Sexy Vicars to Watch
In Grantchester, the Rev. Sidney Chambers regularly gets himself entangled in murder cases in post-World War II Cambridge. He’s handsome, he’s tortured, he’s compassionate, and he’s a terrific sleuth. What more do you want? There is no suspense, so you can get in a solid groove on stockinette, and even work from a chart. Lots of complicated relationship stuff, but nothing to mess up your gauge.

For an entirely different man of the cloth, there’s Rev. The rev in Rev doesn’t solve crimes, unfortunately. He is living in the present day, and has very little in common with the vicar in Grantchester. But he’s tortured.

And they both get around on bikes.
Rev is a sitcom, or seems like one, until it goes a bit dark and interesting. Recommended viewing.

For the trifecta of genuflection, there’s always the Vicar of Dibley. (Right now the only place I can find it is on YouTube.) Dawn French is so stinking funny. Always watch the bit at the end where Geraldine tells Alice a joke.
I dare say the one on Broadchurch ain’t bad.
May I also recommend Call the Midwife (available on Netflix) for a very sexy vicar? It’s a fantastic show all around, following a group of midwives in the East End of London post-WW2, as the National Health Service went into effect and poor women had, for the first time, access to midwives and prenatal care. Plus, sexy vicar.
the Vicar of Dibley is available on Netflix. This is one of my favorite shows and will watch it over and over again.
Oh yes Sidney…..❤!
Grantchester? Ummm ….. yes!
don’t forget the episode where “I can’t believe it’s not butter” appears in the Vicar of Dibley.