Dear Kay,
Things are pretty busy at the moment, which means that I am having an excellent time procrastinating by sifting the Internet for gold. When the going gets tough, the tough get going . . . and read . . . blogs.
Nuggets I have found:
Tom Deijnen, mender extraordinaire, provides a look at one of my favorite subgenres of stitchery, the mending and darning sampler.
Dianna Walla writes the excellent Paper Tiger blog, and she designs things I want to make. There’s nothing I like more than this post that touches on World War II history, takes us to a Norwegian winter, and ends up with a cool hat pattern.
Wendy Johnson is on some kind of inspired cowl run. Her latest, Stained Glass Cowl, manages to put two Fair Isle patterns in one cowl, double sided, leaving all sorts of room for using color-shifting yarns. This would be a ton of fun to make.

On making sandwiches, over at The Paris Review.
You cannot avert your eyes once you gaze upon the dazzling patterns of Nancy Marchant’s brioche madness. Her website is, unsurprisingly,
Bonne Marie Burns is deep into a denim yarn project. She is a great designer, but in this series, you get a good look at what a brilliant knitter she is. Even unblocked, her work is flawless.
Artful silk scarves coming from the Sisters Grimm, out of Charleston. I LOVE THEM ALL.
Thanks for the shout-out for my Stained Glass Cowl. My next cowl design will be — dare I say it — insaner still! (Insert maniacal laughter here)
Oh my gosh! Wendy your cowl is beautiful and is now in my queue. It may take me a year to knit (LOL) but knit it I will! Thank you!
what a lovely rabbit hole dear ann ! those silk scarf/bandanas are exquisite and yes, i’ll take one of each !!!
There goes the queue–again.
Thank you Ann for the start to now several wonderful Internet scavenger hunts and aimless wanderings!! And Eddie Redmayne in denim knits! I need Den-M-Nit!
You are like a hamster with all these stored-up nuggets. LOVE. Want to wallow in it all, all day.
Nancy Marchant’s patterns often catch my eye in projects on rav. I especially like Goldwork, and also Winter Birch, in the original colors. Bonus: Winter Birch has both brioche and double-knitting, all in one scarf…whee!
Ann, I always enjoy your links to The Paris Review. Maybe it’s time I start following that one?
Wonderful post and links, Ann. I love those scarves and really want one (dammit). And now that I’ve cursed, I realize I’ve broken my Prince Resolution to stop cursing so damn…er…dang…. much. My small tribute to the Purple one. Anyway, I look forward to exploring more of the links over the weekend, thank you for sharing them with us.
Ann, Your post was hazardous to my knitting budget. Loved the snippets and I think I will have to make Wendy’s cowl. So pretty. And the brioche scarves. I’m very intrigued. I have never tried brioche stitch before, so I’ll try a simple project and if it turns out as hoped, I’ll be buying that book of patterns!