First Person
Self-care Express: Knitting!

It’s not news that knitting calms worry, and nobody starting the day with Modern Daily Knitting needs to be told that the act of knitting is a comfort and a joy. Whether it’s gotten you through tough times, or is a daily anchor, knitting is supposed to be fun (MDK Rule No. 1).
But it’s also functional, and there’s science around this. Knitting is not just sticks and string—it’s rhythm, too. More than that, knitting is a two-fisted exercise, officially making it bilateral stimulation (or BLS in the scientific literature). It’s thought that alternating rhythmic movements stimulate recall of pleasant memories. It’s also been shown that BLS lessens activity in the pre-frontal cortex (aka the thinky brain), inducing “pleasant relaxation.”
My hypnosis teacher Melissa Tiers explains it this way: Worry is a process that happens in a specific place in the brain. You don’t have to know where that place is precisely, and you don’t have to go to that place. All you have to do is take the action to another place. BLS supplies the diversion you need.
So if you need more reasons to feel good about your knitting (or, hey, even secretly superior), you can feel good about this. When you’re knitting, you’re doing something objectively healthy for the organism. And not in a life-hacking bro-ductivity kind of way, like, how many biofunction metrics can I jack at the same time? Maybe I can add a HIIT treadmill routine while watching Succession to everything else I’m doing right now? (Aside: I barely know what any of that means except “Succession,” the watching of which I can tell you doesn’t do much to induce pleasant relaxation. Schadenfreude, yes—though I’m not sure that’s a net positive.)
No, what you’re doing, as anyone with an “I knit so I don’t kill people” t-shirt knows, is entraining the people around you with your good vibes. Neurologists call it co-regulation, and you need a nearby healthy nervous system to do it with. (There’s science on that too which we may get into at a later date.)
There are other ways to practice bilateral stimulation, like EFT, also called tapping; Yoga Nidra (the sleep yoga), that butterfly move where you cross your arms and pat each shoulder back and forth. These and more are lovely and effective, but knitting is an ancient human wisdom tradition way. It’s already with us. It’s already bilateral already!
How about your experience? Do you find that knitting is simply a matter of doing what feels good? Do you consciously use knitting to manage anxiety? Has your knitting ever gently calmed the folks around you? Let us know in the comments!
Oh Max, yes definitely! Not only to get some mental peace on the weekend after a week at work, but also at night when I awaken at 3am with worries I calm myself with thinking through patterns. It’s the mediative state I’m in when knitting or thinking about knitting the gives me peace.
I just came across this site (and I’m already in love!) so I don’t know if you’ve talked about this in a different post. But I when I was in CNA training I was told that patients with dementia who knit (or do something of that nature with their hands) have much slower declines and cope with the disease much better than people who don’t. Especially if they knew how to do it before they got dementia and can rely on muscle memory. I don’t think anyone could convince me that knitting isn’t good for your mind!
Yes! I often sooth myself to sleep by imagining what project I will knit next, what yarn I have in my stash, and so on. It’s so calming!
This is so, so true! I have a history with anxiety, so for me:
knitting or spinning = instant calm
and because it can be hard for me to meet new people, knitting is a big help if I find myself in a new situation and don’t know anyone. I just look for the knitters.
This is 100% pure genius. I really wish your comment had been here last night for me, haha! Thank you Didi 🙂
Yes, on the sleep! When my mind races and I can’t get to sleep I work through the steps of a project, whether knitting, sewing, or other crafty endeavors. Thinking through a construction problem lulls me to sleep!
Same here! Or, visualizing painting. These acts are in a category that leads to calm and sleep.
Knitting is medication for my anxiety and my go to for relaxation!
A day without knitting is a day without sunshine. It’s my happy place.
On the subway, even teen boys stop using tech and askwhat I’m doing. Is it hard?
Totally nailed it, but scientifically gave the explanations! I’ve knit for a long time and knitting is my go-to for calming!!
