Dear Ann,
The circle of life has a way of coming around again. For example, it feels like we just finished renovating our elderly apartment, but it was ten years ago. I can no longer feel justified outrage when a wall needs to be repainted or the fridge fan craps out. Life is a constant cycle of renewal and decay.
A few months ago, I finally did a simple something that I have meant to do since 2006, which is: procure a surface upon which I could set a lamp in the entryway of the apartment. For nearly ten years, the entryway sat there, bereft of a spot to put a bunch of flowers or sit down and take off your shoes, or otherwise feel Warmly Welcomed into our abode. After a while, it simply fell off my to-do list. Entryway amenities were for people in Apartment Therapy, not for me. But something got into me last fall, and I got a Piece of Furniture, which was followed in short order (three months) by a Small Lamp. (Three months is a blink of an eye in Kay Furniture Time. Even shorter in Kay Picture-Hanging Time.)

Imprinted at an early age by Most Moisturized Mom, I am unable to tolerate an unprotected wood finish, so I covered the top with a droopy schmattah. But something was missing, and that something was a handknit. I remembered the Via Veneto Table Runner that Cristina Shiffman designed for our second book, and knew that my table runner moment had arrived. Finally!

(Photo by Gale Zucker. We ate up the cake five minutes after this photo was taken.)
I wonder where that sample has gotten to? Ah well, it wouldn’t be long enough anyway. I’m so happy to see this pattern again. I love the ridgy texture, and the way it looks woven (because it is, actually, in spots). It kicks the dresser scarf notion several centuries forward.
So I’m planning to knit this thing over the summer, and I’m looking at the bountiful shade card of one of our all-time favorite desert island yarns, Louet Euroflax Sportweight Linen. The color choices alone should keep me occupied for some time.
Speaking of Euroflax
As readers know, behind the scenes here at House of MDK, we are hatching plans for the lovely little online yarn shop of our dreams, launching Autumn 2016. You know what’s great about making your own store? Being able to talk to favorite yarn makers and ask them for special stuff. We are asking for special stuff every chance we get.
When it came to Euroflax, we knew exactly what we wanted: mini skeins. Linen takes dye like no other fiber, and it comes in an huge range of shades. It’s ideal for color play, especially since it’s so often used for summer tops and home decor–things that naturally want to be striped and color-blocked and whatnot. When you can get your hands on smaller lots of more colors, the opportunities for color play expand exponentially. We were thrilled when the Euroflax folks agreed to make us up sets of 60-yard mini-skeins of Euroflax sportweight linen. “What colors would you like?” they asked.
We then went to our Mysterious Great Color Picker. (Let’s call her MGCP. All will be revealed in the fullness of time.) We asked MGCP to put together two awesome sets of five colors. MGCP came back with four sets of five colors. (MGCP generally does as she likes. We’re fine with that.) They are:




We love them all, but are in a quandary about which ones to carry, and in what relative quantity.
So, dear readers, if you are so inclined, help us out. Please let us know which colorway appeals to you most, by ranking them 1-4. Look, here’s a Survey Monkey:
We’re excited about the possibilities of a pack containing 300 yards of Euroflax in five colors. Just one example:

(Photo by Gale Zucker.)
Our Monteagle Bag. Clever knitters have done them up in color blocks and stripes of odds and ends of Euroflax, which enhances them so much that we wish we’d thought of it. If you don’t have odds and ends, soon you will be able to procure them without having to knit something else first. This is an age of miracles and wonders. But seriously, think of the things a person could make with a pack of miniskeins and a full skein of a solid color. It’s exciting.
Thanks for the color guidance. (I want them all.)
Happy Saturday!
P.S. The miracle of mini skeins called to mind a song from Hamilton (of course it did). How lucky we are to be alive right now, Ann.
When is a woman supposed to do important things,like knitting a lace shawl for her daughter’s wedding and planting out daisies and anemones, when you keep distracting her with socks, alluring table runners and now Euroflax colours when I’ve never ever seen any Euroflax in this corner of Scotland? The fire selection matches my summer planting schemes but I much prefer the other three ranges for knitting. And since I’m fairly new to your site, I have a lot of dishcloths, hand towels and now table runners to catch up on.
Hallway table with drawers? A place to store yarn!
I’d better start making one of those bags if they’re going to institute the 5 cent plastic bag fee in NYC.
The institution of the no paper or plastic bags in our town, (and I think a good part of California) has opened up the cottage industry of hand-crafted market bags. Yarn is not just for socks and hats any more. And now Euroflax
Well… I voted, but know this: I love them all.
I don’t even knit (yet), and that little survey was the most fun I’ve had all day…ok, it’s 6:30 am, but still…
Oh, you MUST knit!
