Dear Ann:
Double-dog dare ya to search for the word “turkey” on Ravelry. It’s especially rewarding if you do not limit your search to knitting. Go ahead and include crochet. You will find a cornucopia of examples of the creative winds beneath our wings as needlecrafters.
This one blew me away. Wish I had a baby handy.

The Little Turkey Baby Hat, by prolific designer (and my fellow New Yorker) Irina Poludnenko.

It restores one’s faith in knitted representation of turkeys.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today.
OMG, that is worth having another baby for!
Well, that made my eyebrows raise :-).
It is a cute hat though. I really admire people who are creative.
I need to see that on an actual baby human.
Happy Thanksgiving to y’all. I hope you have time for sitting and knitting sometime today!
I LOVE knitted novelty hats, and have knit a possibly-embarrassing number of them for myself, being as I also have no babies to hand. It’s very clever…I believe I see slip-stitch, stripe, i-cord, garter and stockinette stitch…simple knitting and a fabulous result!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thank you for bringing back the blog!
Oh, my! This is worth at least 10 cute Thanksgiving cat pictures. I give thanks for the curious minds that run MDK, and think to look up ‘turkey’ in both knit and crochet on Ravelry. May your day be filled with only the best turkey and trimmings.
In addition to family, friends, and reasonably good health, I am also thankful that you have brought the blog back to life. It is a joy to read. Always something to make me think, laugh, or both.
That hat is pure awesomeness – thank you!
Love, love, love the hat. I need to knit one or two up for gifting next Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to the both of you and your families!
The hat is too cute to wear. Would make a fabulous centerpiece though. So thankful you ladies are blogging again. Hope everyone had a thankful day.
FYI Little Turkey Baby Hat is not a free pattern on Ravelry. It is selling for $6.00.
Leave it to you Kay to find the most sophisticated and wearable turkey pattern currently being offered over at Ravelry!
I reckon with a bit of tweaking, there’s a tea cost in that turkey…
Of course I meant tea COSY .
I had the same thought!
I thought it could be adapted into a tea cozy too! That would be fun.
I will find a baby to wear that!
Omg. Incredibly cute. Might work on some tablescaping…