I never thought about the calming power of mental knitting! This is great for when you don’t want to turn the light on.
Knitting helps me smile, helps me sleep, and warms all who receive knitted goodies! Especially socks! Extra good vibes!
Very intriguing. . .Knitting definitely calms me. . . I’ll pay more attention to others next time in knitting with others around me to try to gauge their feelings.
Knitting is indeed a great stress buster (until you find a dropped stitch), but knitting + audio book? Whole new planet!
Absolutely! My recent favorite duo!
Oh yes! Knitting + audio book is my zone
Absolutely! But I can only listen when the pattern I’m knitting is less demanding of my entire focus.
Couldn’t agree more!!
Most definitely yes and my husband says he knows when I am stressed as I knit faster then.
This is right on! I have a new blank t-shirt I’ll be embroidering, ‘I knit so I don’t unravel’. It’s also the creativity, modifying patterns, choosing colors, etc. that awakens a feeling of joy and accomplishment. It soothes me.
“I knit so I don’t unravel.” That’s why I took up knitting in the first place in 2018: national politics were driving me crazy. I needed a distraction. I discovered a delight I never expected. I have minimal dexterity, short fingers, very stiff & aging hands. None of that matters. The best thing of all, actually, is the community of knitters. What a sane & gracious group! Maybe this blog post explains why??
I love that! Would be a very marketable phrase for t-shirts, cups etc.!
I second that! I may start using this phrase too, thanks for (un)inventing it!
I’ll add my appreciation for that phrase! My students have told me they know they’ve tested my patience when I reach for my knitting…
Wonderful article to think about! I started knitting many years ago to get through torturous bus rides home from college. Eventually, knitting became a community for me; a way for an introvert to communicate with others. Today , knitting is my touchstone. Knitting does calm me and stop the circular thought crazy, but its also a constant That I go to daily to find joy and is mine, all mine.
Calming, yes, but also invigorating. I guard against picking up my knitting too near bedtime or I’m up hours later than planned!
I knit nearly everyday and always take it on car trips. It has been a great anxiety reducer when I have spent hours in the ER waiting for results on my MIL.
Knitting is what I take when I visit family/friends in hospital. Often, people find it easier to chat when occupied and I find creates an atmosphere where quiet is also invited.
Huge part of my anxiety management. I don’t feel settled in myself if I haven’t done any knitting or spinning for a couple of days. Also stops me doom scrolling between news sites on my phone in the evening. And I consciously use knitting to deal with social anxiety in new situations.
Doom scrolling! Great term and got me laughing.
But a terrible thing to do as I know all too well!
Recently, I knit on stage during taping of a podcast before a live audience. One of my cohosts commented repeatedly that she found watching it to be hypnotic, which I took as a good sign in a potentially stressful situation.
Another Joyce Vance fan here: it means everything-and-a-half to me to see such a brilliant woman so unabashedly doing classically feminine things as knitting, gardening, and tending chickens. In my day in Ann Arbor, even letting on that you knew how to cook was taken as a betrayal of feminism and of other women trying to fight our way into the professions. Wow. Justice-and-democracy and sanity too! Way to go.
JOYCE WHITE VANCE FAN FREAKOUT HERE. In the long list of things I admire about you, I am so grateful for the matter-of-fact way you model public knitting as a thing that a smart, serious person can and does do. Thank you, and love to the chickens!
Ditto on all the Joyce fan freak outs! And on what you all have been saying about knitting. For me it’s also about the texture, too, the handling of the yarn, the feel of it, which is very soothing and sensuous.
Ditto on the fan freak out!
Triple that. Took me half a second to put Joyce and podcast together and totally lose it.
Googling Joyce White Vance. Turns out there are even more knitting lawyers who are the bomb.