I’m with Lorelei. Didn’t want to have to choose but I took the survey. As you say, such fun!
I voted. I was swayed by my love of chartreuse. The table runner will look great.
The drape of Euroflax is like no other, it’s shimmering and loose, yet substantial. It is one of my favorite yarns. I have knit two long rectangular lacy shawls with it. They have each served as table runners as well!
And there i was thinking i was the only person who used shawls and tablerunners interchangeably.
Shawlstable runners. Love it!
That was supposed to read shawlstable runners.
Forget it, my phone is against me today. Suffice it to say, I appreciate the practicality in the way you use your hand knits. Your review of Euroflax is convincing me to try some, too. Thanks PHYDDY!
What a fun thing to do early this morning – choosing linen colors – its like choosing your favorite Hamilton song – only better. Thanks – can’t wait for your new shop.
Be still my heart! Mini skeins of Euroflax? We do indeed live in wondrous times!
I voted, but I have no confidence nor conviction in my choices; they are all beautiful.
I made that table runner back in the day, and it still graces a console table! Sounds like we have the same kind of moms.
Please carry them all!
third fourth fifth
all please!
And another vote for all!
I also like them all, but did vote to rank my preferences if you can only carry a few of them.
All of them please, please.
Been pondering making some market bags and will be waiting for your offerings.
Just what I need — like minds or something.
What a fun post. The colors at great as are the names. I’ve got leftover Euroflax and think I’ll be starting something new. It was nice to meet you last weekend in Maryland. .
All four please! But otherwise naturals and the one with Chartreuse
I voted but then I thought you didn’t say whether 1 should be the one we like best or 4! oh well.
I voted 1 as best and 4 as least!
I have made a bunch of bread-basket liners with this wonderful yarn and the one I made for me has never been the perfect color. “Sea” mini-skeins will be the perfect color. Unless of course “Earth” would be. Let’s see, who else needs bread-basket liners? My quilting friend keeps me well supplied with table runners but on the other hand…Euroflax! (I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t like that chartreuse.)
How do you make bread basket liners? I’d like to make some!
Voted for fire and forest in mini skeins, because I am far more likely to buy full skeins in the other two color groups and won’t lack for bits in those shades. Need to get your second book!
Good point, Kelli. The basics are always with us…I do love me some Euroflax.
Actually, I don’t do table runners, but I am loving the bag. I love the look of Euroflax, all knitted up, but I hate knitting on it: it’s very hard on the hands, and my hands are battered from decades of knitting. But I soon love the outcome, that I knit one linen thing, usually a garment, every year, and with only one exception, all of them are still in my wardrobe because linen never ever wears out. Knitted Euroflax also doesn’t wrinkle, so once it is done, it can fall on the floor of the closet, be stuffed into a corner of a suitcase, brutalized by whatever, and be instantly wearable with no wrinkles. The mini skeins are a brilliant idea; I am reluctantly really excited about the idea.
All four.
How can you ask me to choose, I love them all too!
Age of miracles and wonders, indeed. Paul Simon reference duly noted. But how did I miss the shop info? This is the first I’ve heard about it and I read you two every day!
What a minute. Did you say store? YES, YES, YES! And mini skeins of Euroflax? Brilliant move ladies, brilliant move!
Beautiful colors. I have to say Fire is missing an orange, else it would have been my top pick. Too pink-y right now to evoke fire.
This reminds me of the Shibui linen kit I have to make a Wearwithall stole. I think you all featured it here, a nice shout out to my LYS The Yarnery.
Agree on the fire colorway. Right now it looks too much like cherries.
I think I just totally lied in your survey. I ranked sea third but I would totally order it first to knit something for my house.
So… All of them, please?!
Linen=love. I voted but loved them all – Perfect combinations. Hats off to MGCP. Let me just say, it is a good thing you aren’t opening until fall. I have too many knitting things in the works and need time to ‘clear my stash’.
And you just slip in that you are starting a store. THIS IS EXCITING NEWS!!!
Like lots of others I liked all the mini skein shades. Lots of possibilities there.
Thanks for all the fun.
Joining the chorus that chants ‘carry them all!’ I did vote, but it’s hard to choose. And I may use one of those combos for a second version of my Sasha skirt in Euroflax – one of my all time great knits!
Wish you’d opened your online shop before I sort of promised myself to knit from stash!
Changing my name to ‘this Helen’ since there’s another chartreuse-loving one among your fans 🙂
Oh, and thanks for the terrific Hamilton clip! I share your enthusiasm, and will share this one with equally obsessed grandson.
I also love Euroflax on a cone so that I have no joins in a sweater.
I say all four, too, although I dutifully ranked them. Euroflax miniskeins are a wonderful idea. I can hardly wait!
