Dear Ann,
Popping in with exciting pop-up news. This all started a few months ago when I heard that my friend Lisa Fox’s shop on East 7th Street, lf8 (Elevate) would be available for a short time in January. Hmmm, I thought. I asked Gale Zucker, who is connected to a vast network of shepherds and dye pots, if she knew of a yarn maker who’d like to bring her wares to New York. I can hardly believe it really happened. Dreams do come true, Ann. I hope you realize that. (For those who are wondering, I don’t have anything invested in this micro-venture but love. Corny I know! I’m just a simple girl who loves long, narrow shops crammed with yarn and knitters.)

The story of the Nash Island sheep is beautiful: the flock was started nearly 100 years ago by the little daughter of a lighthouse keeper, who tended it throughout her long life and left it to the care of friends. Also beautiful is the yarn that Jani (pictured above) makes from the wool of these Coopworth-Romney sheep. Read about it on the Starcroft website.

lf8 (Elevate) provides the perfect ambiance for some fogwashed wool that is new in town. Prepare yourself for many choices of coffee and food in the neighborhood. The beard-watching is unmatched this side of Brooklyn.

I’ll be there for two knit & chat events in the shop, on Thursday evening from 6-9, and then on Saturday afternoon from 3-6. Gale will be there on Thursday evening, as will a star-studded list-in-formation of local (and, possibly, visiting) designers and knitting folk. The shop is tiny; come and practice your stand-up knitting, and your self control around piles of beautiful wool.
Hope to see lots of you there.
This sounds like a wonderful event!
Oh, I wish I could do some “stand up” knitting! Those purples, pinks, blues, and greens sre calling to me….
Wishing lots of luck and a lot of fun for all.
Sounds brilliant, and the fiber looks gorgeous! Good luck to the StarCroft folk, and nice job, planners 🙂
What a smashing idea! I’ve been following on Instagram and wish I could fly to New York just to be part of it. Now for the next shop to open on the other coast in the Bay Area…..
I so agree! Wish I could just teleport into NY for the event.
Maybe the tech peeps at Modern Daily could rig up a webcam for the event. Then all of us non-New Yorkers could join the event sitting down in our living rooms! Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
I’m so happy for those of you who get to attend in person! I will participate virtually . . . thank you for keeping us in the loop, Kay, about exciting NYC events!
Have lots of fun: this is so charming, and also gorgeous. Would be there in a heartbeat. Bises!
I hope this is an omen for 2015: one of those brilliant ideas that we dream about and say what if is REALLY HAPPENING! I saw the shop and the yarn yesterday, and you are right- its a perfect pairing of yarn to retail ambiance. See you Thursday! Ann I wish you could teleport in ! (or fly in on a plane I guess as an alternative).
Sure, they do this when I move away!
I turn my back for two seconds OK five weeks and YOU GO AND BLOG! This event is really really really cool, and I’m hoping a Nashville pop-up shop is not far in the future JUST SAYIN.
At some point during that time, Ann, I was wondering why the “Comments” section seemed to freeze up, and I could no longer write on it. Does it shut off after a certain amount of time with “no blogger activity”?
Oh I am so jealous of New Yorkers! Usually I’m quite content as a rain-drenched Oregonian, but I wish I could be there. Sounds like an excellent time!
Oh, like all fiber events, this sounds fun, fun, fun! Think of all of us as you buy lots of wool, OK?
How about coming to north west UK? I seriously have to have some of that Lobster Bake DK. Have a good one!!
Oh Jani’s colors are so wonderful. I’m wearing a sweater I made in Cove right at this moment. But don’t buy it, leave some for me.
does your new site have an RSS feed? I read my blogs through NetVibes and it doesn’t seem to be picking up the new site’s feeds. Just checking – I love keeping up with you guys!
Oh, I wish NYC wasn’t so far from Toronto!! Enjoy!!!
No way I could get there… I’m just so glad that you guys are blogging again! I’ve missed you!
What a happy conjunction of yarn and venue! The fog washed grey in the last shot is superfantastic. Wishing you elbow room for knitting and most excellent chatting, xoc
I ladies, first of all LOVE your blog name (Southern girl here). Stumbled on your site whilst online yarn shopping, then found mitered square blanket elsewhere (nice looking but all those squares to sew together), then landed here on your blog and the no-sew version. Genius! Looking forward to perusing your site. Have a wonderful day!
When? Have I missed it?
I am crushed!! I can’t believe I missed this event and it took place right under my nose >_<
So, was anyone able to attend the sale? How was it?