Thanks for this, Max! My therapist taught me BLS a number of years ago as a way to cope with anxiety disorder, and the “butterfly hug” was how she introduced the idea. I realized that when I started feeling anxious I gravitated toward my loom or my spinning wheel, both of which have a rhythm; that back and forth motion which, for me, is soothing…calming. I’ve never considered that the rhythm of knitting offers that same calming rhythm, duh!
Right on. Knitting is my meditation.
It helps with regulating breathing if you have a cold or chest infection. Two stitches breathe in, two stitches breathe out.
I have knit in hospital waiting rooms and been told by others there how it helped them relax. So it’s a win-win.
As an aside, I got a chuckle from the EFT website calling itself “a modern breakthrough”. The TCM practice of qi gong has been using tapping as physical and mental therapy for thousands of years….
This is why I must knit every night before bed.
I learned to knit as a child from my maternal grandmother, who was the epitome of calm. Returned to knitting when I was going through a separation/eventual divorce. Reading this, I reflected back that my knitting project (tunic-length sweater from Vogue Knitting in single-ply wool and metallic mohair held together) was a challenge to myself to prove that I could indeed succeed at a challenging task, but also a “You can’t stop me from doing what I want to do!” activity.
Knitting has thrilled me and supported me in so many ways since that sweater project 40 years ago!
While knitting I am taken to the parallel universe where there is calm and and personal satisfaction in each stitch.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Had a very frustrating incident at work the other day…shut off the computer grabbed my bag and went out on the porch. Fresh air and knitting. Nothing more calming!
I find knitting a soothing distraction sometimes; other times, it can cause anxiety and dread.
Knitting is definitely my meditation! It helps me remain calm and even helps me focus better!
I have almost fallen asleep while knitting! I get into a rhythm and sometimes my eyes get heavy! Obviously I am relaxed! Keep knitting everyone!
I thought this only happened to me.
My Husband has commented often that when I’m knitting it calms him and adds that he knows I’m doing something I love which helps him to relax. I have to say that as I get older knitting has become my zen place. There is nothing better than seeing an interesting pattern come together with a yarn that you find you love more than when you first picked it out!
Why in the world have I not been been knitting during meetings especially since now working from home? That is going to change.
Mental knitting and yoga breathing works every time. Knitting while listening to an audio book has increased the number of books I read. What a wonderful article to begin the Memorial Day weekend.
Knitting has helped me get through so many stressful situations. I was a loving caregiver to my husband for many years. I found such kind encouragement from strangers while i was knitting in health care institutions. I continue to be entertained by strangers who relate memories of their family who crafted.
Often, after expressing my own state of fret, anxiousness, worry, or sadness, my husband will advise me “sit down and knit yourself back together”. He has witnessed the calming benefits of knitting many times, while I gain the clarity to solve/ understand whatever is troubling me by simply putting the brakes on and sinking into the rhythm of sticks and string.
I love this Tammy. “Knit yourself back together “. That’s EXACTLY what my knitting practice accomplishes in me. I can’t imagine a day without knitting.
I’m an introvert and knitting in public, especially in large and noisy groups helps me to not want to run back home. Mostly.
If I watch a video of knitting, it relaxes me, even if someone else is holding the needles.
I suffer from restless leg syndrome, which used to keep me awake at night and torture me in certain settings. 30 years ago I discovered by accident that knitting counters this misery, letting me again sit through live theater and movies and get to sleep without agony. (As well as producing useful and beautiful things.)
That’s amazing! What can’t knitting do?
Indeed, I do feel as if I always need to have knitting in my hands when I am not doing something else, but I do have to admit, I now have a predilection for buying too much yarn.
I often find myself grabbing my travel sock and knitting when nearing burnout at work, but it’s also amazing to see how it calms others as well! I’ve had nervous travellers ask if I’d mind if they watch me knit, as the rythme reminds them of their wife/mom/grandmother and at school, as a teacher, I’ve had kids come sit as close as they can to my hands and just watch until they too are calm. This years elementary knitting club has gotten 2-4 more children on the knitting train and they are watching in amazement as their dishcloths grow!
