Thoughts on a Pop-up Shop

Dear Kay,
Well, the first-ever MDK Pop-up Shop came and went so fast that the day passed in a cloud of hellos, catching-ups, and the scent of organic cotton candy that wafted in from a nearby vendor.

At one point, my dad got drafted to dispense peppermints. He’s more of a Tootsie Roll guy, but he did great.
Baling wire and asphalt shingles. Those are the materials my dad says can get you through anything. We could have used a bit of both in our nook. Our total lack of fixtures was noticeable when your co-host happened to be Fringe Supply Co., run by Karen Templer. Karen is a high priest of fixtures. She has a righteous inventory of giant metal tables and things onto which you hang handknits. The best neighbor ever, she could not have been more gracious about loaning us a cup of . . . fixtures.

Most days, we spend a lot of time looking at our yarns and books on a computer screen. It was fun to lay them out for the pop-up, the way I used to put my Barbies on the floor with their clothes. Go-go dancer dresses here. Tiny shoes there.

Jill Draper’s Hudson Mini Skeins were popular. We still have a few, for those looking for a bundle of hand-dyed color. And Rifton. And some Brunswick, which has such bulky beauty about it.

What that note says: “The Knitter’s Tote by Julia Hilbrandt. $230. Currently running a waitlist. Please give us your email and we’ll alert you when it’s available to order.” It remains true today! Email us via the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page if you’re in the market.

Top: Euroflax mini skeins. Right: a pile of handknits including a Sommerfeld Shawl on top. Left: a Station Wagon Blanket in embryo form.

The Most Swished Sample Award went to the Corrugated Shawl by Cecelia Campochiaro, from MDK Field Guide No. 5: Sequences. Of all our yarns, this is the one I wish I could teleport to you so you could swish it around. Caravan by Crave Yarn is merino/cashmere/camel/mulberry silk. Really something. (We’re expecting more of this shade, Authenticity, soon.)


One knitter said it was fun to see our yarns and books in person, after seeing them online. I had the exact same feeling, in reverse—it was so great to see people in person that I know so well online. It’s like an O. Henry story, I tell you.

Mood: left out.
Kay, everybody was asking about you. Liz, ecommerce manager of the gods, thank you again for keeping such a calm demeanor even as the ominous words were uttered: “Is your wifi working?”
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who is taking a minute to shop with us during this holiday season. We have surprises yet to come in the days ahead, along with plenty of knitting and the usual carrying on. Watch Thursday for the announcement of a knitalong with stakes so low that you may have already arrived at the finish line!
Wonderful how “a Tootsie Roll guy” will do a great job dispensing peppermints, if it is to help his little girl make a success in her first pop up shop, and how a sweet kitty holds the fort by keeping watch over a beautiful handknit in progress. 🙂 ❤
He remains very supportive despite his resolute loyalty to woodworking.
Are you talking about Pappy or Kermit here?
He sounds like my kind of guy!
You always make me laugh! Glad it was a success. I couldn’t be there in person, but I did manage to shop with MDK last night. Nothing quite like buying my own Xmas gifts for the family to wrap. At least I’ll get what I want. Oh, and I’m a Tootsie Roll kind of gal, but gladly would have passed out mints to help my knitting heroes!
Thank you for shopping with us, Ingrid!
My presents for me are so weird, I have to wrap them myself. Does Hubbo want to give me four pairs of black tights I got at TJ Maxx? Maybe he does!
Oh how I wish I still lived in Nashville. I might have camped out overnight to await the shop opening! What fun to see Jennie…another super creative, talented friend/USN connection. I taught her brother in second grade. XXOO
I love that you have such long ties to Nashville, Jan. Please let me know next time you’re headed this way!
If you find yourself in need of fixtures again, I learned (trial by fire) how to make $100 outfit an entire stall in 30 min from stuff at Bed Bath & Beyond a couple of years ago. Pop-up canvas bins turned on their side can do wonders I tell you!
Such fun to swish the handknits – my favorite part of this season.
Such a good idea—weight is an issue, for sure.
Weight is always an issue , Ann!
Got my order when we returned from Thanksgiving with the kids and their kids! Wash book just makes me happier; please, never stop printing them
I actually just scrolled back up thinking, “wash book? I missed that. What is she talking about? I must see!” LOL
Oh Lordy! wash book EACH . I meant EACH BOOK! Maybe I am predicting the future…..Book #432, the Warsh Book
Hugs all around
So happy to be there for your virgin voyage! I would just like to apologize for the stack of plywood in the corner of the nook that I didn’t realize was there until after you’d gone.
It was evocative. It was all about building, and the creative process.
Sounds like my kind of knitalong! haha
Well, how fun does that sound? I read parts of your letter out loud to my partner, and she–a proud scion of Clarksville, TN–said, “Wouldn’t it be nice if they could come here to the Oregon coast?” I also loved the photos, especially the one with the Euroflax mini-skeins glowing in the light.
At first I thought they were Christmas lights!
I wanted to be there so much! Sorry I missed the fun. I guess I’ll have to force myself to shop online 🙂
Where might I find the pattern for the lovely yarn garland hung in the windows as shown in the first photo?