This Crete pattern is such fun. And lucky you to get some Dragonfly . . .
Could you have discovered the BOLERO variation of this cute sweater ?
It may be a shrug at the rate I’m going through this yarn! 8 0
I think this pattern would look nice in subtle stripes with another (third) color. If this were my dream, I’d find a solid color gray and start adding some stripes when I got below the sleeve holes.
You’ve sucked me in! I’ve added Crete to my favorites and am mentally perusing my stash to find just the right yarn.
Ann, love the cardigan, love the yarn but can you do a more in depth feature on the two rows in one color and then two rows with the other. I’m having trouble visualizing that. Does the needle placement work? Your edges are so tidy. Very impressive!
Hi Laura, I’m just going to chime in here –
You will need a circular needle for this knitting. The first 2 rows are knitted back and forth, just as usual.
You then slide the work to the other end- where no yarn is, and attach the second ball of yarn and knit 2 more rows.
Your work will now have a ball attached at both edges.
The repeat is : Slide the work to the other end and knit 2 rows.
I am on my way to my LYS with visions of blue and green intermingled and if I find it, I’ll cross-post my swatch on Raverly, my blog, Facebook and Instagram.
Oh my goodness… how clever!
Thanks for the assist, Nell! I am LOVING this way of working with two colors of yarn–it really does open up a world of possibilities for using two close shades, two high-contrast shades, whatever. I love the version that appears on your Ravelry pattern page:
I think this design would look great with a wide border of darker grey on the bottom of the sleeves and body if you run out of the original colour.
Oh, Shelly, we may need to do this! I am not sure a bolero is the shape for me these days . . . thanks for the idea. Stay tuned!
I adore NellKnits and her amazingly clever and beautiful patterns and I am so thrilled that she will be working with MDK – another long time favorite. So much talent and humor in one place…it is serendipitous indeed.
That is the most gorgeous colorway ever. I would have grabbed it all up, too. I imagine the flax will give it nice drape.
I have made Nell’s Crete and love it. Not only does it look good on a hanger, it looks good on a woman’s body. And the Dragonfly yarn is so fun to knit with. Thanks for featuring Nell – let’s see more from her!
Beautiful!! And inspiring…..
Brilliant. You are an inspiration! I love your sense of adventure!
OMG! I was giggling so much and so loud, my husband looked up and said, “it must concern yarn and another’s buying habit that you can relate to ” And of course, out came my belly laugh. Darn but he knows me to well. Thanks for this. I I love ready the Snippets.
Wow! Looks gorgeous and will make such a fun jacket! I love those muted colors and wouldn’t mind wearing your jacket with jeans or dressy slacks. Have fun and hope you have enough yarn!
Love the colors. Can’t wait to see the finish. I love grays and as it happens my hair is now very light gray. So I look great dressed in the color gray. Thanks for the inspiration.
This cardigan is wonderful! Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
More than enough yarn for a Crete dickey.
I have 5 skeins of Neighborhood Fibers worsted, none of which match. I had just about completed a cardigan and discovered how off they were when I put all the pieces together to block them. After 1 gigantic RIP, i reskeined, washed and dried all 5 skeins. And there they sat jeering at me. This pattern is the perfect solution and now you can’t tell how much they don’5 match!! Thank you for helping me to salvage $200 worth of lovely, unmatched yarn! And you are right, it is a fun, intriguing knit.
Wow, what great news, Sandy! Way to rally! I just finished mine and love how dense and squooshy it is. Will be a superwarm sweater this season–and it came together so fast. #teamworsted
We want to see a FO pic. How did it turn out? I love the soft color changes.
Julie in San Diego