Beyond Knitting
What Do You Do When You Cannot Knit?

I’ve seen countless stories on how knitting has healing powers. I’ve written about it here myself! Knitting has calmed my nerves in times of high anxiety, but what does a knitter do when they physically cannot knit?
I have been on a bit of a hiatus from writing since May in order to take a break and focus on healing. I will preface this by stating I am on the mend, but I have a long journey ahead of me. In May, I was hospitalized for multiple pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in my lungs) and one was very large and had been compromising my heart for several weeks. Simply put, I had gotten to a point where breathing was a struggle, and my body reached its breaking point. That I am still here is nothing short of a miracle. I am very thankful to still be here and to still be writing and sharing.
A few weeks before I was hospitalized and then for about four weeks after I got out of the hospital, I realized I couldn’t do the one thing that typically comforts me. I couldn’t knit! Not a single stitch. My body had been so starved for an adequate oxygen supply for so long that my brain simply couldn’t handle all the things I was asking it to do along with walking and talking.
Looking at knitting patterns was like reading Latin and I do not read Latin. It felt so odd to not pick up my needles and find comfort like I normally would. Instead, I slept a lot. I even started to play a bit with polymer clay when I regained some energy, but knitting was very low on the list.
So what happened when I couldn’t knit? Others knit (and crocheted) for me. It was kind of amazing the outpouring of love I received from all my yarn friends. Coming home from the hospital. my home was filled with flowers, fruit, snacks, and gifts. It was overwhelming but in the most wonderful way to know how many people were supporting me. And my husband happily accepted all snacks with open arms.
But what I noticed the most were the little gifts of yarn that started to appear. A pair of socks from a friend appeared on my porch one morning with the sweetest note. A crocheted cardigan from a close friend arrived for when the May days were still a bit too chilly. A tiny sweater for Jellybean because a friend was thinking of me. More wonderfully colorful socks, packages of yarn, and even tiny little leg warmers for Jellybean that matched socks knit for me. I couldn’t knit for myself, so others did it for me.
I talk a lot about how knitting/crochet/yarn is love. All of this effort and energy we put into our projects and then we give them away to people we love so that they feel warmth, comfort and most of all love. It is a magical thing to give, but on the receiving end I felt so loved in a moment where I felt so physically weak. It was simply amazing. Yarn really does heal all wounds.

Indeed a story of love especially when you had so much discomfort and scariness! Praying for your improvement.
Love this story! Glad you are on the mend!
Wishing you support for your speedy recovery-you have lovely friends
This was such a lovely and life-affirming post. I often feel slightly guilty about giving hand-knit gifts – worrying they will be seen as too ‘rustic’, ‘quirky’ or ‘grandmotherly’ – but this made me realise that even my less knit-aware friends may appreciate hand-knit gifts more than I realise. Thank you for sharing, and hope you feel more like ‘you’ soon.
Wow! Thinking of you and hope you feel strong and 100% better soon!
The title immediately caught my eye, as I broke my wrist 2 months ago. It required surgery and the recovery has been very painful and slow. I miss knitting so much! I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.
So glad to have you back here. You have inspired me to be more intentional in my knitting of gifts. Thank you for that. I hope this is your best year ever.
One of my knitting friends was hospitalised last year with blood clots on her lungs. At the height of COVID, she could receive no visitors. She then contracted sepsis and it was touch and go. Gradually her condition improved. While recovering in hospital, she read. We all kept in touch with her using WhatsApp, sending funny memes and pix of flowers, joking we were too mean to send real flowers. Her recovery has been long and for a time she found she couldn’t concentrate on knitting. Now, however, she’s producing beautiful Fair Isle hats and beautiful sweaters. Our knitting group meets weekly and it’s true that, through knitting, we can provide healing. I wish you a steady recovery and, remember, you’ll get there in the end ❤
Wishing you all the best! You can only take it one day at a time. Find strength in all the love that surrounds you.
Keep healing, sweet Dana. Your knitting mojo will come back.
Got you tucked up under my heart, Dana. You and Jellybean look terrific in your matching feet and leg warmers! Heal, receive the love…knitting will come .
