Genius Tips
Step It Up: Stepping Stone Throw by the Numbers

Dear Ann,
I don’t always knit so hard that my shoulder gets janky, but when I do, it’s because I just can’t help it, because the project is too compelling. Can’t stop won’t stop. Apart from a mild case of arm oochiness, being this deep into the zone of a project is my favorite feeling. I love knitting, Ann! Knitting is just the best!
That’s how it’s been with my Stepping Stone Throw. There is no other knitting project for me right now. I have been knitting it on the subway, in the car, in bed, and while swaying back and forth in front of my new stand-up desk. (I am possibly the last person to defer getting a standing desk until this far into work-from-home pandemic life; mistakes were made.)
The Stepping Stone Throw ticks a multitude of my wild enthusiasm boxes: it’s modular, seamless, colorful, memorizable, and rhythmic, and the simple stitch patterns change often enough to keep me entertained and engaged. It is going so fast that it feels like riding a ride—exhilarating.

Fun fact: it will block to an immaculately flat surface. For now, I’m enjoying the rumbly ride.
As people witness my progress, they keep exclaiming over how fast I knit.
I’m a thrower—my knitting style is called English or American, and it’s not known for speed. The truth: I’m progressing quickly simply because I’m spending so darn many hours knitting on it. In the name of Science, and transparency, here are some data points for you.
Stepping Stone Throw: By the Numbers
With the help of my phone’s stopwatch, here are some knitting times.
Each base triangle and end triangle: 28–29 minutes of knitting
Each rectangle: 60–70 minutes, depending on the stitch pattern. The stockinette-based rectangles, such as the striped (colors: Whisper and Navy) and ladder (Leek) patterns, go the quickest. The broken rib (Wintergreen) and 3 x 3 rib (Merlot) rectangles take a little longer because of switching back and forth from knit to purl. (If your knitting style is continental, is ribbing faster? I would think so, but please let me know.)
Atlas yardage per solid-color row of rectangles: 1 skein for tiers that have 5 rectangles. 1 skein plus about 2 or 3 yards for tiers that have 6 rectangles. (Looking at you, 3 x 3 rib rectangles in Merlot.)
Number of ends to weave in per single-color tier: only 2, unless you needed to crack into a new skein for 2-3 yards to finish the last rectangle in the tier, in which case you’ll have 4 ends to weave in for that tier, and you’ll be kind of mad about it.
Number of ends to weave in per 2-color tier: 22. (Could I avoid a bunch of these by carrying the color-not-in-use up the side of the rectangle instead of cutting it? Yes, but I chose to cut and weave.)
Amount of fun I’m having: incalculable.
Ask me anything about knitting this fantastic throw! Better yet: join me, I would love the company. Find the Stepping Stoners (!) here in The Lounge.
P.S. Guess where I am right now? In your spare room in Nashville, getting ready to jump in the car with you and head Alabama-ward for adventures in the wonderful world of Alabama Chanin. You know what that means: road knitting time! Look for progress updates on my Stepping Stone Throw on my Instagram.
AL CHANIN! Have so much fun, you two!!
I had a bad experience early on with a “pick up and knit” section in a scarf. To this day it scares me. Does this blanket require that skill set?
You pick up stitches to start each block, BUT it’s a super easy way to do it because you’re picking up from a slipped stitch “chain” on the edge of each piece. I talk about this and show a photo in this post:
Check out Kate Atherley’s Techniques in Depth on this technique: Picking up and knitting become a big part of the fun of knitting this throw.
It sounds to me as if your oochy arm needs a dose of Carson Demers PS I hope Ann is driving.
Right? And yes, Ann is driving.
ALABAMA CHANIN!!!! Now that is one road trip I would love to take! Have the best time!
I love how years and years of knitting does not make me tire of it – like you describe, a new project comes along and it’s just as exciting as it was when you started knitting. I’m a continental knitter (I started English but as a lefty, charts never worked out). I still purl slower than I knit.
What length cable are you knitting on? That looks like a long/wide blanket! Love the colors, especially Leek;)
Paragraph 3 is right on. I find this project addictive like sock knitting. Tired of knitting a stockinette leg? Don’t worry; you’ll soon be doing a heel turn that will keep you engaged for a short while, then on to mindless knitting again. In the case of this blanket, finishing a block gives me that sense of accomplishment, then on to the next. And Atlas feel so good…
Oh, what fun! Have a blast in ALABAMA!!
I also am a thrower. I “taught” myself to knit Continental on a garter stitch baby blanket las summer and it did help the shoulder. But I will continue to purl English style. Give it a try!
So, do the two of your trade off driving so each has some road trip knitting time?
I love knitting too! My non-knitting friends just don’t understand. I love spending the whole day knitting (when I can), and my shoulder is not too happy about it. I made that same road trip with knitting friends – such a fun weekend!
And btw, I’m a continental knitter, but I don’t think that helps with speed. Purling involves fewer moves, but speed requires a “flicking” skill set that I can’t seem to master.
Sounds irresistible
Thelma & Louise roadtrip action for the win! Have the best time!
Ha! I just bought a standing desk last weekend. Dueling for last place. Very interested to see that throw become flat.
Love your throw! And I’d love even more to be a mouse in your suitcase on the way to Florence! Happy stitching!✂️