Dear Ann,
I worry that people are insufficiently roused to knitting cowls. What they need is: more cow(l)bell. (Sorry.) More oddly styled season-inappropriate photos of winter neckwear!
These shots were taken over Labor Day weekend. We had the cowls.

We had the cowl models.

(We had the terrier. See under photographer’s arm.)
We didn’t have the cowl weather.

We had to think fast. We had to be open to possibilities.

What we were open to was an elaborate mermaids-in-cowls fantasy.

Good times.

Happy Tamatori-ing!
P.S. Throwback Thursday, or #tbt, is a thing on Instagram and Twitter where you post old pictures on Thursdays. I am a frequent and enthusiastic participant. Really would like to see more knitters on Instagram. I follow a ton of knitters and I still find myself wishing for more knitting to look at. If you’re new to Instagram (c’mon! you know you want to!) and wondering who to follow, one place to start would be, of course ME (@kaygardiner), and of course YOU (@annshayne), and also to get busy and follow all the knitters we follow. The knitterly eye is adventurous. This is really a worthwhile expenditure of tiny bits of time when you don’t have anything else to do, or you do but you don’t wanna.
I had no idea Olive was in on the act, but I suppose I should have expected it.
Ah, those days of warmth. Now we need the Tamatoris!
B x x
Great to be in on a photo shoot where necessity was the mother of invention of such creativity! Such an interesting perspective, too: photographs of the photographer taking photos (and with Olive consulting how could anything go wrong?). This one is so much fun I almost can’t stand stand it! Thank you so much.
P.S.– Regarding the use of small bits of time, does anyone engage in playing Candy Crush Saga? Sweet!
Love the “we can never have enough cow(l) bell!
From a lover of cow bell and cowls!
The “cow(l) bell” referance has gone way over my head! Is it somehow a play on words between cow bells and cowl belles? Please enlighten me!
Saturday Night Live reference, right? Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell. Funny stuff.
Kay, you’re wonderfully witty!
Thanks, Mrs. Smythe. Although I enjoy SNL, I am either out or have fallen asleep when it airs.
Regarding Instagram, definitely the latter . I applaud the mermaids in cowls concept. I want to see a lopapeysas under the sea shoot next.
I have no idea what happened up there with the “comment”, anyway…Everything about this is wonderful, the mermaid idea, the beautiful models, the underwater shots – its all amazing and inspired. I am definitely “roused”.
What pattern are the cowls? They are lovely! 🙂
Hello Kasia,
If you search for ‘Tamatori’ on Ravelry you’ll find the pattern.
Mermaids in Cowls–they are just lovely. I had a Rowan moment!