I am so grateful that you are here! Sending you love and virtual hugs for your continued healing. I do look forward to hearing what you are knitting when you are able to get back to it….or should I say when you are able to go forward to it.
i love knitting and crocheting. i love making things with strings and sticks. i have developed carpal tunnel and arthritis over the years that makes it difficult to finish things in a timely manner. i miss it.
i feel your need for the fiber.
Thank you for this post! I’m currently dealing with some carpal tunnel issues and am unable to knit, which has really bummed me out. I’ve been finding a lot of joy and inspiration in reading MDK and seeing the yarn adventures of folks on knitstagram (Dana and others).
I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you, and grateful that you survived. A close friend of mine (my hairdresser actually) had a similar health crisis a few years ago and was fortunate that a friend found him and got him to the hospital. He had weeks and weeks of cardiac rehab and came back all the stronger and healthier for he experience; I hope that you will have a similar full recovery, but it takes a long time. I have always been told that knitting is good therapy, and I hope you will feel strong enough to return to that soon…I suspect that Jellybean is going to be needing more of thos snazzy socks!
Best wishes for better days ahead!
Dana just getting to hear your voice in the written world is a gift of generosity. I am currently knitting washcloths for adult children with Rowan yarn and coupling it with a bottle of Mrs. Meyers soap. The red and white ones will travel with the Peppermint dish soap and the green ones will accompany the pine and so on. They will each receive a vintage cookbook or guide to needlework signed by a great great grandparent. At age 80 I feel that the greatest gifts I have to share are the lessons found in appreciation of a quality of life expressed in our choices of all resources ….time,energy, materials, and most of all those we give a significant place to in our lives such as you.
So very touched by our shared humanness in times of need.I love that you have given voice to your life in this way. And to read this particular reply from Etoyle is feeling like my morning prayer. Bless your heart and your body’s gentle healing time.
“Just getting to hear your voice in the written world is a gift of generosity” – exactly, and so beautifully said.
So glad you’re on the mend!
I am also struggling with not being able to knit due to permanent neuropathy in both hands from Guillain-Barre Syndrome which struck 2 years ago. I’ve recently started back, slowly, with big needles & bulky yarn, doing dishcloths. It’s a start…
I hope we all get our mojo back, and soon!
I hope your recovery speeds up and you can get back to knitting!
Thank you for sharing how people showed their love during your recovery. Reading it made me smile inside and out. And it was lovely meeting you and Jessica at Rhinebeck!
Healing takes so many forms that are not recorded or expressed except by this thought provoking letter. I love that you are coming out the other side of this health experience ♥️
So very glad you are on the mend! Blessings!
A great love story and we love that you are healing. ❤️❤️❤️
You have such wonderful friends. You must be a wonderful friend. Hoping you are fully healed and back to normal.
I experienced a pulmonary embolism many years ago – one of the most frightening experiences ever – and I now live with chronic pulmonary embolisms managed by medication. Sometimes a life-threatening diagnosis can nudge a person to focus on priorities that otherwise get lost in day to day trivia. Knitting is my go-to stress buster and I am forever thankful to have its consolation and tangible outcomes. When I cannot knit, I delve into knitting blogs, books, and patterns that help me dream about future projects. I hope your love of knitting keeps your creativity flowing and helps you to enjoy what is possible today.
Very best wishes for your full recovery Dana. Your writing is always an inspiration. Take good care.
Blessings to you and Jellybean. And bless the wonderful acts of kindness from your friends. Knitting is therapy weather it’s your the doer or receiver.
I’m so glad that you are better, continue taking good care of yourself! You and your pups bring a lot of joy to a lot of people!
Sending healing vibes.
I have missed your inspiration and cheer. So glad you are back here and on the mend. I will keep you, Jellybean and your hubby in my heart.
I am so happy to hear you are on the mend! It’s great that you are being gentle with yourself and mindful as you recover. As a knitter, isn’t it amazing when someone knits FOR you? If you ever decide to create another Jellybean pin for your ETSY shop,
I love that people knit and crocheted for you!
And I’m glad that you are healing.
Dana, your usual sweater productivity is nothing short of miraculous. So now is the time to turn all your creative energy inward to give yourself and allow those around you to give you- all the powers and graces to heal and take care of coming back healthy. Here’s to a healthier you.