I Find that I, and my extended family members, also find comfort in the connections (pun intended) to the family members from our past. We, myself and many of my generation, learned knitting, crocheting, tatting and sewing from our Gram who taught our Mom. Knitting was a quiet gathering activity that included group conversations and so so so much laughter in multi-generational groups. As members of my generation have added spouses, they too have joined the circles, sometimes by joining in learning to knit, sometimes by just sitting by and listening in. We may have had a rough day and come to a knitting circle of family carrying the weight of anger, but that load is lifted byt the rhythm and community of gathering. Whether each of us knits or not, knitting is an inclusive family activity that shares history whther through the yarns we knit or through the yarns we spin. That activity is carried along in the garments and articles that are created upn those needles. Hand knit gifts are ubiquitous in my family. <3 you Gram!
Pre retirement, I always knitted in meetings to focus. A man approached me at end of one meeting, saying ‘I have to tell you, watching you knit is so calming’ He understood!
Knitting has got me through so many stressful & anxious producing times— from knitting like crazy as the jet takes off to knitting while a friend describes her trauma to me via the cell phone. But for years (I lived & was a partner for 15 years with a folk musician) I would take my knitting to concerts and music jams and knit while the music happened. I like to think I was knitting the music into whatever I was making & this surely enhanced both the knitting & music listening experience. I have always been someone who could listen better if my hands are busy—doodling or knitting both work for this… calming my mind so I really listen. I take my knitting to any meetings (either in person or via zoom) I attend, knit in airports, on planes & trains, at home watching a movie or tv program (on my IPad— I have never owned a tv) or listening to a book and sometimes with friends while visiting. During the pandemic I knit & crocheted profusely— of course to calm all those fears from the crazy unknowns— and for pleasure & relaxation. Yes, knitting relaxes me but it also helps with my concentration. The process is usually way more important than the end product for me— I mostly give away whatever I knit….
Anxiety management. If I’m not knitting in the evenings, I start picking at my fingers.
I teach knitting and I try to make the experience as calm and encouraging as possible. I try to emphasize that the process can be more important than the product. Good yarn, good needles and a pattern that you enjoy are all that is required.
I haven’t wanted to knit in public but may change that now w/all the positive comments about doing it. I’ve been knitting for 40+ yrs & can get anxious learning new & challenging things like brioche or lace. New knitters get anxious about making mistakes or dropping stitches (I probably did too) but once hooked on that rhythm they persevere. It’s the best addiction I know of!
I used to knit in AA rooms during early recovery to calm my nerves and then at one of the monthly “business” meetings, someone else brought up that it made her – also a knitter – too nervous to watch me because I made so many mistakes. So there was a big back and forth and debate and finally a vote and they banned knitting at that meeting.
If your mistakes made someone else nervous, I would say that was her problem and not yours! Too bad that resulted in knitting being banned at meetings.
DGMDK that’s so disappointing that they couldn’t be more supportive. Isn’t that what AA is about? Surely the person could have reduced their nervousness by helping you reduce your mistakes. I hope you’ve found a better place where you can knit in peace.
Eh, I wasn’t really interested in turning it into a whole big thing about knitting. That’s not what those rooms are for, really, and any further conversation about it would have been bad for the group. It threw me for a bit, but not being able to knit in that particular room wasn’t even in the top 100 of issues that needed dealing with in there.
Knitting and watching baseball, hockey or curling on TV is my happy place. Go Blue Jays!
“Okay Blue Jays. Let’s play ball.”
I can knit to sports, but not an engrossing movie or home decor show. I don’t know that it calms me, yet, but knitting gives me joy.
I knit during layovers at the airport. I find an isolated gate, face the window and start knitting. In half an hour, I look around and find several people sitting nearby (but they are not together). Somehow, knitting does send out calming vibes and people are attracted to that.
