Village Scarf: Safe As Houses
I had my plans all made for the long-anticipated launch of Field Guide No. 16: Painterly. I was going to start with the Kites Throw, in the cool colorway, which appeals to me precisely because its pale shades (Kaffe calls them “chalky”) are outside my normal color choices.
I usually avoid anything that can be described as “dusty” (been there, done dusty in the 1970s) or pale, or pastel. But chalky? Chalky sounds so alluringly beachy, like shells and sand. And Kaffe’s definition of a chalky palette includes a pale burnt orange and a harvest gold (again, been there, done harvest colors, in the Brady Bunch aspirational kitchens of my youth)—which I find exciting, and definitely not-pastel.
So last Friday, on Official Launch Day, I was toeing the starting line, eager to cast on the kites at last.
And then, while scrolling through Instagram images from our valiant test knitters, Fate intervened.
Fate in the form of a tiny cushion.

One test knitter, Danielle Baines, might have thought she was doing the Cliff’s Notes version of a test knit when she made a single repeat of the Village Scarf chart in Field Guide 16, and fashioned it into a hackysack-sized throw pillow. But for me, Danielle’s miniature house was love at first sight.
And so it was that the Village Scarf chart—a single repeat of it—was my first official foray into the colorful waters of MDK Field Guide No. 16: Painterly. I grabbed my nubbins of leftover Felted Tweed, cast on 27 stitches, and began construction.
I am smitten beyond belief. It may take a subdivision of these wee houses to get this chart out of my system.
How It Started
I love the logic of this house motif. It’s almost instantly memorizable, with the door and window in blocks 5 stitches wide, and increments of 6 rows. It’s great practice for working with short lengths of yarn and pulling from the tangle. The window doesn’t even take a meter of yarn.

Although I’ve done my share of intarsia in my life, I watched and re-watched Jen Arnall-Culliford’s videos, to get myself in the proper frame of mind, and to ground myself in Jen’s unflappable calm.
Is it tangly? Yes. Is the tangly-ness a problem? No. Keep those lengths of yarn shortish—I cut them about a meter long to start with, and adjust as I learn how much yarn a spot of color needs. When I ran out of yarn on the main color of the house, I spit-felted a new length onto it.
How It’s Going
Despite the bedraggled appearance of the ends as you knit, weaving them in is a matter of a few minutes, and perfect mindless handwork for Zoom calls.

The differences between the house on the right and the house on the left are: weaving in ends, and a couple of blasts with the steam iron.

It’s extremely satisfying. In this year of staying home, this little motif calls to me.
Where It’s Going
If you’re new to intarsia, or have found it challenging in the past, my advice is to start with a wee cabin, 27 stitches wide. And when you’re confidently switching colors, consider the Village Scarf.

The Village Scarf.

It’s really something. In multiples, the houses become almost abstract.