So glad you are on the mend!!
Thank you for this post. I have developed an essential tremor which has made it very difficult to hold and manipulate the knitting needles. Medication partially manages it but I never know from one day to the next if I’ll be able to knit or not. It’s disheartening but I hope one day they find a solution. Glad you are doing better!!!
So glad you are starting to feel better! Hand crafted gifts are so special, and even more appreciated when given to a someone who crafts themselves. And those leg warmers!!
But a quick note on polymer clay – please be aware that the fumes when it is baking are highly toxic. I play with it sometimes, but I have a dedicated cheap toaster oven that I only use on the porch.
Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this.
Oh thank God you/it all turned out okay. You are a vital presence to your family, friends and the knitting world and I am sure a lot else beyond. Always remember that. What a great tip, also for those recovering from some sort of brain compromise. Polymer clay with all its colors as well as tactile properties is probably less taxing and yet stimulating to a recovering brain. I hope I remember that if I or my family ever needs it. (Stacking sheets of various colors, rolling them up and then slicing through the cylinder was one of my favorites in my short-lived polymer clay days. Knitting eventually won out.)…Every day now must feel like sunshine. Chloe
I was thinking Therapeutically stimulating. I suspect there could be the wrong kind/amount of stimulation. Chloe
Glad to know you are past the worst of your health crisis. Move forward and enjoy every day in all of the marvelous ways that are possible.
you will healing every day and knitting soon!
I miss your inspiration
That picture of you and JB in your matching socks is priceless. I’m so happy you are on the mend, and so grateful you are with us.
It’s so good to know you are surrounded by such caring people and knitters too. For a while I couldn’t knit so I read. We are all glad and here cheering you on as you recover, and gradually get back to knitting.
Thanks for this. There’s a reason so many people stepped forward for you. You’re special.
No one appreciates hand knitted gifts as much as a knitter! What amazing gifts of love. Praying for your continued healing and recovery. You are a joy and an inspiration to so many!
Yarn does heal wounds. The knitting will be waiting for you.
Here’s to a speedy recovery and wellness.
Dana – I too was found to be full of blood clots that did not kill me [but should have]. I too spent a long time recovering and figuring out how to live. I too put my fiber crafts – knitting, spinning, weaving, etc – aside for a while. Now I am so happy to be alive everyday I just do as much as my mind and body allow. I am not as fast nor as prolific but thrilled to be able to do anything. Patience with myself has given me the gift of much more patience with everyone else and my world. Good knitting to you ! Paula PD
Speedy recovery! You have such strength!
Ditto to the above!! Thank YOU!!
So glad you are on the mend! We have missed hearing from you. And the matching socks/leg warmers are adorable!!
Dana, I’m happy you’re feeling better and hope you make a full and speedy recovery. Your friends obviously treasure you, and no wonder that they do. PS: Jellybean looks so chic in those legwarmers! (Kay, I think Olive’s getting jealous…)
Glad to hear you’re making progress. I cannot imagine how awful and scary it must have been. You have the most wonderful friends. And Jellybean can rock a legwarmer like no other.
Prayers for a speedy recovery ❤️
Dana, I have missed you! So sorry to hear that you’ve been wrestling with such a scary affliction! I am glad that others near and dear to you are picking up the knitting torch for you and Jellybean until you’re able to knit on yourself! Best wishes and prayers!
Dana, thank you for sharing this scary time with the rest of us so we can help to carry you along. I hope you are able to write about it that it means you are truly in the mend.
I was caught by your comment about polymer clay. As an artist who uses polymer clay a lot, I know the healing powers of working it in your hands. Therapists understand the magic of working with color and seeing and feeling it soften between your fingers. Educators working with autistic students also know it’s magical powers. Just pinch off a small amount and roll it between finger and thumb. It’s your transition back to needles.
Knitting is live. Yup. Jellybean looks smashing! I hope you continue to feel better !
May each day find you stronger! Happy to see pics of you at Rhinebeck!
Beautiful post. Please continue to take care of yourself and get well.
Soooooo sorry to hear of your struggles! Glad to hear you’re on the mend + being well supported by those around you. We welcome your return when the time is right. Heal well.
