Torn Between Two Knitalongs

Dear Ann,
Last Sunday morning I went off with three trusty pals for a few days in a lodge in Pennsylvania, where we were planning to hike in a snowy landscape, eat three meals a day that we had nothing to do with preparing, solve all our problems and some of the world’s, and generally rest up.
It had taken me 5 minutes to throw a few clothes in a bag.

Clockwise from top left: Hadley, Relax, and Roger. The complete sweater set for a wintry weekend.
For once in my life, packing the knitting had been equally easy. I had high hopes of making progress on my Carbeth, perhaps even finishing it. I had one sleeve to cast on and knit, and then I’d be at the glorious yoke decreases, probably before we crossed the PA line.
As a safety precaution, I did pack a back-up project. I took along my project for the Fringe and Friends Log Cabin Knitalong, which has been lurching and limping along (depending on the day) in the sleeve/shoulder/neck portion of the back. It is not coincidental that this is the part of the project that does not involve log cabin knitting, and does involve reading a pattern for line-by-line shaping instructions. “Knit to 5 stitches before the last wrap, wrap and turn,” etc. etc. Never my favorite, but it has to be done.
I got in the car. We got on the road. (I was not driving.) I got out my Carbeth.
And realized that I only had four of the five double-pointed needles for the sleeve. The fifth one was back at home, on my desk. To make matters worse, I’d left the smaller set of dpns that I needed to start the ribbing on the new sleeve.

(This little piggy stayed home.)
So I didn’t work on Carbeth while I was away, and this is its current status, as of Wednesday afternoon:

Tantalizingly close to the Exciting Yoke Decreases. But still not there.
That back-up project sure came in handy. Can you imagine if I hadn’t had it? Faced with three days–let’s be honest, three hours–with no knitting, I surely would have whittled a U.S. 10 dpn out of kindling, using nail clippers and an emery board, or at least hobbled along with just the four needles. (I realize this would have worked ok, but I’m a weenie.)
Since my Relaxed Log Cabin pullover project presented a path requiring less gumption, that’s what I worked on for three relaxing days. I finished the back of it, and got a start on the front. So if those Carbeth yoke decreases get too taxing on my brain, I can now change the channel to sweet, easy log cabin knitting.
Eventually I’ll have two sweaters out of all this switching back and forth.
Speaking of Carbeth, I have to share Nell Ziroli’s version, with sleeve ribbing that goes all the way up and into the yoke. Isn’t it stunning? I love how those lines of ribbing merge into the neck.

