Dear Kay,
Oh, the finish line. I’m having flashbacks to finish lines of my past, the few times I managed to get my schnozz together to tie my shoes, show up on time, and hit the start line along with all the other better trained, more stalwart contestants.
I never won a race during my brief cross-country career. I think I finished last at least once, or so far in the back that I commiserated with the runners who were faking injuries.
I crossed the finish line today on this Annisa Wrap.

These bias garter stitch asymmetrical wrap projects are such a breeze.

A fine, asymmetrical, three-color wrap with that double decrease running right across the length of the thing.

I bound off the end, feeling a little smug. Such a smooth run! No cramps, no fake shoe-tying to catch my breath. And then I saw something. I have marked it with a Clover Removable Marker so as to make it clear that Something Is Very Wrong.

One dropped stitch, the result of a failed increase. I can’t believe it didn’t unravel.
How do I fix this? It’s on Row 62 of a five-billion-row project. Unlike Kay Gardiner, who will rip back to Row 2 without a blink, I am not even vaguely interested in ripping back to this row. Should I staple it? What does The Smart Knitter do in this situation? I am feeling like The Idiot Knitter right about now—I’m limping to the finish line with all the injury fakers.
Get some matching yarn and sew that little oops in, after all the Amish make a small error in all their quilts because “only God creates perfectly”
I just had to do this with a hat I finished. I found the little orphaned loop while blocking. Once sewn, with a duplicate- stitch- like maneuver, it is undetectable.
Yes. Sew, weave, whatever it takes not to rip back!
I think they call a piece with an oops in it a “humility” piece.
Actually the humility block is a myth, right up there with the underground railroad quilts.
Agreed. Sew it.
Yup, this. I do this for me and I’ve done it for friends too. Hide that sucker.
I’m with you both. Hide it.
I’m with Kay – usually. But in this case? I’m with Janette and Lauren; sew it in.
I agree. Anchor the yarn tail and then catch that stitch to the row above, similar to duplicate stitch. Then weave in an inch or so of that end, snip and done. Normally, I’d rip it out but for this, I’d try this first.
I’d catch it with matching yarn and anchor it in as well
I like the part about the Amish placing an error like this in each project. I’m not Amish, nor, I imagine, are you, but you could be for one project. Hide that stitch and make it a challenge to find it if anyone ever questions you. It is beautiful!
An opposite tack would be to get a small crystal bead and sew it into that stitch before you tie it off as suggested by others. That bead could catch light and give a sparkling reminder of being imperfect and OK. What a beautiful scarf. I want to try one. Thanks for knitting and showing and telling.
What a great idea! Thanks!
Awesome! Don’t the Japanese have a word for that? Making an imperfection beautiful?
Thank you, Margaret. I’m glad to learn that word for an imperfection made beautiful.
I like this idea. Instead of a bad vibe every time you see that spot there will be an extra sparkle of beauty! I’m going to save this idea for errors down the road. …
Great idea and see Clara Parkes’s knot tying instruction.
What a beautiful idea, to go ahead with what must be the near-invisible fix of anchoring it in, but to add the bead and love yourself up for being human.
You could also make a visible patch……I think that is a thing now…..making a mend/patch in a bright or contrasting yarn. Or, you could embroider a beautiful little flower over it, and catch up that naught stitch in the embroidery!
Lookie there! You’ve got a knitting cowlick. 😉
Ditto the anchoring with matching yarn. Sew that ornery stitch in place and revel in the beauty of your creation. It’s lovely and you should be proud.
Think “duplicate stitch” for the whole repair- attaching the yarn as well as tidying the loop.
I do like the bead idea, but do you really want the reminder of the dropped stitch? Much nicer to enjoy the magic of duplicate stitch.
You can challenge people to find the mistake, if you like.
Sew it in! You barely noticed it. We wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t told us. Sew it in!
Been there, done that! What is a perfect project? Ditto all of the above. Yes, I have ripped back on a finished project but only if it is close to the end. You will never notice it from 3 feet away much less 50′. Unless it is really going to bug you, just sew it into the garment and move on.
I got one stitch off in knitting a Clapotis. When I was 10 rows away from dropping the stitches completely to the bottom I caught the error(s). I carefully threaded and sewed down the last stitches across the entire edge. Have worn it for years, love to tell the story, and without telling it, no one would ever know. Check out the EZ quote about every errors seen only at distance on horseback rider….