That was so scary for you, Dana. What a relief it must be to be mending and, best of all, to learn how much you mean to your friends and readers.
So happy that you are getting better and the love knitted in your gifts is helping you heal. We love you too, but we can only send cyber hugs and well wishes! We support you from afar and hope that you continue healing, playing with color and posting adorable pictures of Jellybean!
Dear Dana – Wishing you steady progress in healing after such a frightening time. Your friends and fans surround you with love. Enjoy the gifts – both literal and figurative as you take time to explore other ways to create.
Jellybean in legwarmers is everything I didn’t know was missing from my life today!
So happy for you that you are on the mend.
You have amazing friends. Probably because you are an amazing friend.
for you.
Delighted to learn that you are on the mend!
It was shocking to read of your illness. You and Jellybean are very dear, among the first to inspire me to knit last fall. Sending love and well wishes.
Sending love and healing thoughts to you Dana. My very healthy and athletic husband was hospitalized with PEs in both lungs about four years ago. He healed physically but I can see he struggles mentally with coping with the unknown aspect of it and with worry that it might happen again. He will take medication for the rest of his life because of the PEs. Be gentle with yourself. Take to heart all the love people send you.
So glad you’re on the mend. Those socks and mini leg warmers certainly warmed my heart today—thank you!
I’m glad you are on the mend, and I hope your recovery is smooth and swift.
So glad you’re on the mend! Best wishes to all in your family.
So glad you’re feeling better. Our world needs you
Dana is one amazing woman. She writes from her heart, talks about day to day things, let’s you see the real person.
Take care of yourself, Dana. Lovely pictures…
I am glad you are on the mend and hope that you will soon be back to your old self. Jellybean is so cute in his socks!
I hope that you continue to heal. You are a constant source of inspiration.
Those doggie legwarmers gave me such a laugh. I’m so glad you are on the mend and loved by friends and family. Take Care
Take care, recovery is frustrating and too slow but it is happening. Thank you for letting us, your many fans, know how you are doing. I love the matching socks and leg warmers—clearly a creative and loving friend!
sending out hopes and wishes for a complete recovery for you soon!
What a scary time that must have been. Glad you are on the mend and so well looked after. Hope your recovery is swift.
I think this is the most inspirational of your many postings. Thank you and blessings to you. You are much loved!
DWJ work on your healing. The world needs you.
I’m so glad to hear that you’re healing! And you’re so right. Knitting is a total act of love. Receiving hand knit items feels even more special now that I’m a knitter because I know how much thought and time went into that gift.
Glad you are able to add a bit of writing and a bit of knitting as you regain energy and return to health. Jellybean’s leggings are too adorable! Sending love and cheers.
I’m so glad you’re on the mend.
Praying for you, Dana.
You are well loved. And so is your dear dog. I’m just now knitting again. Sometimes your brain goes somewhere and it forgets to add you on the passenger ticket. Mine was speaking Latin too and I, also, do not speak Latin.
Maybe we can start a study group.
Keep getting better
I’m so glad to read that you are on the mend. I was wondering why we hadn’t heard from you, and was worried. You surely do have a lot of wonderfully yarny friends! I cannot imagine you, of all people, not being able to knit. How terrible that must have been!
Take care my friend.
We all love you so much!
You said it first, “Knitting is love!”
Great learning. Never thought about how much I’d enjoy something knit for me instead of my knitting for others.
Oh, Dana, I’m so glad you’re improving and so glad you’ve been able to enjoy the outpouring of love. Sending lots of well wishes to you.
EVERYONE, imo, should read/learn about *** Kate Davies ***, a Scottish knitting designer and erstwhile university professor, who had a stroke in her mid-30s. She wrote a book about this called *** Handywoman ***; there are TED talks and other videos that are well worth viewing. I hadn’t read the book yet, but when I had total shoulder replacement surgery a while back, I went back to knitting almost immediately. The resulting products were not much to look at, but this post-surgery knitting was the reason that I rocked the PT that came weeks later (according to my therapist and my subsequent research). The process of knitting was its own reward in ways that I absolutely had not anticipated. I can’t recall what I “made” during this time, probably the world’s ugliest dish cloths. Maybe I ripped back every stitch before binding off. I don’t know, but what I do know is that this knitter’s gotta knit, that knitting binds body, mind and spirit in inexplicable ways, and that the real object of knitting is not at all what’s on my needles. BE WELL.