Over on Instagram, Nell is wondering what to do for the neck. I initially thought she should stick with the wide foldover neck in the Carbeth pattern (if only for the fun of blocking it with a plate). But looking at it now, I’m thinking it would be cool to just bind it off in rib and leave it as a mock turtleneck. Can’t wait to see this one modeled.
Whichever knitalong you’re working on at the moment (I recommend both), I wish you speedy progress and no missing equipment.
Nail clippers and an emery board? Priceless!!!
I probably would have yelled, we must make a detour to an LYS! But this is why we always pack more than one project. The thought of not having a project for the holidays car trip makes me shudder
Totally agree. I always pack a back-up knit (just in case).
Three days in a lodge with trusty pals, AND knitting sounds perfect, despite the missing needle. (Would there be a bamboo skewer about the kitchen that might work?) Enjoy. I think I need a Roger on my needles.
Love Nell’s version.
You could have started the sleeve with a provisional cast on and then later grated on another cuff. Personally I am knitting my cuffs flat because I hate DPNs and the 16-inch circular is too long for the cuffs.
Nooooooo….why did you have to go and show a ribbed sleeve Carbeth??? I was doing so good resisting….(…runs off to look in stash…)
I am impressed you only packed two projects! I usually have at least six with me! I never know what I will want to work on!
My take along knitting bag is bigger than my clothes bag! . I think a fold over turtleneck would also look good on Nell’s Carbeth.
I would like one of all the sweaters that you packed. And Nell’s sweater is just wonderful.
I needed size 10 double points for a sleeve while I was on a cruise. I used my yellow mechanical pencils! I had to reverse all the stitches after every row because the clip was in the way, but it worked!
I salute you! Why be organized when you can be resourceful?
I’m still trying to finish last year’s Hadley and seeing it in your clothes makes me wish mine was done!!
I would have missed it this weekend!
YES! This is why knitting projects take up so much room when I’m traveling… I usually have a project, a back up and another back up!! Nell is a genius.
Oh, Kay! Your story reminds me of the trip I took, long ago to an old farmhouse. I had one knitting project, socks on DPNs. I was on the porch, relaxing and watching Indigo Buntings when one needle slipped, fell neatly in the gap between 2 boards – never, ever to be seen again.
There’s a cautionary tale re: magic loop in there somewhere. xo
But you got to see Indigo Buntings!
Yup-one size 6 is fermenting below a deck porch too.
Wow, that Carbeth with the ribbed sleeves looks so graphically interesting! I agree – mock turtleneck. I think going with anything different will diminish the impact of the ribbing.
I live in New Orleans. I do NOT need another sweater! But that ribbed Carbeth…aaaaaaahhhhhh. So lovely!
Always thought the fifth DPN was in case you lost one.
Yes, I only use 4-am I doing it wrong? Also I read you can use 1 that is a different size in case 1 is lost.
That weekend sounds so lovely … I always use just four DPNs. The three holding stiches form a nice stable triangle whereas having stiches on four needles results in a floppy square. My experience!
I was already planning a Carbeth#2, but now it’s a must! Those rib sleeves/yoke are to die for. I’m not to the sleeves on Carbeth#1 yet, but I’ll barely make the yarn allowance as it is… I say mock turtle for the neck. Looks fab!
Timely post… I’m packing today for a week away, and will be sure to double check that I have enough tools.
The struggle is real. I’ve been out of town with only one small project. My KAL stuff got left behind.
A cautionary tale. I have so many duplicate needle sets because of hurrying or oversight in packing. Will remember the backup project for the future. I can see a funnel neck on Nell’s sweater. Is that the same as a mock turtle?
Nell! That ribbed Carbeth….SWOON. You are tempting me mightily.
I always have a pair of socks on the needles for travel knitting and ONLY travel knitting. Magic Loop calls for only one needle, which has stitches on it, so it’s unlikely to get lost. And all tools stay in that bag because it’s ONLY for travel. Though I do sometimes bring something else for those long, un-interrupted (except for the drinks steward) plane rides when I can really concentrate on something tricky.
I have left needles and essential skeins of yarn behind, but now try to be more careful (not always successful!) Nell’s modifications are always so interesting and creative. Makes it a very different sweater!
I also dislike “reading a pattern for line-by-line instructions.” And I lament your left behind dpn. I am often an overpacker when it comes to travel knitting projects. (I took 2 projects and 3 circs to Library Knit Night this week, but ended up mostly perusing a big pile of knitting magazines someone had donated to the library, instead!) Other times, I just brazenly throw a pre-project swatch or straightforward stockinette project in my bag, but have more than once lamented the lack of a crochet hook or Knit Chek. Now I keep a size F crochet hook and Karen Templer’s ruler and needle gauge in my regular bag!
Nell’s Carbeth is stunning. So imaginative, so creative. I’m afraid if I wore it, though, I would feel like I was walking around all day saying, “Hello, meet the girls.”
Too bad you didn’t post this sooner-I live in eastern Pa. so I could have run one over!
Nell’s center point lands between 2 knit stitches! Kate’s sample is on one side of a set and I ‘needed’ it to be centered (obsessive, I know). I didn’t want a rolled collar. I think the ribbing all the way up to a short funnel is a perfect alternative! Would you need to add a few stitches to make up for the drawing in of the rib?
Love Nell’s version! That’s the one I’ll make.
Used Ravelry Stash advanced search by meterage to find likely candidates and found 2 batches of way vintage stuff I’d “rescued” via eBay many years ago. Carbeth On!
Started with sleeves to be sure of gauge – and am glad I did – almost done with 2nd sleeve. I’m waiting anxiously for my 40” 6 and 6.5 mm circulars to arrive…
I take 2-3 projects. Always a sock and something interesting like easyish lace or cables. Depending how long the trip is, I might bring a third, either knitting or needlepoint.
My upcoming trip to London & Edinburgh, I will likely have a hat, shawlette and socks on the go.