For me a more difficult knitting project allows me to go to another space in my head. I can get totally consumed by the rhythm and evolution of the motifs and parts. A simpler pattern brings a less intense distraction so I can watch something on TV or listen to a podcast.
Not sure if any of my knitting calms anyone around me. My spouse was kind of blown away, though, by the evolution of a complex color and shaping project. There was a youtube tutorial on one of the steps and he was in awe of how each step evolved.
My knitting calms my husband while he drives because I don’t “help him drive” if I’m knitting.
Lol so true! Don’t knit on the road to Stinson Beach, tho–I did this in lieu of “helping drive” and we had to pull over so I could put my head between my knees on the side of the road. Augh!
Oh Max, amen – that road is a little terrifying.
And noting that knitting was my constant companion during diagnosis and treatment of chronic illness. And also meetings, ball games, car rides, airplane journeys. What a steadfast companion.
The trick to preventing this is to look up and at something in the distance for 5 minutes to calm your inner ear. I find the intervals are road specific, just look up and out every time you begin to feel off.
Great article – thank you, Max! I find that doing or thinking about any of my favorite crafts relaxes me…knitting, crochet, weaving, etc. Easy projects in the round are at the top of my calming list, so I try to always have one nearby to work on, like hats, baskets, or bags, whether I’m at home or going somewhere.
What a wonderful community exists with knitters/crafters! I can relate to almost every comment in one way or another! Thank you for my morning inclusion therapy!
I love knitting. All aspects of knitting that takes your mind into another place and forgets the demands, the irritations, and the negativity of everything in the outside world!
Knitting and baking are self soothing for me. So is reading. I find that after a session of any I am calmer, have more energy and better able to deal with all types of stuff. However, family caution that too much of a good thing might be an indicator that additional help might be needed.
Currently working on processing grief from an unexpected family death and very visible demonstrations of aging in friends and family.
I do some knitting every day and it does help relax, etc. Not to mention the satisfaction of productivity. But for me (maybe because I’ve been knitting for so long and it’s more or less automatic) it’s stitching that provides the best BLS. Embroidery, needlepoint, etc. What ever it is, stitching takes a different part of the brain and requires more focus – for me anyway.
Knitting, reading, and playing the piano are my “must do” activities. I try not to let a day go by without doing at least 2 of the three.
Thanks for this Max Daniels! I learned to knit as a third grader from a Norwegian woman (yup, Continental!) after not progressing in a swimming class. After getting over my fear of deep water and learning to purl, I chugged along intermittently. I didn’t knit consciously until the week after 9/11 when I started three different project. Knitting is part of what makes my life feel healthy and balanced, along with exercise, cooking, and laughing. Thanks for this great article.
Thank you for this, Max. I’ve been using knitting as my daily meditation since I (re)learned how to knit six years ago. I knit all the time and the kids at my school are calmer and more settled when I knit as they work. I had no idea there was science behind what I was doing!
I used to teach a wonderful group of homeschoolers (and some parents) crochet. After the second year, I didn’t feel like I was very useful as most had picked up the skill. When I voiced my concerns, they told me I gave a sense of calm to the group. My participation ended with the pandemic. I still have wonderful memories of that group!
I recently was diagnosed with an oral cancer. I had surgery, radiation treatment and just had my 1st clean (thank you Lord) PET scan 7 months out from surgery. During the radiation treatment which was 5 days a week for 30 treatments, I was lucky enough to need several baby blankets for our 2023 expanded family. While knitting the blankets, I was intentionally thinking of each new baby, wishing them good health, joy, peace and lots of great naps. I can say that the rhythm and the intentions kept me out of the worry zone and much more positive. It was a blessing.
Wow, Maria. So glad for you. Thank you for this.
Such a lot to go through. I am glad you had knitting baby blankets and looking forward to the babies to accompany you on a tough road. Wishing you well….
