Dear Kay,
The mighty, intrepid group who gathered yesterday morning are the sort of sturdy, hardy folk who make knitting great. It was such a great start to the day.

Highlights from the Walk in the Park:
Humongous designer Jacqui Fink represented Australia, where the knitting is giant and the hats are, too.

Technical knitting wizard Kate Atherley waved the Canadian maple leaf flag; color-filled designer/teacher Mary Jane Mucklestone hailed from Maine and declared the day a heat wave.

Multi-talented sewing hero Sonya Philip brought San Francisco joy with her along with Olive’s sweet doppelganger Willie.

The elegant design legend Shirley Paden came from just up the street, budding knitter Kristin from the breadbasket of America, Liz from Westchester and Elizabeth from Barnard and Lisa from downstairs and Katie straight from Vogue Knitting Live and Amber from Brooklyn and Kathy from Easthampton.
We paid our respects to the statue of Balto the rescue dog. Olive and Willie and Artie wiped semi-tears of dog respect.

A harrowing and challenging mile led us to survival rations at the Pain Quotidien. I don’t know how we survived the elements.

It was a memorable morning of bundling up, chatting up, and chowing down. Such good conversation; I think we solved at least six of the world’s problems, in particular what to do about the extra pastries.

Artie may never get over the excitement.

Neither will we. This is as close to Outward Bound as we will ever get. Here’s to another ramble soon!
Shirley Paden?! What was she wearing, was it marvellous?
She was absolutely chic, as you would totally expect. Not a bit of North Face fleece to be found in her ensemble.
Lovely! Such a good and dedicated group of knitters braving the elements! Wish I could have joined. ♡♡♡
Mina (14 year old shihtzu) and I would SO have loved to join you. I don’t know which part of your tale I enjoyed best, the comment “Lisa from downstairs” (that made me laugh), or the fact you took a photo beside Balto. I have very fond memories of Balto from a visit in 1976, where I have a photo of a good friend of mine giving him a hug. Looks like a great time was had by all, and happy Canada was represented so well in the mix! (as for the big hat from down under – wow. I love it)
Heart warmed ✅
Awesome. Thank you.
Looks like a great time was has by all! Pups are very stylish, such cute sweaters! Have enjoyed the blogs so much, thanks for sharing it. I always wish they would do a VK Boston, someday maybe….
Sorry if I missed a previous post but is there a link to Olive and Willie’s fair isle sweater? Although the giant Aussie hat might be a better fit! Thank you!
Hi Di,
The pattern is Voff from the book Knitting With Icelandic Wool by Vedis Jonsdottir. Willie and Olive are wearing the largest size and they are only 10 pounds apiece.
Thanks for sharing! Looks like it was great fun. Hope Artie recovers from the excitement.
Loved seeing these photos! How fun.
So sorry to have missed all the fun, it looks likes great time. Not to mention the chance to see dogs in handknits (that would have been the highlight for me)!
We missed you. Next year Hy & Vi have to come, in sweaters.
Not to forget the crotchety old pug POE!!
Pugs are the best, crotchety or not!
Looks like it was absolutely wonderful – dogs and humans resplendent in handknits! Would love to have joined you!
Epic. The only word for it.
Lovely. What a great bunch.
Sigh. I am LONG overdue a visit to NYC!
Willie and Olive are AWESOME in their sweaters. Did the pooches have to stay outside while you partook of pastries and coffee?
They were warm and cozy the whole time and may have gotten a few bites of carb in addition to many pets and cuddles.
I think I must have one of those giant hats! I love it!
Do they normally let pets in? I know a bar that does, but would I’ve a coffe place too!!
Pics made me smile!! Next year fer sur.
How lucky can Olive get? A hand-knit designer sweater and not one, but two, handsome guys escorting her through Central Park!!!
This looks so fun—despite the early hour! I couldn’t get the link to open on Monday, and am glad that it cooperated today. I spotted Olive right away in that first photo. It was so nice to see her little face (and chic sweater!). It was the same heart-warming feeling I got when I saw Tom and Sybbie’s return to Downton Abbey.