Hard to pick 2? it’s impossible!! Are you sure you can’t do all four.
Maybe you could also get them to reissue the market bag pattern which appeared about a dozen years ago and which I had forgotten to download. The bag is very much like the string bag I bought on Martha’s Vineyard over 35 years ago. I ended up using my one hank of a lovely denim color to make a few face cloths.
I really like them all, but LOVE the sea and really like the fire!
I did the survey but have a comment. The Fire would be enhanced by a magenta sort of purple. The Sea would benefit from some lavender. Or better yet perhaps a combo with just a lot of purple.
I voted, but I must agree with the comment that the Fire colorway is too pink, too B*rbie-dollish. Otherwise, it would have been my first choice. I am surprised that the MGCP didn’t come up with two more colorways: One with golds and yellows; and one with blues and violets.
As for the proposed runner: 1.) That high-gloss finish on the console screams for a glitzy metallic thread in the runner. 2.) You’re tired of that never-ending Big Floral Slipcover for a Chrysler Cordoba, aren’t you?
oh, The Schuyler Georges! And the sun is out! Add pretty yarn and it is a lovely fun way to bring a smile to the day.
My son asked me the other day to get Hamilton tickets – I said, well, it will be in 2017 if I can … meanwhile I want to see ‘She Loves Me’ – a favorite of mine. The Husbeast failed to get me tickets for Mother’s Day.
p.s. – yes, I voted!
I am planning a little yarnbombing action on the bike rack in front of my library and was thinking of blues and greens with a little white thrown in. Color set #3 is perfect 😉
Why only two? Life is short. Eat dessert first and carry all the yarn.
I’d like the three blues of the sea colorway, but with those two seaweed greens swapped out for the off-white and light beige of the earth colorway. Please? Apparently I prefer sea and sand to sea and seaweed. Or perhaps you could simply offer individual mini-skeins so we all could pick and choose our own combinations.
I ranked the colorways like you asked. But seriously? I want them ALL. Mix and match?
cannot wait!
Kay, I love your approach to house maintenance/adornment. I know too many “perfect” housekeepers, esp. in NYC. Your store sounds exciting, indulgent in the best way. It may get me back to knitting, which I miss. The Euroflax minis are a great idea. Wish I could read and knit at the same time!
I tried to get the pattern for the Monteagle Bag through Ravelry, but while it sent me to the MDK website I got a message that there were no results and the page I wanted was unavailable.
I love Euroflax sport – very tough to rank them! Q: some suggest wet-blocking the linen before you knit; any thoughts? And a big THANKS for the hilarious Hamilton spoof.
Ha! Listening to Hamilton soundtrack as I read your blog. Tried to get tickets via the lottery when we were in NYC a few weeks ago. Double Ha.
What a brilliant idea. Linen mini skeins. Three thumbs up.
Oh, I almost forgot, where was that cake purchased? Coconut cake is not easy to find these days. This one looks especially yummy.
All four! All four! All four!
Must admit I had a first and second choice but 3 and 4 were much harder. But thankfully you have many others weighing in.
In case ur interested, 1 = sea 2 = earth.
I want them all too.
Historical/literary/Broadway side note: knitting is referenced in the first sentence of Ron Chernow’s Hamilton. Eliza is knitting. That cannot be coincidental. Oh took be in the room where it happens…
I really love the idea of little skeins for colorwork, since most of my stash are the huge leftovers from hats and gloves of-many-colors. But there’s a but. Maybe I am unusual BUT much as I’d like to have someone else pick the perfect mix for me I always end up doing it myself, so I would not be likely to take the sickly green to get the ivory (or the pink to get the rust etc), no matter how attractive or useful.
I hear a large sucking sound from my wallet and credit cards to your new business. I don’t need it…but I am looking forward to yet another well-curated place to buy yarn and patterns.
Earth and fire
I made a Las Palmas table runner a few years ago from Euroflax; my hands still hurt at the very thought of it, but it is proudly draped over a buffet in the dining room right now. I was inspired by a knitted linen table runner I saw at ABC Carpet and Home near Union Square. As for the collections, I would like to have contrast–a mini skein of chartreuse in a pack of reds, e.g., but that may be my inner quilter speaking.
I love the colors and idea of Euroflax mini-skein sets, but honestly, what I saw in that picture???
My current obsession, Lotus Biscoff!!!! I blame my friend, Carol. It’s good to have someone to blame, yes.
That CAKE! Oh! What gorgeous bounty in this post.
1) So happy to see these images again and fond memories of the photo shoot
2) I’ve been meaning to knit that bag ever since. I love the runner but I wish someone would knit it for me #lazy #noshame
3) Oh that cake. It was delicious.