Bex, thank you for the Kate Davies mention. I did not know she had a stroke so young! After my relatively-young and massive stroke (53), I “collect” stories like hers. She is AMAZING for going through it at that age, is all I can say.
Seriously! She is beyond inspiring. Her TED talks are so worth watching once and again when a little ooomph is needed. Thank you for appreciating her, too.
Loved everything about this post. As always, you are such an inspiration. Hope all goes well with your recovery and you soon feel well again. Thank you for sharing your journey.
I look forward to every post you send, this one included. Heal well sweetheart.
Dana, I’m so glad to hear that after such a scary event that your friends and fellow yarn people showed up for you and Jellybean (and with snacks too, I’m with your husband, I love a good snack gift)! The two of you look so great together in your matching socks, and I hope that you only continue to grow in strength and knitting mojo.
Hope you’re well on your way through your healing journey. My life has been similarly slowed down by several traumatic brain injuries. I was able to knit, but lost any concept of gauge for awhile. My human friends received cowls that might have fit Jellybean. They accepted my flawed gifts graciously. I recently finished knitting the beautiful Caledonia pattern by Sylvia Watts-Cherry, and it fits perfectly, so, progress!
So happy to be reading your posts again, and so happy to hear that you are feeling better. Jelly Bean is indeed a patient pup! None of my four furry friends would stand still for leg warmers no matter how fashionable they are!
Thankful that you’re here and healing.
Best wishes for your continuing recovery, may you bask in the affection and admiration of your friends and also readers here on mdk. That’s a lot to go through, I hope you are kind and patient with yourself in the months ahead. As for what to do when I can’t knit, I had some experience with that a little while ago and found that petting my dog worked pretty well, for surprisingly long stretches of time. He thought that was a good solution, too – ask Jellybean what he thinks!
What a life changing experience! I’m so glad you survived that long ordeal. It’s wonderful to see all the people who love you support you and your human and canine family members.
Dana, I have missed you and your exuberant knitting blogs! Now I understand why you have been missing…….and am very sorry to hear about your health troubles. I am sending you very best wishes for complete recovery and a return to your knitting. The pictures of Jellybean in his (her?) legwarmers are hilariously uplifting, and convince me that your life will improve on all levels very soon.
Oh my dear! I so relate!! I had blood clots after two surgeries, and was wrongly put on long term anticoagulants.They caused a massive stroke that came within hours of killing me and from which I am still recovering seven years later. (I am fairly certain you do not suffer from the same issues.) You, as you’re discovering, will feel better soon, and what wonderful friends you have for making sure you know you are loved. I did too–I’m still knitting my way through the huge piles of yarn they sent! Be well, and keep writing.
Glad you’re feeling better. I had a few health challenges that caused me not to be able to knit. For me, that means I wasn’t myself for quite a while.
Dana, your sharing of your steps to recovery from a serious illness is healing for us as well as yourself. Keeping you and your family surrounded in blessings, yarn, snacks, and knitting!! Love the socks on Jellybean and the pillows behind him.
So glad you’re on the mend! Sometimes we all need some darning, but sounds like you had a bit of a close call. Wishing you the best!
Glad to know you’re on the mend. I hope you will soon feel much better and and stronger, too!
Read a great friction….nothing like a book with 400 or 500 pages…doing this now…the Lincoln highway…close to 576 pages…God bless, deb
What a wonderful story! Thank. You so much for sharing. I’m so happy you are on the mend!
Dana, you make the world a brighter place in every way. I’ve learned so much reading your posts here and on your blog. I smile every time I get an email that there’s a new post to read. I wish you a full recovery with all my heart. What would we do without you to make us smile?
I’m so glad you’re healing, and so glad you’ve been bundled up in love. I hope you continue to mend well. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Sending all the love to you Dana as you continue to heal! Knitting is a beautiful thing, no matter how it comes about.
I’m so glad you are on the mend! I love your writings and have missed you. Thank you for reminding me that hand knit gifts do mean love…
Sending healing thoughts for your complete recovery!
