Dear Ann:
It’s the time of year when New York fills up with visitors, who come to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, the skating rinks at Rockefeller Center and Bryant Park, and the windows at Barney’s, Bergdorf, Saks, and Lord & Taylor. Fifth Avenue turns into a mosh pit. Last year I was clipped at the knees and nearly taken out by a fully loaded American Girl Place shopping bag. It’s a festive time.
It’s also the season when I see an increase in emails from out-of-town knitters seeking recommendations on yarn stores to visit. I figure it will save me some typing if I set them out here, and can just share the link the next time somebody asks.
Disclaimer: This is a very personal list of the stores where I actually shop. I have not been to every yarn store in Manhattan, let alone the other four boroughs of New York City. The list is in alphabetical order. The shops are not ranked–it would be like ranking relatives (wait; I do rank relatives) (kidding). I welcome readers to add their favorite shops in the comments, so visitors can find out about good shops that I don’t know as well.

Downtown Yarns, on Avenue A (East Village). If this shop were closer to me, I’d be in there every day. Behind the screen door is a haven of calm, with a highly-edited selection of quality yarns, from workhorses like Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride to small production local yarns. The owner, Rita Bobry, has an artist’s eye–the window display changes frequently and always has heart and soul and sophisticated whimsy. The sample garments are unique to the shop and never fail to get me excited about making something that I didn’t go in the shop intending to make.

Knitty City, on West 79th Street (Upper West Side), is the most local-to-me of my local yarn stores. Unbelievably, 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of this beloved neighborhood institution. I stop in at least once a week, for this and that (yarn and yarn) or just to see what’s going on (yarn). The place is jammed to the gills with good yarn; it spills off the shelves, into bins and baskets on the floor. There is always a group at the table in the back, either taking a class or just sittin’ and knittin’. The staff is friendly, and the owner, Pearl Chin, is nearly always on hand. One of the shop’s strongest suits is events, which are frequent, relaxed and fun. I also love that Pearl is constantly adding new yarns to the mix of favorites. This is where I buy Istex Lopi yarn from Iceland.

Lion Brand Yarn Studio, on West 15th Street (Chelsea). The flagship of Lion Brand yarns always has an over-the-top window. Inside, it’s a spacious showroom for the Lion Brand range of yarns. I go for the Fishermen’s Wool and the Kitchen Cotton.

