Back at It: Riveting Intarsia Content

Dear Kay,
I took a break from knitting during our 11-day hiatus from MDK. It was so weird not to be doing the thing we do all the time. But I did finish an Alabama Chanin skirt that has been marinating since 2015, so that felt like a win.
And now, the new year has arrived, with a knitalong I’ve been looking forward to for a while now.
I’m pretty stoked about our Kaffe knitalong. I think I’ve got a good project that will keep me a) busy and b) not overwhelmed.
During the holiday break from MDK, Hubbo and I embarked on a cleanse of our house. Not anything elaborate, but a first stab at some Swedish death cleaning, or as I call it, The Remembrance of Things Unfortunately Not Past But Piled Up In The Basement.
Among the domestic archaeology, I discovered a pair of pillows that had seen better days. Once I removed the pillow covers, bonanza! Two fluffy pillowportunities for cooking up some Kaffe intarsia.

While I’m scheming up what exactly these pillows will look like, I’ve got a bit more work to finish on another Kaffe project that has been good fun these past weeks.
In Other Riveting Intarsia News . . .

This is a riff on the Watercolor Cowl. A big scarf version.
Here’s the original design:

I scaled up the pattern to be twice as big as the chart in Field Guide No. 16: Painterly, and (stay with me) I reversed the color scheme so that the triangles are colorful and the center square is the same dark gray throughout the piece.
I’m using the kit we built for the Watercolor Cowl, Dark version. It’s sold out at the moment, I’m sorry to say, but we do have single balls of these colors in the Shop. (You’re seeing Vaseline Green, Lime, Candy Floss, Iris, Peach, Scarlet, Fjord, Sulfur, Avocado, Pink Bliss, Heliotrope, Mineral, Turquoise, Seafarer, Clay, Zinnia.)

When I cracked open my kit, these vibrant colors really got me—I just wanted to use them as much as possible.

