Dear Ann,
I’m heading off-blog for a few days.
Ann: I’m leaving you in charge. No parties. More than two friends is a party. Lisa Downstairs is there if you need anything. (She’s also keeping an eye out, if you know what I’m saying.) (What I’m saying is: no parties.)
But before I go, a few summery snippets, as we welcome the season of peaches and sand.
Has everybody been sending you links to the movie Yarn? Yeah, me too. It looks interesting. Here’s the official trailer:
And here’s a different, slightly sassier trailer:
Here’s a list of upcoming screenings in the US and Sweden. (New York, look sharp: it’s June 24, at the IFC.) I think they will revoke our knitter union cards if we don’t try to catch a screening. (Readers who have seen it, please tell us how you liked it in the comments.) Added bonus: I’m pretty sure I spotted Ragga Eiriksdottir, our queen of the Icelandic steek.
Missoni in London

If you’re in London or headed there, try to catch the Missoni Art Colour exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum. The exhibition “showcases over 60 years of fashion alongside paintings by leading 20th century European artists, and previously unseen textile studies, paintings and Arazzi by Ottavio Missoni. The personal artwork of Missoni is mixed with modernist masterpieces, including the work of Sonia Delaunay, Lucio Fontana and Gino Severini…” I could look at Missoni knitwear all day, and would love to see it juxtaposed with paintings. The exhibition runs through September 4.
1000 Dishcloths in Salzburg
Weeks ago, our faithful friend Cristina Shiffman sent me an article about Los Angeles artist Liza Lou’s recent work The Waves, which the New York Times describes as “1,000 white dishcloths hang[ing] side by side from floor to ceiling.”

Each of the dishcloths is beaded in Lou’s Durban studio by a South African artisan, using a 300 gram packet of white beads. The cloths are all the same dimensions, but no two are the same. The Waves can be viewed at the Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Salzburg through July 16.
Wearable Japanese Garden
I don’t want people to miss seeing Jana Huck’s newly released pattern, the Japanese Garden Shawl.

It’s imaginative and wearable, and the perfect thing to take in your knitting bag to the movies or while traveling to art exhibitions this summer.
If I completely clean the house after the party, then it wasn’t a party, right?
Will the movie Yarn be followed by a showing of the horror film Mothra?
That’s a good one! A double feature?
I am delighted to see that you shared Jana’s shawl pattern. I thought about writing you and sharing the pattern when it came out because it seemed like one you would love. I have knit several of Jana’s patterns and although they sometimes look very challenging(like the escher blanket) they are straight forward and easy to knit. I think you should host a KAL
Ann, let’s party!
What?! The movie is playing in Columbus, OH and not Chicago? It’s playing in Milwaukee, WI, and not Chicago?! Grumble, grumble. Off to lobby some LYSs about this gross injustice.
Don’t even get me started about it not showing south of the Madon-Dixon line! Sheesh!
What’s with no partying!?! Everyday is a party here!!
Be still my heart. This is playing on my birthday in a town I will be visiting. Kismet.
Thanks for sharing the shawl. My math-loving heart is all aflutter.
If I made the Japanese Garden shawl, I’d hang it on my wall as Art. Exactly as the picture has it.
If anyone wants anything I’ll be out getting snacks/supplies/Red Box for the ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ not-party over at Kay’s.
O M G why am I not in London?
And oh yes, Jana’s Zen shawl vaults to the top of my queue.
I would love to see “The Waves” and Salzburg has been on my travel wish list since a long-ago history/archaeology course that included the Hallstatt culture. Now I have TWO reasons to go!
I hope you enjoy your off-blog time, Kay. Are you going to Salzburg? If so, please take lots of pictures!
It might be crazy but I want to knit the Japanese Garden Shawl in one color just to see it done.
“Welcome the season of peaches and sand.” Yes, and garden shawls, Japanese or otherwise! (Love that pattern!)
Wow, that shawl! Beautiful! Now that’s a knitalong I’d participate in.
Loved the film trailer, too. So how come the only West Coast showing is in Los Angeles? Northern California people want to see it, too.
So, Ann, what I’m hearing is PARTY?
Lots of things to check out. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your time away (and take pictures…..)
Don’t worry about us partying with Ann! Instead, worry about the paparzzi taking embarrassing photos of you that will make the covers of the gossip rags: “Shocker! Knitting blogger caught fondling crapcrylic at big box store!”