I’m glad you are on the mend and I pray you will be able to pick up those needles again soon!
This is what I love about our knitting community. We are women. Who love and value other women. And we share our love. I’m glad you are recovering. I love your updates!
Good to know you are on the mend! I love your writing and your knitting. The mini leg warmers for your fur babies are precious! I hope to make some for our Bailey
I am so sorry to hear about your health struggle. I hope you are breathing easy and knitting soon! Well wishes!
Oh Ms. D, that picture of Chihuahua legwarmers had me howling, but the story was so much better than the picture. I’ve been following your health story and wish you best of luck, complete healing, and many more years of knitting and whatever else makes you happy, including good friends.
Dana, Thank you for sharing what’s happening with you . As you can see, you are very much appreciated and treasured in this community. Hang in there, the body has the amazing capability to be able to recover ( with help) from many injuries. I am glad you have such wonderful family , friends and your beloved dogs with you. with love and prayers for your continued healing.
I’m so glad you’re on the mend!! I completely get what you’re saying. I had a double lung transplant and there was a very long time here I couldn’t *read*, and I love to read (this was before I discovered knitting). I actually thought that the hospital signs were written in GREEK! It’s so hard, but it’s also so great–and humbling–to see your community love on you.
Take care of yourself!! <3
We are thankful that you’re still here! Much love and healing light as you continue to recover.
What a lovely, loving community of knitting friends! I hope each day gets a bit easier and that you’re able to return to your favorite activity – knitting!!
Sending thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. You are such a light – best wishes to your husband too.
Dana, I missed you—so glad you are on the mend! Your friends’ thoughtfulness inspires me to be a better person. ❤️
I missed you and I’m sorry to read about your troubles. I hope you’re back up to your usual energetic self soon and can pick up the needles to click away! Good thoughts to you always.
May your healing continue. You are in my prayers.
I glad that you are on mend.
I’ve missed your columns on Modern Daily Knitting and am glad you’re feeling well enough to be back. What a scary thing to go through. I wish you continued healing and wellness.
Sending you strength, patience, and love from a friend in the Midwest you didn’t even know you had; your stories have warmed my heart, and your beautiful, colorful sweaters and your beautiful smile have given me so much joy. Take careful care of yourself because you shine in this world.
Love to you, your husband and Jellybean! Your IG is one of my favorites!!!
Yarn is magic, and yarn people really are some of the best people. Here’s to a speedy recovery and good health but also to receiving lots of love and gifts till you are well enough to knitting again!
Dana, I’m so sorry you went through such a serious condition, but glad that you’re healing and that you have so much support! Take care of your wee self.
So happy to hear you’re on the mend and our bodies let us know how to do that. Rest as much as your body needs; knitting will come back.
Little Jellybean’s legwarmers….Priceless!
So glad to hear you are feeling better, bit by bit. I’m not at all surprised that you should be the recipient of such an outpouring of love! Like many others, I have missed your voice here and I look forward to hearing more from you soon (and we always love a Jellybean shot!). Best wishes and heal well and fully!
You are improving and hopefully will continue to do so. Having your family, friends and us social friends who admire your will to keep us informed and head up attitude…. cheer you on!
My very healthy, active son-in-law died suddenly from a pulmonary embolism. I know how dangerous they can be. I am so glad you are recovering. Give yourself time to heal. Your brain will find new ways to do things. I noticed that you hadn’t written for a while & missed your articles. In my early 70s, I had a stroke in the speech area of my brain. I had trouble with multi-syllable words for several years afterwards but I haven’t noticed it lately. The therapists said knitting was good therapy. Start small & simple. BTW, I love seeing the pictures of Jelly Bean. She is adorable.
Dana, I’m so happy to hear your voice again! And my wuv for Jellybean has only grown. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for this; just what I needed to read today when some kind of pinched nerve thing has made me unable to knit or do much of anything today except watch videos — I landed here because I just watched your Knit Stars workshop (Knit Stars was my birthday present this year from my family!). Thanks again — you are an inspiring teacher; your knitting instruction includes words of wisdom applicable to life in general. Your students at HU are extremely lucky to have you!