It’s really hard to knit a gift for someone without thinking about that person–a lot. Whenever someone I love is going through a hard time, I knit something for them. This is how I pray and quiet my own worries at the same time.
I had labels made for my knitted gifts: “With every stitch a wish for you from Mimi”
<3 thank you
Oh yes. Knitting is definitely relaxing and stress relieving for me (and it lowers blood glucose, as I’ve found from my continuous glucose monitor readings!). I especially love the Sophie Scarf and Shawl for relaxing knitting!
I started knitting again seriously when my mother died. It has given me comfort and connection with her and my Oma ( grandmother ) ever since.
Love the peace I get from knitting.
A few years ago I was knitting on a flight and another passenger told me she was “mesmerized” by watching me knit.
Excellent observations on what I knew empirically about myself. Nice to see it backed up with something. Knitting, crocheting, and now yarn spinning help me to lessen anxiety and stress. I call it “going analog” sometimes.
Knitting is my security blanket.
I remind everyone that my knitting comes with me, because if I can’t knit, THEN I CAN’T KNIT! Lol
I love knitting for all the obvious reasons and in addition it has helped me with tremendous anxiety issues. I mostly knit simple basic socks (they are so portable). I knit everywhere -pubs, restaurants, hospitals, MD offices & chemo centers. People around me have thanked me because the distraction and rhythm have helped calm them. Knitting really is life saving!
Knitting has a calming effect on me since I started knitting Barbie doll clothes in 4th grade! I work as a counselor with cancer patients. We encourage doing an artistic activity with your hands. While your hands are busy you are not thinking as much about your problems. Having a creative outlet is an excellent way to bring joy into your life.
Wonderful article! I have used tapping for many years and it always works to change those negative spiraling thoughts or to bring calm and confidence when anxious.
Knitting is a space of creativity for me, bringing color and pattern and shape together in your imagination and then watching it come to life.
Yes! I’m a therapist and am always trying to get my clients to try needlework, knitting, crochet, etc for this reason. I teach all my kids finger knitting as well.
I was pregnant a few years ago and couldn’t reach for my other anxiety tamer, which is running. Knitting helped me so much during those months not just for the meditative BLS, but because it gave me such a sense of self-efficacy. I couldn’t control so much of what was happening (surprise pregnancy! pandemic! grad school!) but gosh darn it I could plan and execute these sweaters. I think I made at least five before I had the baby, the last being a tiny baptismal cardigan that I made the week before he was born. Thanks to knitting, I have lovely memories of that time now, even though they were some of the most challenging months I had experienced in recent years.
And we’re doing something constructive while getting all the good feel benefits!
Hmm, I must be very needy in the bilateral stimulation area because between playing piano and knitting I can easily consume five or more hours a day. I find the rhythm of knitting very appealing, my hands just seem to crave these kinds of activities.
All this rings so true, and it’s nice to know the act of knitting is actually physically helping my mind and body along with providing hours of comfort and activity. I taught my grandkids how to knit, and shortly after learning my grandson announced he loved the rhythm of the needles and the motions and found it was so relaxing. This observation from a very athletic teenage boy, and I beamed with pride he had gotten to the heart of the craft so quickly.
I have always turned to knitting when stressed or anxious. When my son, Michael, was 17 months old, he had to have open heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect (the surgery was a success!). I was one worried momma, so to calm my mind and take it to a pleasant, distracting place while in the waiting room, I knit lace. I knew the lace pattern would force me to focus on the stitch construction and placement providing the utmost distraction. This strategy worked as I had hoped and the lace was not jacked up. My mother, on the other hand, wanted “mindless knitting” so her gauge wouldn’t be important as she knew her tension would be off. I thought it was interesting how we both chose knitting as our way to cope and self-sooth, yet choosing different levels of skill execution. My mom didn’t understand why I chose to work on lace because she said she would not have been able to concentrate on it, and I told her that is exactly why I chose it. I wanted to have the lace pattern to hyper focus on and not the fact that my baby was having heart surgery.
