We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Dear Friends,
On Christmas Eve, as the days begin to grow longer, we send you our fondest greetings.
We love bringing you MDK every day, 365 days a year.
From the heart of our cockles, we thank you for your friendship and support.
Team MDK

Merry Christmas, dear MDK,
Happy Holidays, MDK! Love following your adventures each day. All you need is knit!
Thank you for ALL your posts. Have a wonderful Christmas season and know you have all contributed to my insights and continued love of knitting.
Thank you for making every day a knitful day.
A knitful day! What a great expression–thanks for that!
Thank you MDK! Wishing you all the very best for 2019.
Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring many happy hours of knitting and stories.
Happiest of times to you all in 2019. Thank you for making my 2018 more beautiful.
Merry Christmas to you all, and thanks for all the enjoyment you provide to me!
Warm and happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas MDK, Thank you for being the first morning wake up call for my heart and soul.
How nice to see all the faces behind MDK, even the fuzzy ones. Thanks for all the posts and the knittiness. You make the world a warmer place.
Thank you, MDK crew. I am so happy to be part of the MDK family. I hope you all have a lovely holiday. Looking forward to the New Year and all the stories and new knitting projects…not to mention your gorgeous yarns. Merry Christmas all!
Merry Christmas and a Guid New Year from Scotland, love, Alison
Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year! Thank you for all you do.
Merry Christmas to all
Happy Holdays and Happy Knitting!!
Merry Christmas to all of your team. ❤️❤️
Thank you for the humor, expertise and knitting comradery you bring to the world of knitters!
Wishing each of you and every reader a joyous, peaceful, revitalizing holiday-of-personal-choice!
My cockles thank your cockles for the inspiration, information, and just plain pleasure of a daily dose of MDK 🙂
I’m so very grateful that I found MDK and the joy you had added to my knitting life
I am so grateful for the wonderful Snippets you send out each day and for your great website and terrific yarn and accessories.
Happy Holidays to you and your entire team
MDKmakes my day, 365 a year! Have the happiest, warmest, brightest holidays!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year MDK!
Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year for you and yours.
Thanks at Christmas and every day for your inspirations and good cheer!
Merry Christmas and thank you for everything you do!
Merry Christmas from the West Coast where the rain is wetter, the wind is colder and the air is fresher.
Thank you for the warmth you bring to us every day!!
Merry Knitmas to y’all and to all @ MDK a good New Year!
P.S. Kay, you rock that beret
Merry Christmas to all of you!
yes sending greetings from Edinburgh! Listening to Kings College service and getting into the sprit … btw I think I might make the 9 handwarmers for tomorrow. Have found a pair which can be right sized….
Christmas miracles may be occurring….
Merry Christmas to all of you! And keep up the good work!!
Merry Christmas! I look forward to your posts every day.
Thanks for your sense of humor and great design ideas!
Love you back!
You both have so much to share, and you do.
You both have a great knitting attitude. Which I love.
May you, and your families, all have the best holiday .
Thank you.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays. You make life and knitting so much fun. Thank you and blessings to you all.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours. :). And thank you for so much fun and for great patterns!
Dear MDK team,
Thank you for all of your wonderful & informational posts. I look forward to them every day and I save the ones that I especially love for repeat readings.
I look forward to the 2019 posts.
Have a glorious holiday and a healthy, happy New Year!
Love you gals!
Thanks for the smiles and inspiration every morning. Have a wonderful holiday!
Merry Christmas !
Thank so much for your inspiration, laughs and knit and life education!
Peace and joy to all of us !
Good health and happiness to all the MD family
MDK holds a very special place in my knitting life. Merry Christmas to you all!
Thank you for all the beauty and joy you have brought to us this year. Merry Christmas!
Right back at y’all!
Merry Christmas to the entire MDK crew! I am grateful for all of you.
A very happy Christmas to you all from Dorset, England
Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for the wonderful posts and website as it makes my day to read the informative as well as entertaining content.
All of your posts, information, suggestions and good humor light up my life. Joy To The World!
OMG, are you critters all young enough to be my children? Grand children? Great grands? And cute at that!!
So, final notice: “Behave ‘cuz Santa Closet (as our daughter used to say) is comin’ to town!!”
And a Merry Christmas to you too, my dears! I’ve just put up my first Christmas post over in Team 2. It’s in chapters this year so more will come this afternoon.
You guys have been such a bright addition to my life. I learn so much, laugh so much and get those warm fuzzy feelings pretty darn often. To the MDK team and the whole MDK community, THANK YOU!! And of course, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TOWARD (WO)MAN!!
You guys rock!!! Thanks for all you do!
Have a VERY MERRY Christmas !!!
Merry Christmas, love and warmth for the season ❤️❤️❤️
Merry Christmas to y’all!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for being a bright spot in our world, knitwise and otherwise. I save MDK to read last in the mornings, just like dessert!
Merry Christmas to you all.
Merry Christmas MDK!
Happy & Merry Christmas to all of you too~and a wonderful New Year!
Merry Christmas and many thanks for sharing yourselves 365 days of the year!
Merry Christmas to you, Ann and Kay…and Happy All the Other Winter Holidays! I still remember the thrill of encountering the first Mason-Dixon Knitting book at my library (my first introduction to you.) I’m pleased and grateful to say that I haven’t been disappointed since, all these years later! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you now give us something wonderful every day of the year! All the best to you in the New Year!
Oh, and all the best to Nell, Cristina, Liz, and the four-leggeds, too!
And to you!! Love that wreath! And Kay you look great in that hat!!
You have enriched our lives, Ladies and Pets! Can’t thank you all enough. Merry Christmas, happy and safe holidays! Yours in knitting, Janice Robertson
I love my daily dose of MDK. Encouragement & Inspiration. And Color!
Merry Christmas Ladies! xoxo
Thanks for all your posts, I love all the reading and music suggestions as we knit our projects. Merry Christmas to you all.
Happy holidays to everyone at MDK and to everyone who follows MDK. This place is such a source of inspiration all year long. Thanks!
Happy Holidays to all of you! I really appreciate your quiet sense of humor, your inspiration in regards to all things yarny and knit, and that you inlude your pets! Best wishes from Norway.
Thank you so much for taking your art seriously but never solemnly! Snippets so welcome on Saturdays. Merry Christmas, all!
Happy Holidays, your writing inspires me overtime…thank you
Thank you all so much for MDK. It’s hot in Australia but I’m still knitting…. Best wishes to you and yours for a restful and peaceful holiday.