Thanksgiving Greetings

Dear Everybody,
It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, and we wish everyone who celebrates a day of family, food, and terrible touch football.
We’re thankful for many things, and especially for all of you who come here to read MDK and support it.
Up top is some wonderful music to help your day along.
We hope you get some good knitting in at some point!
Ann and Kay
Thanks to both of you for your witty, thoughtful and inspiring posts that start my day !
Wishing you a very happy and safe holiday.
Thank you for a beautiful way to begin this day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you for everything you do.
Listening to your playlists is starting to become a holiday tradition around here. Thank you so much! I cannot listen to this one without seeing the contemporary Ballet in my head so thank you double for the music and the dance. I can dance around the kitchen with the asparagus.
BTW, as I know you are movie folk… I was so excited about the new Newt Scalamander movie and went to see it with a group last night. No one really liked it and we all really tried. The acting was superb but someone should have done some heavy editing on the script as it was quite uneven. Even the Pimm’s cups (adults) and popcorn (small people) did not really help. I have high hopes for snorting our way through Ralph Breaks the Internet (with children) or sniffling through Boy Erased ( no kids) later this weekend.
So very grateful for the many years of MDK. Mwah!
I love reading your posts. The books and music suggestions are great. I wish I could knit everything that comes along. I do have a list going and patterns uploaded so I figure one day I will get to each one.
I think you should start a layaway plan for some of the yarn. I love the yak yarn but I could never afford to pay all at once that kind of money
That is a great idea and so MDK!
So, so grateful for the two of you. You light up my days!
Happy Thanksgiving!! I will be spending the day alone with my germs, lol, I am sick. Just a nasty cold. The good news is plenty of time for knitting. Planning to practice and learn a twisted German cast on for a shawl.
I enjoy all my Modern Daily posts so much! Thank you.
Thank you. I always start my day with your posts. This is an especially nice one.
Happy Thanksgiving to you both. May it be filled with all good things.
Wonderful Holiday Wishes
Thank you:) and the same to you and yours. Have been enjoying your blog, your books, your humor and your uniquely American take on life. Here’s hoping things get better here as we pause to give thanks for what goodness we do have. You are part of that. Happy Thanksgiving:)! Gotta go — I’m cooking…..:)
I love Aaron Copland. Thanks for that! And Happy Thanksgiving. XO
May your day be filled with unexpected opportunities for gratitude.
Thank you both just for BEING! I start every morning with your blog and a cup of coffee. Today was an extra treat with Copeland and those gorgeous photos. “To turn, turn, will be our delight ’till by turning, turning we come round right.” May it be so.
Thank you for the knitting happiness you bring everyday. You inspire me and I am grateful to be a part of this community. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Oh, how I look forward to your daily post! Much love from chilly Wyoming!
And me for yawl and the MDK community. And the Copeland! Happy Thanksgiving!
Very grateful for you every morning. Thank you.
Hope you both enjoy this holiday .
Thank you both so much for all the wonderful posts, ideas and inspiration. Just bought Revolution and am preparing to bang out a sweater— I also treated myself to Norah’s new collection on Ravelry— so many options. :). And this lovely music will always remind me of my sister’s first year in high school marching band, because that’s what they performed, with, of course, a company front at the dramatic climax of the piece. 🙂
That gives me a little chill (the company front). Good times.
Thank you for all of the homely touches and for inspiring us to greatness or at least goodness in our knitting. With tools and goodies and such beautiful colors.
Plus if not for MDK, never would I ever ever have banged out a sweater, much less a Stopover. One day I will do it again!
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you! I’ve enjoyed your posts so much through the years and while I have gleaned many good tips and inspiration for knitting projects, your collective wit and suggested reading and viewing materials have been highlights. And, now you go and post a link to my favorite piece by my favorite American composer!
Happy thanksgiving to both of you and all of those behind the scenes keeping us entertained.
I owned that version of Appalachian Spring on vinyl many moons ago. Thanks for reminding me how wonder-full it is! Wishing everyone room for more!
And to you and yours, as well.
Thanks you and yours for this special site. It opens up more avenues for me than I expected; bless you!!!