Yes yes yes, soothing movement and beautiful colors work for me. The first thing I did during covid was to finish all my WIPs. Instinctively I knew it would calm me, and the completions added to my satisfaction. Pretty much since then, I knit every day, sometimes for hours. I’ve become a knitting addict, it’s fair to say! Funny/not funny. Sore hands at times are making me step back from the edge, so I can add more walking and socializing to my often solitary routine. I’m also a climate change educator so it seems background anxiety is here to stay. I’m happy I have knitting and knitting podcasts and friends as anytime go-tos. It’s all good!
So nice to see Joyce Vance’s post here! I love to knit when in a conference or workshop (online or in person). I actually can focus better, take good notes and then when I wear the item, the felt sense and actual details of the workshop come flooding back in!
I imagine knitting when I wake up in the middle of the night worried. I try to visualize every bit of the experience. It calms me right down. Actually knitting is even better, but that would require getting up and turning on a light.
I have been going through an unusually stressful time taking care of a sick parent away from my home. I noticed that once I pick up my knitting, it’s like aaah. It just relaxes my brain and my body. It also made me aware that I was stressed. I am so grateful that I am a knitter.
And suddenly it clicks for me about why I feel so good when I’m kayaking. It’s like knitting!
I own the “I knit so I won’t kill people” hoodie. I do have to be careful where I wear it. I often say that even with as much yarn (& stuff) I buy, it’s cheaper than therapy.
So get this. I just started working for a new company and one of the benefits is a $50 per month allowance towards “wellness”. And they include hobbies as wellness. I HAVE A NEW $50/month YARN BUDGET!!!!
OMG! What an amazing benefit!! I would probably never leave this company
When I was in cancer treatment, my blood pressure had to be below a certain level to receive the drug. Mine was always too high on first reading. I asked them to put me in a room and let me knit for 15 minutes. My BP dropped 10 points every time!
Max, I found this good reading, but also left me wanting to explore more. There are two things that help me with anxiety; First and foremost is knitting and second is the process of making art, or marks with different medium. Those two activities keep me sane in an ever challenging world. I haven’t noticed if my act of knitting helps others feel less anxiety, but I will be paying closer attention to that in the future. I do know when our group of knitting friends get together every week, we all experience a euphoric feeling while we are together and long after our meet up has ended. Also there is an energy we each get and give. Thank you for the lovely article!
My husband watched once as I went from extremely frustrated with someone to twenty minutes of knitting later, very calm. And he’s finally quit questioning me bringing my knitting along for even the shortest car rides! Also, I knit during meetings – Zoom or in person, at the doctors office, waiting in line at the grocery store, and definitely before bed every night! The cats have come to expect at least an hour of snuggle time while I knit before bed
As someone who OWNS an “I KNIT SO I DON”T CHOKE PEOPLE” tee shire, I can confirm that knitting is soothing meditative and saves lives!!
Last time I went to the doctor, the waiting room was full of silent suffering people. I took my knitting out of my bag and went on knitting a sock. The first one to show open interest was a 10 years old boy, who couldn’t believe that one can knit a “real sock”. A woman sitting here told him that she was wearing a sweater she knitted “for real”. And suddenly, all the people were chatting about knitting, either they actually were knitters,or used to be knitters, either they remembered somebody knitting… An 89 years old man had vivid memories of his grandma knitting him socks… When it was my turn to see the doctor (I was the last one!), she said me that every patient told her about the knitting lady in the waiting room. So I showed her my socks!
Knitting crocheting rug hooking are all good techniques to chase away problems that you can not change for the time being.
It is time out feel good time.
I don’t think I would enjoy life as much if I couldn’t knit anymore. Knitting is kind of meditative and it helps you think about things and sometimes you can solve problems that cause anxiety. I enjoy making pretty things too!
The music, in the rhythm of the needles, sings a love song to my soul.