Our test knitters were really drawn to this pattern, and adapted it to cushions large and small and, my favorite—very small.
I struggled whether to order a kit from this book and yesterday ordered the kites throw in “chalky.” Now I kind of regretting not ordering the other color set. I just keep telling myself chalky doesn’t have to be bad. That word reminds me of the mess chalk made in elementary school when we still had blackboards. I do love the colors so I hope I’m second guessing for nothing.
In this instance, chalky is another way of saying “heather tones”.
Okay, I like that better. Thank you.
This is JUST what I needed to see, amazing how things fall into place. I have some fabulous Buachaille skeins from Kate Davies that are not much in themselves but will be perfect for making small houses. Serendipity! Xxx
Those would be perfect!
That’s what I thought, fab colours and sticky xx
Oh, I love that idea! Buachaille is nice and sticky, too—perfect for colorwork.
When I first laid eyes on this field guide my immediate plan was to make a wall hanging, 2 houses wide by 3 tall. I have just the place for it. I’ve never done intarsia, so this seemed a manageable size. The tiny pillow is another good thought. Let’s see what happens.
Here’e the thing. I had never done intarsia before and, when the email about testing arrived, my second carpal tunnel surgery was imminent. But I really wanted to participate, So Nell suggested a pin-cushion sized pillow with a single motif instead of the full meal deal. She sent the charts and once I saw this charming little house, the decision was made. I’m so glad you liked it too!
Wow—knowing the story makes it even better that you made such a magical thing. Hope your carpal tunnel is all better!
Healing well thank you! Already have needles back in my hands. At least once in a while.
I was stressing about the possibility that a meter would not be long enough for one of the small motifs and I would make a mess of things with having to work with a new piece for just a few stitches, messing up my tension. Spit splicing somehow did not occur to me and makes perfect sense for this yarn. Thank you!
I got the idea from Mrs. Shayne and it really eliminates anxiety about whether you have enough.
I seriously want to knit a village of houses. So cute!
Dodgesh 11/18/20
This has truly called to me as I love anything ‘houses’ and it has been decades since I have sat down to knit! The ‘chalky’ Afghan that is tempting me will be more achievable, following perhaps, many little houses, a scarf and/or a cushion. Your post has been most inspirational encouraging me to jump in the very large and murky pond while reminding one to stop and put on one’s boots.
I love this idea of a little house pin cushion. I like making pin cushions and this is perfect for a little gift or to keep! Thanks for the wonderful idea!
oh, i can see single houses in my life, YES!!
To say I’m smitten with all things Kaffe Fassett is an understatement. Never having knitted intarsia I would like to see the back side of one of the scarves, just so I know what to expect.
It looks like the back side of my little house in the photos. I like the back almost as much as the front. The short ends kind of melt in and the motifs are all outlined.
Oh dear, my mind just teased me with the idea of doing one house and then log-cabin-style solid strips around it. Help! I’ve not even had breakfast, and down the rabbit trail I go!
What a great idea. I love it!
Oh my gosh! A whole blanket of little houses/log cabin!! Talk about a chance to play with color. I wonder how many yarn bundles it would take…..
Brilliant idea! Go for it.
I think this is my most favorite Field Guide ever… I can’t wait to dive into one of these projects!!! I’m sure I have a few more houses in me. 😉
I love that you’re not housed out Vicki!
Oh my, I didn’t think I could be more enamored with this delightful project, but yes, I am! It’s the perfect mix of pandemic significance, heirloom, and whimsy!
My kit for the I cushion bright color way will be delivered today. I’m planning out how I’m going to track my place in the pattern. I love how patterns emerge in intarsia and I can’t wait. Good thing I’m done with Christmas knitting.
Brilliant! Just what I needed. Thank you.
I love the colors of the Kites Throw. (I think “soothing.”)
I love this little house block! And it’s reminding me of another pattern – have you seen Boy Knits World Copenhagen blanket? Another treat of little houses all knitted together.
yes! love it when my virtual knitting friends converge !
Darn it, Kay! Once again I’m being sucked down an MDK rabbit hole . Little tweedy houses, here I come! After all, it’s Kaffe!
I have your “Painterly” booklet and it’s enchanting. We were in Peru two years ago and watched the amazing knitting taking place EVERYWHERE. The models in the book remind me of the beautiful, happy faces we found there. Those sweet and gentle spirits among the beautiful and colorful wools created a perfect memory of Peru. This booklet takes me there whenever I look through the book. I bought a hat from a man who worked a very complicated design while talking to me – never looking at his work. BLOWN AWAY!!
So, even though Intarsia knitting has been intimidating, I am going to jump in. Beautiful book – as always.
Must have houses in many heathery-Rowanish iterations all over my house
I loved your idea and creations….beautiful and colorful. This will last years to come. Thank you for sharing.
I just started a test pattern and one comment is to cut a bit more yarn than expected as 6-8″ of yarn can be eaten up when leaving tails for weaving in at beginning and end of that color. Also the split, spit and felting of yarn to join new pieces is so far eluding me…with felted tweed, do we still trim out 1 strand in each end? – I tried both ways and the pieces did not want to felt together. Personally I can’t imagine having the stamina to get through anymore of this pattern than one pin cushion at a time! A beautiful but tedious endeavor…I much prefer the multi-color, multi-patterned throw from the other booklet. That was a terrifically fun knit. Different strokes for different folks!
I bought the ebook version of the Field Guide yesterday and those houses had me at hello! I made a needlepoint cushion along time ago that is similar houses on a cream background. The pattern offered a version on a black background but I’ve never managed to make it. Now I can make a speedier knitted version. Will use the icord edging too, just like a piped cushion edge. Ordered my husband’s Xmas present of Felted Tweed today
I’m not happy with the idea of the scarf having a ‘wrong’ side. (Just me being me, no offense intended.)
I was wondering about the idea of casting on enough to use a round needle and a tube scarf. I’m going to be using a fingering weight yarn, so I think it will work.
As i woke from my sleep, i realized this won’t work with Intarsia. Fair Isle, yes. Intarsia, no.
Back to the drawing board!
Could you cast on the equal amount to make a tube, knit it flat and then close it all up? ( that is a lot of work; I might consider Crazy Glue). I started the Village yesterday as a swatch or something that might morph into something else. It is a good quiet time project