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Dear everybody,

I’ll be quick, because are up to our elbows in stuff, getting ready for Nash Yarn Fest.

We’re less than three weeks from our gathering of knitters and crocheters in Nashville, and things are coming together. Cats are being herded. Ducks lining up. Print is printing. Signs are signing.

March 14 and 15. Those are the dates. If you’re thinking about coming, just come on! All the info and tickets are here.

Nashville is incredible these days. You can eat yourself silly, listen to the best music in the world, and (by the way) end up in a giant room filled with almost 100 vendors and a horde of people who like to knit and crochet as much as you do.

I’m actually feeling a lot of peace about the whole thing. I keep looking at the list of vendors who are coming and trying to get all their names in my head. It feels really incredible to know that we’re going to have a gathering with so many makers. And when I see the list of folks who have tickets, my head spins. We’re gonna have name tags, thank goodness.

Strike a Pose!

Professional photographer Gale Zucker is going to be running a truly special photo booth during NYF.

When you see the kind of joy and fun she captures in her photographs, you will definitely want to get in on this. She has an incredible knack for capturing a person’s spirit. We’re lucky she’s going to be at NYF.

It only takes a few minutes for Gale to do her magic, and slots are already filling up. So if you’d like to have one of our favorite photographers capture you and your friends in all your glory, be sure to sign up now, right here.

To everyone who’s coming, I’ll say it again: we can’t wait to see you!



Photos by Gale Zucker (yes, you too can have a photo of yourself as glorious as these!)
About that brown pullover: That’s the stunning Portolan Pullover by Julia Farwell-Clay, who is modeling it herself.

Want to keep up with all things MDK? Head on over to the homepage.



    • I love the colors of the scarf. Can you please tell me what the yarn it is?
      Congratulations on the Yarn Fest!

  • I took an online class with Gale Zucker through a yarn shop in Chicago area, it was very impressive so if you have a chance while you’re at the Yarn Fest, just do it! Wish I could be there with all you knitters and crotcheters. Have fun.

  • Such a great photo of Julia! Sorry to not participate, it would be great to see you all, and enjoy Nashville again! Have some fun for me too!

    • I’m budgeting extra fun for you Benedetta! There’s always the next time!

  • Ready for the Joy!

  • I am SO excited for this event!!! It can’t come soon enough!

  • soooooooooooo excited!!! see y’all soon!

  • I so wish I could go, especially since my birthday is the day before, but it’s kind of far and would be out of my budget with the hotel and non-yarn expenses. Not to mention I’d spend way too much on yarn and classes for my budget. Looking forward to hearing about it after!

  • Boohoo, I will not be joining you all and all the fun you are sure to have. But I will be waiting in snowy and cold Vermont and watching for all the comments and pics afterwards. I am quite taken with the picture of the gal in the top picture, with the brown Colorwork sweater. Can someone please tell me the name of that pattern? I really, really want to make one, just as that one is. It is a very striking pullover. Thanks in advance and Happy Nash Yarn Festing everyone!

    • That is the Portolan Pullover by Julia Farwell-Clay,seen in the photo. It’s on Ravelry.

    • Thank you so much, Kay. I am really psyched to check my yarn stash. I appreciate your response.

    • That’s Julia Farwell-Clay modeling her own design, the Portolan Pullover:

  • I started reading the blog back in 200? and now to see that you have your own yarnfest 20 years later is amazing.


  • I’m so excited to return to my hometown for such a yarn event! Can’t wait!

  • Gorgeous scarf and sweater! Would love to join you but can’t so I want a full report with photos please. Have fun at the fest.

  • I love the colors of the scarf. Can you please tell me what the yarn it is?
    Congratulations on the Yarn Fest!

  • Where is this event being held in Nashville?

    • At the Fairgrounds Nashville.

  • Gale have a blast! I know everyone who steps in front of your camera will and they’ll end up with gorgeous, imaginative, joyful shots!

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