First Person
Thanks, Knitting
In my family we never went around the Thanksgiving table, each telling something they were thankful for. I attribute this to the dour Danish forebears. Gratitude was one of a whole list of emotions that were felt but rarely expressed. (It was OK to express a complaint, like the Helsinki Complaints Choir; Finland and Denmark are not that far apart.) I remember my childhood pastor, who revered the early Christians, reacting with abhorrence to the fish-sign bumper stickers that people were putting on their cars in the early 70s. He didn’t think one’s deepest beliefs belonged on the bumper of the family Oldsmobile. I don’t know why that memory sticks, but the idea that a feeling can be cheapened if spoken of too casually has resonated down the years.
Without saying it directly, or often, I constantly feel grateful. The first cup of coffee in the morning: grateful. That my husband was a mensch: grateful every day. That my kids are compassionate and honest: shaky with gratitude. That my dog wears sweaters: more than I ever asked for, and I’m thankful.
I’m constantly grateful for knitting. The act of knitting, making me be still, letting my mind chew things over in its own time. The Ziploc bags of knitting in progress, never empty. The irritations of knitting, blessedly solvable. The yarn! The sheep! All the people we’ve met because of knitting, including my sewing circle, in which someone occasionally goes rogue and picks up knitting. Sewing circle is a more or less bimonthly source of cackles and stories and reports from lives that are parallel to mine but going off on other tangents, to other mini-worlds. A pot of fresh mint tea and a bowl of almonds. Someone settling into an evergreen pattern that I’d nearly forgotten until it occurred to me as an easier re-entry into knitting than the pattern she’d started with (one that involved bitty sleeves worked in the round).

Look– a one-piece baby kimono from our first book! In cashmere! An ounce of cashmere–if that much.

Maira made three of them, including this one in a super bulky yarn that will make a baby look like a bear cub. With freelanced ribbing at the hem. Way to make it your own. Mess with everything until it’s how you like it. See how it turns out. Then make another one.
Off to the scullery now, to be grateful for onions and celery to chop for tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

(Image nicked from the Instagram of one of our favorite knitting stores on the planet, Finely a Knitting Party, in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. What a time we had there.)
So beautifully wonderfully said. And we are thankful for you and the words you write that bring us smiles, the occasional tug at the heart, and the feeling that we are all in this together. Happy Thanksgiving!
I too have Danish forebears! Your description of the Danish attitude toward religious mush explains a lot. I’m grateful that knitting is so forgiving. And I’m trying to be more forgiving, toward myself and others. Enjoy the holiday!
My grandma felt that even going to church was a bit over the top, I think.
Thankful for you two and the friendship and wisdom about life you have shared with all of us through the years.
One thing (among many) for which I am hug-you-guys thankful: that MDK is back with us. Life is good. Thank you, Ann and Kay!
I am thankful that I have reconnected with you two. I’ve missed you! I have been checking the blog faithfully and one day…. Voila! I’m so happy! Off to the scullery.
Happy Thanksgiving to you both and your families from the land of the Pilgrims. Chop well!
Thankful for knitting as well. Thankful we Canadians do a much more mellow Thanksgiving thing. Happy knitting to you all!
lovely post. Thank you, Kay.
Thankful that your blog is back in full force!
Thank you for blogging again. You two make every day brighter.
So thankful for the Ann/Kay friendship which gives us such a joyful blog, as well as a wonderful TBT a day early – incredibly thankful for my dearest friend Cathy! Love you all!
GUSTYYYYYYY! I hope the shop is humming. Would love to see you two again. Xox
The shop is ALWAYS humming!
I, too, am grateful for much, including my beloved lys … which got a shout out on my beloved fav blog. So glad you’re back.
Happy Thanksgiving !
We would love to see you two, too! We’ll figure something out! Have a great Thanksgiving!
So well said. My New England forebearers would completely agree with your childhood pastor. Maybe that’s why that idea resonates with me as well! So, so thankful you and Kay are blogging again. Also, beyond thankful for knitting and all it brings to my life. What a wonderful community. Happy Knitsgiving!
Thankful that you and Ann infuse compassion, kindness, grace, laughter, generosity of spirit, and a sense of perspective in every blog, reminding me to hold tight joyfully to what matters and let go of what doesn’t. And thankful also, of course, for the wonderful knitting: am weaving in the four ends for my Passerine Hat today, just the latest of many FOs that never would have happened except for the M-D blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving you guys!
So well said, Kay. I am still struggling with the whole online thing….what I am comfortable sharing with the whole world, where to draw the line. But I love the humor and grace with which you and Ann navigate these waters. You make it fun and welcoming. Happiest of Thanksgivings to you and yours!
I’m so thankful that Ann and Kay are back! I like to read blogs that start with knitting and expand that thought to understanding life, the universe and everything. You two really get that, and with so much compassion. Now, where is Olive? A wonderful and wooly Thanksgiving to all!
Small world – another Gretchen G among the MDK readers. What are the odds?
Grateful for all you share with us via this blog. My niece is due in the next week or so, and now I am inspired to knit the baby cardigan again. I have learned so much from you two!! Always grateful.
Not a comment on the post really, but could not resist sharing this link. I know these chickens are thankful for knitting!!
Nice reflection, Kay. Wishing you and Ann a lovely holiday. (Maira!!)
so happy to share a little of every day with the newly constant mdk writings! love it!!!
Yes, we did have a fun time – can’t believe the book signing was that long ago. Please come back again soon – there is always a party here & we love a good reason to eat “moon pies”. Ditto – you are a pair of our favorite designers, authors & knitters – chalk that one up!! Happy Thanksgiving
Is that Maira KALMAN? I feel grateful that I get regular glimpses into the world’s coolest stitch n bitch.
Can’t agree with you more, Kay. The going around the table thing makes me cringe, largely because I’m like you: pretty much grateful all the time, for every last darn thing in this life, so I can’t be bothered to single out one thing to report, and it also seems too stilted, compared to just feeling it and knowing it.
So glad to be reading and hanging out with you & Ann again. Happy knitting!
That is a lucky baby!
I also don’t like being forced to be the one who says grace. If you want it said aloud, then feel free to go ahead.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Kay! And you, too, Ann. I’m grateful that you two are blogging again. I love your IG posts, but a blog post is something to chew on. Like a turkey leg.
I tried that “everyone say something you’re thankful for” once, and everyone looked at me in horror. Never again.
My LYS>>>my thanks to them…they are my waystation in my life…I can water my horse…find shelter until the next event…scarf (sorry not sorry) down an evening meal before running back to the “job” to chaperone a middle school dance, and even knit around the table with the lovely ladies….
Also many thanks for MDK!
So, probably the most annoying repeated question you get, but here goes: Will you ever release patterns for individual e-purchase? I have neither the space nor the inclination for another physical book of patterns in my life, but would love to make some of your designs.
The books are both lovely and surprisingly tiny – trust me, you will have room..,.