Oh thank goodness – it’s not just me! I just finished the knitting and sewing together of Featherweight Cardigan, Amy Herzog version. As I was picking up stitches (377) for the bands and collar I noticed a dropped stitch – on both fronts! One I was able to catch into the picked up and knit st for the band as it was on the very edge. The other has a colorful marker like yours, waiting for me to decide what to do. Ripping is NOT an option this time – think I will be duplicate stitching, as mentioned above. It’s for me and I’m tired enough of the miles of stockinette that I don’t care if there’s an oops. At this point the only thing I care about is that it not unravel, thus the duplicate stitch!
I am thinking that if you had to make a boo boo at least it is at the edge giving you a perfect place to put a fix on it. Agree with all of the above, but, let’s face it you know where it is. These things continue to stand out to us like a giant pimple in the middle of our forehead! Once fixed it will dissolve. Enjoy the shawl it is a real beauty.
Duplicate st in the row above, catching the missed st as you span the gap above it.
I have done this before and I always just thread the same yarn through it, secure it to the next stitch, and weave it it as if I were joining a new ball of yarn. On the edge side, twist it up the side to the next row of the same color and go back down that row. Leave plenty of tail on either end for blocking.
I screwed up a stitch on my current shawl (so it’s stockinette instead of garter) but I am not ripping. It’s on the edge. Nobody will ever notice.
Multiple levels of ditto on all previous comments!!! 🙂 No one will know it is there but you,unless you tell them so that they can look for it,lol… It is a gorgeous shawl,so my two cents is fix it,be done with it and most of all enjoy it!!! <3
And could you caught it before blocking, if you’re going to block. Which is MY question! I love the crunchiness of garter stitch and sometimes block and sometimes don’t. Which are you?
Ditto, match, stitch, duplicate, hide.
It’s beautiful!
I would take some of the remaining matching yarn and carefully work into the area, actually running through the yarn itself, as in a Russian join, then slip through the dropped stitch, pulling it into place and working in the end.
Fix it by weaving in a thread of the color of the stitch … put the ends away … D A H R L I N G … no one will ever see it when you are on a galloping horse … call it done and dusted fabulosity!
I agree with the use of matching sewing thread for this repair. There’s no extra bulk and you can run the tails right though the yarn in a duplicate fashion. It’s practically invisible.
I am working on Stephen West’s yarn along wrap. Lace weight. Big. Short rows. Holes.
My holes are off. On one wedge they took a jog to the left. Rip out? Lace weight?
Someone on the forum mentioned errors that can be seen on a galloping horse. Maryjane, I didnt know that was a quote from EZ. Thank you.!
I really need to read her book.
I vote for taking a stitch. A nod to knitting history and lore.
Nonono. Rip it back and do it over. Oops-that was my gramma’s voice a very long time ago. It took me a several years of “do it over” to realize it wasn’t necessary all the time. I’ve read about a lot of cultures that purposely make mistakes in their art so as not to insult the spirits. Your shawl is gorgeous, duplicate stitch.
since it’s close to the edge, a single, petite tassel would be a perfect personalizing touch…
I would never ever consider ripping back that far, either! Tie it to the stitch above and forget about it.
Run a length of the proper color through the errant stitch, tie it in, weave it in. Block as needed to further conceal any evidence of the error. Forget it ever happened!
Even I would not rip! I echo the “multiple levels of ditto,” with all my heart.
Well, then! Here’s the ultimate answer – if Kay says it’s okay to just tie it in, it must be okay!
Duplicate stitch is a wonderful thing!
If you were seriously thinking about ripping out all that lovely work, you need your medications adjusted.
However, I will be a bit different: Go re-read EZ. (Any excuse is a good excuse, when it comes to re-reading EZ.) You may also need to check some of the other works in the vast Ann Shayne Library of Knitting Knowledge. As I recall, there is a way of working the stitch back into the knitting, using a crochet hook. It will be tedious, but there won’t be any extra ends to weave in.
Agreed — just secure it in however you want, and no one will ever know the difference; they’ll be too busy admiring your beautiful creation! I will certainly frog on occasion — but in this case — no way! Interesting, isn’t it, how we so often find these oopses so late in the game??
wabi sabi- the beauty of things imperfect, incomplete, impermanent
ah yes. it is so.
