The Lounge Is Open!

Great news: they flipped the ON switch.
See? Up there in the left corner? The Lounge—that’s it. Game on!
The conversation has just begun, and we hope you’ll come introduce yourself and be a part of it.
It’s all very intuitive. Just show and tell. You can add photos, links, and videos from YouTube or other third-party video hosts. You can read posts without logging in. To join the conversation, use your MDK account username and password so you can write posts.
Why are we doing this?
Because, like most things involving knitting, we think it’ll be fun.
A Bit of Background
In case you didn’t know, we met on an internet message board, at the Rowan Yarns website, in 2002, back when our friends thought we were basically nuts to be engaged in ongoing conversation with people we had never met in person. We thought it was nutty, too, but that didn’t really slow us down. It wasn’t easy to find people as wound up about knitting as we were.
Now, all these years and pullovers later, we’re still believers when it comes to online community. And, after so many years of wise, funny, generous, helpful, wacky, surprising, and unexpected comments from MDK readers, we are certain that this community needs a better place to talk than a comments thread.
You know: a lounge, a hangout, a basement rec room with a busted-out corduroy sofa.
Knitters, that glorious day has arrived.
Our Knitting Expert
Nell Ziroli is in the house! Nell has rich experience as a knitting teacher, designer, and citizen of the online knitting world. We’re delighted that she will be on hand with her wisdom, ideas, and skill.
Pregame the Giftalong
Next Monday, November 14 is the official start of our new knitalong, the Giftalong. The Lounge will be a central location for conversation about this epic effort to make warmhearted gifts, EZ kwik knits, or whatever you please on a fairly stiff deadline. This week, please feel free to dive in with your schemes, strategies, and dreams for what you’d like to accomplish during this month of holiday gift-making.
Thank you for being a part of this community—here’s to a lot more chitchat, gibblegabble, and meaningful exchange of profound ideas and slow cooker recipes in the days and months to come.
(Featured image from James Vaughn.)
Oh, that song brought memories! Thank you! I am glad it is not a naugahide (or however you spell it) sofa!
They wouldn’t dare have a naugahyde sofa — naugas are an endangered species!
I’m in. I’m gathering little projects to work on during the knit a long. Love the music!
On my screen it says “MDK talk”, rather than “the lounge.” It’s a bit confusing, but I still love it.
Ah, after “MDKTalk” gets clicked the first time it changes to “the lounge.”
MDKTalk sounded like some kind of boring medical forum! Had to change it! ; ) (I think it will change if you clear your cache. But then, I think clearing my cache is how to fix any issue.)
What fun! Hi, Nell! I look forward to the Lounge and can only imagine that one day a non-virtual lounge with real chairs and people and chocolate might happen. Until then, I’ll log in and get to know people.
I’m confused by the log in requirement. Do I have to login and create a password to be able to chat on the threads? I don’t recall ever having made a password for MDK before this. I guess chat rooms are new to me.
Hi Glynis–you’re totally right about not needing a password for reading MDK. It’s not necessary and never will be. But if you’d like to save articles, purchase yarns and download patterns, and now chat in The Lounge, you’ll need to set up an account, which is simple to do. Click on the little person icon in the top right corner, and fill out the form.
Love the music. I’ll be humming it all day now. My mitten and I are glad to be here.
I’ve met a lot of nice people using knit site comments. I can’t wait to make new friends.
Ooh, I remember that song from childhood. Loved it then and still do now – the perfect theme song for The Lounge.
Your new lounge looks groovy! I’m ready for a game of Twister.
I love Twister. It was the first thing I noticed in the photo!
OMG, they are wearing suits and ties! And the pomade! I die. It’s hard to imagine that this was in my lifetime (and in fact, when I was in COLLEGE).
I’m in! Except… I don’t seem to be in. I have my password and all, but how do I sign up for the knitalong/giftalong? There’s a little lock sign beside it, and somewhere I saw the word “closed.” Please don’t tell me I’m too late? There’s a whole week before it even begins!
Judy, I got rid of that lock thing which is pretty mysterious. It’s wiiiiiiide ooooooooopen nowwwwwww–come on in!
This song and Blowin’ in the Wind are the first two popular songs that I remember. Excellent song for channeling thst early 60s vibe!
I’m here, with yarn, needles, and a vat o’ tea! Can I have the corner of the couch?
I have to say that I wondered how you two met, so I made up a story that you had gone to college together, and that you were English majors.