It’s turned out to be a lot of fun to figure out what color to use next. These small thrills are really working for me right now.
A Quick Note
Thanks to everybody who wrote in after the Christmas morning bombing in Nashville. It was a stunner, to be sure, and heartbreaking to see small business owners lose their businesses in such a shocking way. Nashville is as resilient as anyplace, and I take it as a good sign that two missing housecats, Molly and Martin, were found days later, hunkered down in the wreckage, safe and sound.
I hope you all stay safe and sound. We are going to get through this.
Your Watercolor Scarf is absolutely glorious and just the shot of colour needed here in the UK this morning. I’m wearing my Kaffe cowl from last year to cheer myself along too. Sending huge thanks for the lovely post. Busy but not overwhelmed is my life goal right now.
Happy new year to you, Jen! I’ve been weaving in my intarsia ends using your tricks from your video tutorial. Highly recommended! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxX-Tl-rQ34
Ann I love this “scheme” much better than the original! I also would want to use more of the bright, fun colors like you did …it brought a smile to my face!
I agree! Your version pops so much more nicely than the original one does. Totally stealing your idea for when I knit mine.
Riveting, and perfect colors to fill the the winter landscape with cheer.
You all have been in my heart since the bombing. Those cats! Hurray!
Please let us know how we can help, as you did with the hurricane.
Thank you for asking, Kathleen. Scroll to the bottom of this post for links to nonprofits that are helping those affected–I think 400 residents had to leave their apartments and won’t be back for months, maybe a year or more. https://wpln.org/post/nashville-bombing-1200-downtown-workers-45-businesses-affected-by-the-blast/
Oops. Tornado
Love your bright colours much better than the grey. I love all of the designs but am allergic to alpaca and still looking for a decent substitute. Can you make a recommendation?
Before anyone can give you an answer more information is needed…..are you allergic to natural fibers like wool, alpaca, cashmere, silk, etc. or is it an allergy to color dyes? When you knit with wool, etc. do your hands break out or only when wearing? I ask these questions so someone can help with an intelligent answer. I am a former LYO and we had several customers with this issue so that is why the questions.
Your scarf is beautiful ! I’m so looking forward to starting my village but must finish a promised sweater first !
I like the way, Ann, that you reversed the color scheme. The scarf will be beautiful!
Cats are amazing. One of my cousins had a fire at her DC home years ago. The cat was found days later hidden in the sofa. Smelly but fine otherwise b
I like the way cats can hunker down. One time we found Kermit in the way back of a closet that we never use. I don’t really know how he got in there. Just had to get away, I guess.
Well, I’m not joining the Kaffe knit along, but as soon as I’m finished my husband’s Xmas sweater (only the ribbing left!) I’m doing a Kaffe needlepoint, so I’m Kaffing in spirt. Never done needlepoint in my life but thought it would make a nice variety craft. And the colors in the kit!
And I have a cat, Phoenix, rescued as a tiny kitten by the firefighters from the rubble of a barn fire. The Red Cross, bless them, gave him a towel to wrap in, and some tuna salad from a hoagie, and he recovered nicely. Definitely used up at least one of his 9 lives…
Excellent cat story! Such a happy ending for you both.
Phoenix – the best-deserved name ever. May he live long and happily!
Swedish death cleaning is a something we talk about a lot in this house, but alas do not practice. In fact I realized recently that we owned 2 copies of the book. I plan on giving one away when I can.
It may be that “Swedish death cleaning” could use a rebranding? Maybe calling it “At Least We Tried Cleaning.” “Sorry Bout All This Stuff Cleaning.”
Is it OK to join if, like me, you are knitting from Masterly, the previous Kaffe field guide? I am using leftover Alpaca and Silk which is working out very well making a a tubular scarf using many of his patterns. I look forward to seeing everyone’s work and fun.
Absolutely! All Kaffe is welcome! I look forward to seeing what you’re up to.
I’m a little slow this year. I have 2 projects I’m working on, a Cowl and a baby hat. But I’m planning a Kaffe project from Painterly. For those that missed out on the kits. Did you know all the patterns in Painterly have a list of colors plus amounts (there was also a great color card in my book) so you can gather your own kits from the single Felted Tweed colors. I myself, found I have colors in my stash of felted Tweed so I’m starting with those. I have never done intarsia so it will be my technique of the year. I prepped by learning a locking technique so no loose strands behind. I will join the knit-a-long later this week.
I’m so glad no one was hurt in this destructive bombing. I don’t get why there is such a need to hurt others or destroy property. We all work so hard for what we have. Prayers for all.
Cheers and a Hope for a Great 2021.
Sue, I am new to intarsia too. What is the locking technique you mentioned in your post? It might help me too.
Hi Sue! Thanks for the heads up re the lists of colors–appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Not joining the kaffe along because I’m doing an Erin Lee Gafill along. Painting to make designs for sweaters, etc.! Found out about Erin through Melanie’s last Making a Life interview which I learned about here.
What a cool idea. I think she is so inspiring–I really enjoyed hearing her conversation with Melanie and her uncle.
Erin is an inspiration!
Thanks for this post. I bought one kit and now have decided to do a different pattern, and am having trouble coming to terms with changing the colors on a colorwork master’s design. I may be more liberated now. Let’s see.
When I heard of the bombing my thoughts immediately went to you, Ann, and to all of the folks at MDK so I am happy to hear you are all safe. And thanks for the heartening news of the kitties! I lucked out and was able to get the Watercolor Cowl kit which I have just cast on. This will be my first attempt at intarsia and I’m hoping I can handle the tangle! I loved your choice of colors and, with so much yarn in the kit, I’ll try other combinations with my next cowl. Happy New Year all!
I would love to see your Alabama Chanin skirt! Por favor?
Gorgeous colors. Pillowportunities! 🙂
I love your color reversal; it’s easier to “read” the blocks! And your pillowportunities are a great start. Just don’t cover the Spoonflower cat pillows!