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It is our tradition here in January to contemplate and choose a Word of the Year.

Typically this is something elevated, aspirational, perhaps slightly out of our current reach. A word that inspires us to go further, do more. Its a very noble impulse! If the impulse is upon you, please do seize it.

(You can find past years’ inspiration here and here and here.)

While were in here, I wanted to say a quick word about language altogether. Something I probably dont say enough, which is that self-care is a really personal topic, and a visceral one.

Sometimes the things I write will resonate, and sometimes … the opposite. So I wanted to just make it explicit, and say if ever you read anything in this column that really chaps your behind? Just substitute your own words.

Example: in considering my own WOTY this January, I noticed that the word resilience” came up a lot. And that word was triggering the living daylights out of me.

For many folks, resilience is a noble, dignified word. For me, though, its kind of … annoying. The image that comes is something like get knocked down seven times, bounce right back up eight.” Like Bruce Lee or something, only with the addition of a perky smile. Ugh, so wearisome!

Theres something to it though, the way resilience is on our minds. Im going to guess we all took some beatings in 2024. But it seems to me that whats even better than bouncing back is being harder to knock down in the first place.

Thus I arrived at my own word this year: toughness.

Never going to be a popular word, probably! Too many negative connotations for folks. Its like the opposite of Brené Browns virtue of vulnerability. Not very aspirational.

But thats the beauty of choosing your own meaningful guiding word, rather than whatever virtuous suggestion (#selfimprovement) is trending on social media.

When you hear it, it kind of detonates (wow theres a word! substitute at will!) in your gut and you know its right because it sounds your gong, its unforgettable and you want to keep it right out in front of you to light your way.

But you know me, I can never have just one Word of the Year haha. My other reminder is The Basics.” And we should talk about that next time.

This month though, please tell us all your WOTY, and how you arrived at it and how its going to light your way in 2025.

And Happy New Year! I am wishing you all peace, love, health, and prosperity!

Image credit: Celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg, artist unknown, 1556. Public Domain Review, used with permission.

About The Author

Max Daniels is a research-based life coach whose weekly emails make us laugh with recognition and rethink everything we thought we knew. Her new book is Meals at Mealtimes. What a concept!

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  • My WOTY is “forward”

  • I agree with you on ‘resilience’. I’ve been called that, to salve the consciences of others more than anything else, I think. I may be standing but I’m bruised! My WOTY is authenticity.

  • Stretch!

  • I posted this a short ways back when KAy & Ann & MDK Crew were bouncing around 4 letter words for embellishing sweaters…
    I was inspired by a decidedly longer word “Courage” that has a 4-letter word within it. At the time I feared a bit that it was too strong, too contrarian, too combative. I posted it anyways because I also knew that the time would come when it was NOT too strong, contrarian or combative. The time would come when it was NEEDED & sorely.
    Now, after a day of listening to a decidedly UNqualified candidate lie and dodge and obfuscate his way with strong-arming backers to a likely lead of our ENTIRE military (notice that **I** can and do spell it correctly??) despite all the many red flags pointing to his unworthiness, I am fully into MY WOTY.
    Now, after watching the controlling party in congress maneuver to enact sweeping changes in a manner that WILL be denounced by the House Parliamentarian, changes that are NOT supported by a majority of the voting public and indeed are deeply opposed, but will nonetheless be enacted at least in part, I am FULLY into MY WOTY.
    Now, after the release of 1/2 of a report on an extensive investigation into a wide ranging conspiracy to undo the will of the American people and to undo the very foundational bedrock principle of peaceful transfer of power and the undoing of our very very foundational principle that NO PERSON is above the law, Iam FULLY INTO MY WOTY.

    It is at the root of so many valuable words that we all can grasp in this time of deep need:

    Yep, my word is RAGE and I plan to march for MLK Jr’s memory on Jan 20.
    I plan to have my own kazoo out and buzzing the Imperial March (Vader’s Theme) from Star Wars even if I cannot be there to do it along the inaugural parade route.
    I WILL be wearing my pussy hat on Jan 20th wherever I may be I will do it all with

    I will NOT stand idly by and watch all of the norms and standards of my beloved country be destroyed without a fight.

    • Thanks Diane. I’d already gotten my pussy hat out. Now I better go find a kazoo!

    • I so agree!! Well written!

    • Thanks J Diane, I appreciate your perspective and feel inspired by your WOTY.

  • New Year’s resolutions are not my thing. Instead I choose a Word of the Year and focus on it throughout the seasons like a touchstone.

    My 2025 Word of the Year is…


    D•A•R•E to rise with purposeful heart
    humming drumbeat, springboard start.
    D•A•R•E to be wild and unruly,
    statuesque, bold, and truly
    D•A•R•E to speak truth in these spaces,
    pouring light on dark places.
    D•A•R•E fiercely and never waver,
    standing taller and braver.
    D•A•R•E to boost creative foray,
    let loose the genie to play.
    D•A•R•E to tender the trembling soul,
    slake with kindness, make it whole.

    • Love your word and I feel it calling me. Thanks for sharing!

  • I think I might reclaim, for 2025, the word DOUBT.

    As a small business owner in the era of the personal brand, there is a corrosive and insidious pressure to be certain and clear and to know what you’re doing At All Times. To look ON TOP OF ALL THE THINGS, to have a five year plan, sales targets etc.

    I have found it exhausting to try and live up to this. Last year I lost the ability to do the stranded colourwork on which my self-published books and flagship course depend. I also learned I’m autistic and ADHD. This knowledge is amazing but now I have so many questions! It’s clear that aspects of my work need to change, but into what, I do not know.

    I have no certainty about what comes next, and feel called to lean kindly into a space of doubtfulness – uncertainty, lack of sureness, not knowing. I hope that moving towards a more curious place with no goals – allowing myself to feel doubt and uncertainty – will open up a new path.

    • Felix… Felicity… I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost touch (temporarily) with your beloved colourwork. I’m sorry to hear you are living in doubt.


      I’m glad to hear you’ve got a diagnosis with which to frame and understand and from which to build and grow!
      I hope this reframing and rebuilding brings you back to colourwork, *IF* it’s where your heart wants to go. I hope your reframing and rebuilding leads you to greater things that also bring you back to…
      Felicity (happiness)… as is the root of your name!

      Be well Felix and use your doubt to seek new answers and rebuild new paths forward! Journalling (as I’m SURE you know) is FABulous at helping sort out the tangled threads to find the keys!

      <3 <3 <3

  • My WOTY is “Joy”. On my birthday this year, which is January 2nd, I saw the word “Joy” about five times, everywhere I looked so it seemed. So I would say that word chose me! This was a very high number birthday and I mean to make the most of each and every year. I intend to focus on all the positive things in my life (like beautiful yarn, great friendships, wonderful music and good health) that bring me joy. I wish the same for each of you in this warm community of knitters!

  • This is just what I needed

  • I’m so annoyed with “gratitude” I had to write it down.

    My word is Fierce. I face challenges that are large and need iron rod backbone to stay steady on the path. I’m fierce. Thank you.

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