How To
Twining Wrap: Carol Explains It for Us

Juicy juicy juicy!
Prepare to be dazzled by this five minutes of Carol Feller giving us the skinny on her new design, the Twining Wrap, a highlight of MDK Field Guide No. 14: Refresh.

She explains how this delectable wrap is constructed, which is such a help when just digging into a new pattern. This is a gorgeous piece of knitting—and it starts with a mere four stitches.
Plus: she demonstrates one of the clever stitches that is used a lot in this design. Time saver! Super tidy! You will want to see how she does it.
Is there supposed to be a video?
Hi Ellen! That’s the video up at the top of the post.
So helpful and perfect timing! I’m starting this morning ❤️
Why isn’t the ” flag” available to save articles? Or did I miss something?
Make sure you are signed in to your account. Periodically, my account mysteriously signs out even though I click the box to keep me signed in.
Thx Kathy! That brought my “flag” back too
Thanks! That fixed it for me too.
I’ve known about Modern Daily Knitting for many years, but just recently signed up for this newsletter. Boy, am I glad I did!
Can’t wait for my yarn to arrive!! Today’s post has got me itching to start
It is really lovely to work with!
Whew, I’m relieved to know I’ve been doing those cables right on my Trellis Top! It’s so helpful to hear about the philosophy of the gorgeous wrap and have it demystified! Such an elegant design – not nearly as complicated to knit as it looks in the stunning results.
So helpful! I was struggling with the yo yesterday. This was a perfectly timed tutorial! Thank you Carol
I began swatching for the Trellis Top yesterday and was amazed at how clear and concise Carol’s directions were on the RC and LC. I love how those stitches look, and cannot wait to start the real TT. Now I’m thinking I may need to knit the Twining Wrap too. Such an elegant design. I loved all of Carol’s technical info, like knitting through the back of a stitch to tighten a YO. Thank you so much!
I began swatching for the Trellis Top yesterday and was amazed at how clear and concise Carol’s directions were on the RC and LC. I love how those stitches look, and cannot wait to start the real TT. Now I’m thinking I may need to knit the Twining Wrap too. Such an elegant design. I loved all of Carol’s technical info, like knitting through the back of a stitch to tighten a YO. Thank you so much!
So interested to see Carol holding her working needle the way I do – like a pen! There are very few who hold their needles like this but it makes the flicking so easy and purls are at an easier angle and therefore quicker.
If I purchased the e-book version of Refresh will I be able to load it into my knitting companion app? I don’t know how to do that without Ravelry.
Yes. I do this all the time. You’ll need to know where you stored the PDF when you downloaded it. If that location isn’t on the device where you use Knit Companion, you’ll need to be able to access it from the device. I use Dropbox for this so I can access PDF files for KnitCompanion on all my devices.
Thank you for solving this one, Altotude! I’m not familiar with Knit Companion so I was stumped.
I did it! Thank you for the guidance. Learned something new
Everything is so much easier when you can watch somebody doing it. I’m FIRED UP and READY TO GO.
Just in the nick of time for me! Did the setup yesterday and it looks like the video, so now I know I’m on the right track. Looking forward to those little shortcut cables.
I don’t know if I’m the only person with this problem, but my save with one click flag has disappeared from the site. Did I do something to lose it, how do I get it back?
Hi Carol! Apologies for the confusion. We had to update the site, so now you need to be signed in to your MDK account in order to use the one click flag/bookmark.
To save articles using the bookmark, just sign in to your MDK account. Then, you can save an article in two ways: 1) When you’re reading a post, look to the left column and click the bookmark icon. 2) When you’re looking at a landing page with a bunch of posts listed, just hover over the post you’d like to save and click the bookmark icon.
To access your saved articles, go to the person icon at the top right and click “Saved Articles.”
We had to make this site update, so we’re grateful for your patience with this slightly different system.
That wrap is definitely on my list! But I have a non knitting question – I notice Carol pronounces the name of it with a short i. The way I would pronounce ‘twinning’. I would pronounce ‘twining’ with a long i. So have I been pronouncing ‘Twinings tea’ incorrectly all these years? Not being snarky, I just love language in all its variety, and I’m curious….
I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing it right or wrong! There are so many phrases that I only read that when I pronounce them I’m really not sure if its ‘right 🙂
I too have been pronouncing it twine like vine.
I was curious, too, and ran over to YouTube to see if I could learn The Twining Tea Truth. The Twinings Tea ad I found clearly rhymes “Twinings” with dining, wining and signing. Here’s that ad’s URL:
Hi, i’m trying to save the twining article but there is no flag to click on! Help