I agree with Nell. Sewing thread is much less bulky and therefore more invisible. Doesn’t have to be woven in at all. Beautiful shawl, do not even think about any ripping. Once fixed, you will never notice it again. I never wanted to knit with speckled yarn until i saw this; now it is on my list to purchase. Thanks for that.
Tie that sucker off and move onto the next project 🙂
Oh, girl, do I relate! I blocked my linen Inner Peace 2 this weekend, only to noticed a dropped stitch, somehow miraculously still in place, deep into the body of the piece. I opted for a weave-it-in fix, and agree with all those who say you should, too. I will often rip way back, but sometimes……. It’s good to remember that when you wear this beauty, it won’t be flat and static, but draped artfully and moving as you do. A living testament to your human imperfection, flexibility and adaptability. All important!
It’s not just the Amish who deliberately include an error: traditional Persian rugs also have errors woven in, for the same acknowledgement of human imperfection.
And gosh, you knit quickly!
After I had entered a stranded shawl in a judged Fiber Fiesta and used it on my lap in my office for several years, I found a dropped stitch in black yarn. Just sitting there. Can’t believe no one noticed! I put in a stitch marker, which a cat removed, then gave up and put it away for the summer. It’s nice Shetland wool and that stuff never unravels. Fixing it is on my to do list….but way at the bottom, so far down at I can’t read it.
I’m with those who have suggested sewing thread. Double it, knot it, then attach it to the spot by taking the needle through the rogue stitch and the one above, then back through the space between the two strands of sewing thread. That way you have no loose ends to begin with. Then knot several times, run the thread through the ply for an inch or two, then backwards for an inch or two, and snip. Strong and invisible. Beautiful shawl! One to throw on over anything…
Just adding to the “tie it off!” chorus! I have done that several times and can’t find them even if I look. This is supposed to be a hobby, and therefore fun, right?? 😉
Duplicate stitch and weave in the ends (make them a little long ), you’ll never see the repair. Short work!
You know what you’re going to do, just do it!
Thanks to everyone who suggested using sewing thread to fix that stitch. I’d never have thought of it, now I will. I love knitters.
I just want to thank you for the staple suggestion, which was so unexpected it made me do the snorty-laugh. The world needs more snorty-laughs.
At least, my world does!
As the Harlot said…..”there are no knitting police”. I love the idea about adding a tiny crystal bead.
Don’t you dare rip that loveliness back! Sew it in with matching yarn. I just advised this in my fixing class yesterday.
Hi Michele, I can’t remember if I said thank you for sharing your Stopover back in February. So, thank you! I loved your rolled neck so much I used it on mine and also knit rolled cuffs. 🙂
Happened to me on a sock. Didn’t discover that dropped stitch until after it was worn and washed the first time! I must have thought the count was off when I knit the toe. Just sew it in as suggested above. You’ll never find it again and it will wear beautifully!
Woo-hoo, that’s a pretty shawl, any way you fix it.
How about clipping an ornate hand-made stitch marker through that dropped stitch there along with the edge stitch next to it, then just leave it that way forever? You won’t have to find a sewing needle or do a goll-danged thing except rummage through all those fancy stitch markers nobody ever uses. I know I never use mine. It’s safety pins, twist ties, bread bag tabs, and loops of yarn all the way for me.
Or put those fancy stitch markers to shame and hang a great big dangly earring right there. You know, that one earring that’s lost it’s mate, and is so gosh-darned awful you can’t believe you bought it, much less two of them, much much less that you thought you were ever going to wear them more than once just so you could lose half the pair. If you happen to have an earring like that. Because, well, I have a few.
Once I finished a ballband dishcloth and realized I forgot a single yarn forward. As a result one contrasting color slipped stitch was tangled up in the garter stitch section of the pattern, making a little disruption in the color sequence. I thought for a minute about a quick duplicate stitch to cover up the wonky slipped stitch. And then I told myself to get a grip, it’s a dishcloth. 🙂
I agree, tie it and hide it. I just finished a shawl with a few holes because I cant figure out how to fix a yarn over, i’ve either dropped one or missed to do one, so i’m going to take one or two plies of the yarn and fix it.