Dear Ann,
Last night I went to the rare book room at Strand Bookstore, a New York institution, to celebrate a knitting institution.

A very cute institution. That’s her, gesticulating, way up in front of a full house.

Yes, it was Ms. Clara Parkes, reading from her brand-new book, Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World.
It being February, everybody was dressed to the nines, i.e., wearing up to nine handknits.

(Beautiful woman in stunning Noro Taiyo crochet jacket, please identify yourself.)
It was an evening of warm fuzzies.

Literally: fuzzies, which were warm. Here’s Mama Stopover, Mary Jane Mucklestone, who took the bus all the way from Maine to see her neighbor reading from her book, and two baby Stopovers, fresh off the needles.
(Lovely wearers/makers, please identify yourselves; I’m sorry I didn’t write down everyone’s information.)

Jill Draper had come down from Poughkeepsie, wearing her amazing, wordy Each Stitch pullover.
Needless to say, there was a huge contingent of Knitter’s Review Retreat and Squam Art Workshops alumnae. I had that “when will I be big enough to go to camp?” feeling that I used to get when I was a Blue Bird in the Camp Fire Girls organization.
After a hilarious reading from the book (in which backstage PBS craft show production secrets were laid bare–it’s all smoke and Aqua Net, people), a quiz for Claramels (which quite frankly was rigged), and a robust Q & A, there was a long but jolly line to wait for Clara to sign books. As usual at such events, the bookstore staff had a pleasantly quizzical expression of “what the hell?” on their faces as they ferried more books from the back.
Knitlandia is a delightful book. As a wise observer noted, “This is a book for everyone who loves not just knitting, but the worldwide knitting community.”
OK. That was me, on the back cover. But gosh darnit, I’m right.
Hi Kay,
Stopover wearer with redhead hair is Julibeth Corwin. I have a closing eyes syndrome when photographed! Enjoyed the signing and meeting you last night. Thanks!
I’m going to take a class with Clara Parkes! Next week! And get a copy of the book!
(Oh no, I’m too old to get all excited like this.)
But, Knitting Retreat!
Also, that’s a great looking Stopover, Julibeth, and I like your name.
Why, on the right that’s a Stopover I’d recognize anywhere–Elizabeth used hand-dyed yarns dyed with materials foraged from Central Park. So gorgeous.
Third photo from the top … isn’t it Beverly from Trillium Yarns in Morristown, NJ … so glad you got to see such a lovely bunch at an inspiring event … and imagine how many less #stopovers there would have been had you not rallied the troops!!! Bravo and a round of applause to all!!!
oh, pooh I missed it. And I was working in the Cuty yesterday on 16th Street!
City. working in the City.
I should never type without a keyboard Never
( or hit reply before proofreading)
I was thinking Cuty was some kind of yarn shop!
Thanks to Clara for a wonderful reading and a terrific book. And it was so cool to hear my Knitter’s Retreat roommate get a shout out from Clara as the first female air traffic controller at O’Hare, and a knitter. I shared that with her right after I left. She was tickled.
Kay, it was very nice meeting you last night and if I ever find or hear of a Queens yarn store with great yarns I will let you know (or maybe someone could chime in here).
Tell me more about Jill Draper’s sweater! I tried to find another photo of it…
Jill’s sweater in depth … right here …—elizabeths-percentage-system-sweater-2
thanks – favorited!
Also – I was a bluebird too! But I was terrible at selling Campfire Girl peanuts and I never got to go to camp…until I got to go to 4H camp, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.
Peanuts? We Blue Birds and CFGs in Portland, OR sold Van Duyn Mint patties, light and dark chocolate.
We knitters are such loyal groupies; book shop owners would do well to note that!
I love it when knitters get together. Much admiring of sweaters and socks.
Former Bluebird and Camp Fire Girl here, too. I was very annoyed at Scout Recognition Day at church a couple weeks ago. Everyone got a shout out except for Camp Fire. The minister was kind of clueless.
Hope to stand in the congo line at Powell’s in Portlandia to meet Ms. Parkes. I have a blocked Stopover itching (literally) to be worn!
Beautiful woman is Beverly Mazzarella, owner of Trillium Yarns in Morristown.
I’m blushing. Thank you – that is me in Jenny King’s Crochet Jacket from Noro Magazine, Issue 7.
Amazing, Beverly! You wear it well!
Oh, I’m so bummed I didn’t know about it!! Next time in addition to book blurb, can u let us know when one of the Knitterai is on our small island? Thanks!
Love that Each Stitch sweater! What an amazing idea.
I wish Clara would come to Fort Worth…I wish you and Ann would come to Fort Worth, for that matter!
I’ve never been to Fort Worth or (do not tell anybody this) the entire state of Texas, ever, at all. Isn’t that appalling? Must rectify!
I am over 40 and, aside from a couple airline layovers at DFW–which don’t count as “visiting”–never have been to Texas either. Sad, considering it’s the largest state in the lower 48.
Looks like a party! Clara is coming to Powell’s in Portland this Saturday, and I aim to be there!