Purl Soho, on Broome Street (Soho). There is an audible intake of breath as first-time pilgrims open the door; the spacious shop is the Purl Soho website come to life. Everything is beautifully styled and organized, with a modern sensibility. The yarn selection–wide and deep, but concentrated at the luxury end of the spectrum– gets extra energy from all the other crafts on offer at Purl Soho: quilting, sewing, weaving, embroidery and needlepoint. This is the place to go to for knitting inspiration with a side of cross-crafting temptation. Purl also carries exquisite tools from Sajou and Fringe Association, along with kits, bags, gifts and a beautifully curated book and magazine selection. When I need a present for a knitter, I go to Purl.
Hope this is helpful to visitors. Have fun, and watch out for American Girl Place shopping bags. Those little girls are ruthless.
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Perfect. Am going soon to NYC to visit daughter. They can go to the Rockerfeller Center. I’ll be at the knit stores.
I didn’t know Lion Brand had a yarn called Kitchen Cotton. It might be a good substitute for Peaches and Cream?
It’s a perfect substitute. Longer yardage.
When we went to visit my son in Manhattan he included yarn stores on his tour. He is totally knit-worthy! (He also packs his handmade socks in carry on luggage so as to not take a chance on them being lost). We went to Purl Soho – a beautiful, relaxing store.
Oh, Kay!
This post made me happy. I simply love NY! To think of NYC during Christmas is fabulous enough, but the list of yarn shops is just dreamy.
I am a New York junkie… just when I think it can’t get any better I have this post to treasure. Thanks for this gift.
Great list and commentary. One update. I am on Habu’s email list and received a notice that their NY showroom/store was closing. Can’t recall the timing of that, but I think it’s closed now.
Sadly, both Habu and Loopy Mango are no longer.
Habu moved to Colorado and I think LM is only online now.
Good news! Loopy Mango is back, but just for a few weeks.
Here’s the scoop:
Loopy Mango back in NYC: Pop Up shop @ Chelsea Market (9th Ave & 16th St.) – December 8 – 20
That is good to know. You can get a taco while you’re there!
My fave bahn mi place, Num Pang, is there too!
Yarn and ginger bbq brisket! Perfect!
Wow! I stay away for a few weeks & they close up shop! I was worried when Habu moved.
Ok, the news on Habu is going to make me ill. Sigh.
But I was going to comment that as a New Yorker, I once carried a set of filing cabinets home on the subway. One on one day, one the next day. I did not clip anyone.
As a person of a certain age, American Girl Dolls were new and not yet a thing when I was a child, but I had visions in my head from all the romantic Victorian literature about girls with a doll in a special chest with all her things. I sold all my Barbies at a garage sale to buy one.
Then for Christmas a couple of years later, apparently my parents were at that…loss for what to get a tween daughter. They bought my brother a .22 rifle, they bought me stuff for my doll.
Telling it now, it sounds like a sitcom. That’s kind of nice.
Thanks for sharing your yarn stores, Kay.
But I was going to comment that as a New Yorker, I once carried a set of filing cabinets home on the subway. One on one day, one the next day. I did not clip anyone.
You go girl, as we used to say. It’s not like Roller Derby, clipping actually makes you lose points. Furniture moving via subway – who needs a mover anyway?
Can’t believe Habu is gone!
Yes! I love this list. Boo to Habu- I loved visiting the showroom.
One store that I like is Annie and Co on the Upper East Side. It is very easy to include with a trip to the Guggenheim or the Neue Gallerie. There are some cool stores out in Brooklyn too…
One of the best yarn shops is in Brooklyn/Red Hook. It’s Brooklyn General and carries great yarns, has classes and the owners are so friendly and helpful. I became aware of them when I saw their ad in Selvedge…..imagine that!! It’s a quick walk from Cobble Hill to Red Hook. Delightful neighborhood with Real People!!!
Brooklyn General isn’t in Red Hook. It’s in Carroll Gardens. But I agree with you that it’s a lovely store.
I was in NYC in March and went to both Knitty City and Purl Soho. Knitty City is great. I hung out there while my family did the natural history museum. (My feet were tired.) Everyone there was so friendly and helpful. I made several new friends at the sit and knit table in the back. Purl Solo was a visual feast, but not as friendly. Loved the Liberty fabrics though.
I so agree. Knitty City is my LYS favorite—if L has a 70-blocks radius. Love everything about it. I think Purl, despite the beautiful yarn, can be a bit off-putting, esp. for those on a budget.
Heading to NYC soon! I look forward to seeking them out.
Thanks for the list. My daughter lives in the Village and we visit New York often. I’ll try to add a few of your listings to my next visit. I usually try to visit Purl when we are there (more for fabric than yarn) and encourage anyone to try to go there at an off-peak time–I usually arrive asit is opening on a weekday. On the weekends it is is overwhelmed with lookers and buyers. Lion Brand Studio is fun, if only for the window, but the hours are limited so be sure they are open before you make a special trip.
are these yarn shops in the same general area? Are they easily accessed by cab or subway? Being a non-nyer, I would love to visit these on a day trip.
The island is only 8 miles long and 2 miles wide–but there is a fair distance between Soho and the Upper West Side. Still, you should be able to hit 2 or 3 of them easily, as all are near other attractions.
Just wanted to point out that Purl Soho is right next door to the wonderful Rudy’s Guitar Shop, in case you are a guitarist or have a bored guitarist trailing around after you while you shop.
So glad you are back. I missed both your voices!
You are spoiling me/us with the frequent updates, thank you!
We stayed at the Lucerne Hotel several years ago, and walked out the front door and discovered we were across the street from a yarn store!!!
During my four years in NYC I loved Knitty City. I visit every time I am back. I always carry my current project in one of their distinctive bags. I am a fan!!!
Invaluable post. I have been to Habu, and have always meant to get to Purl Soho and been thwarted each time I tried. It’s like a joke almost, because we make it to NY on a regular basis. But I will prevail, and now I have some other great choices too, so thank you very much!
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I remember my first NYC yarn-shop visit was to the oddly named School Products in the garment district. I see they’ve moved slightly to 13 E 37th Street (bet 5th and Madison Ave), still up on a 6th floor. I have yet to knit some unlabeled yarn from that trip, which I believe was the same one in 2004 when I met you (Kay) IRL.
And if I can shake this pre-carpal-tunnel syndrome with a month off the needles and in a brace, I’ll knit up that Honey Cowl skein I bought with you at Knitty City. Wearing my Albers Cowl (Koigu from Purl) now! XXO
Oops sorry about that extra cut-and-paste bit!
My one-time favorite yarn store was The Red Needle, here in Savannah. The owner, Micki, had moved her shop here from New York. Then she up and moved to Colorado. I here she’s back in New York now, even I Manhattah, under the new name Red Needle Yarns. If the shop is even half as good as it was here it’s fabulous. Oh, how I wish I could travel!
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Love the frequent newsy posts. You got me started again on Lett-Lopi after decades away
I second the mention of School Products. They manufacture the wonderful Karabella yarn line. Also Berta Karapetyan, the owner, designs great patterns.
The Yarn Company on Broadway and 82 is also good. But Knitty City is my favorite for sitting around and group knitting.
I second the recommendation of The Yarn Company at Bway and 82nd, up a steep flight of steps. It’s only a few blocks from Knitty City so I generally try to hit both in a visit (there is hardly any overlap, as one visits The Yarn Co. for the fabulous monthly specialty colors). And when I go downtown to Purl Soho, I park my non-knitters a block up at Harney and Co., whence they generally return with a good supply of artisanal Japanese tea.
(As homesick displaced New Yorkers, we have developed the perfect routine for post-Thanksgiving, far from the madding Fifth Avenue crowds: dim sum on Elizabeth Street so our Chinese in-laws can order for us in Chinese; then a saunter through Chinatown for the scarves, Little Italy for cannoli, and Broome Street for Purl Soho (mutual gifting between me and knitting niece) and the tea from Harney’s. )
I hope you’re going to do similar posts about the other boroughs, or at least Brooklyn (where my daughter lives, and where I visit a few times per year). She’s a knitter, too; maybe we can make an excursion some day!
I have two favorite shops in Brooklyn: Brooklyn General and La Casita Yarn Shop Cafe. I want to visit them again and explore a little more. I’m one of those old people who needs a passport to go to Brooklyn lol.
I’ve been to both during a visit to Brooklyn awhile ago. La Casita’s owner is very friendly and helpful. I think there is a coffee bar in the back. Brooklyn Genweral is just as you say. Definitely worth visits.
Second Brooklyn General. They have a huge but well-curated stock of yarn (plus dry goods) and nice staff, all housed in a time-warp of a shop. And there’s a fabulous Thai restaurant, PocPoc, nearby if you get peckish.
I like the Yarn Company. 2274 Broadway • Between 81st and 82nd Streets • Second Floor.
I’m a long way from NYC, but just in case… thanks for the list! I live a 10 minute drive from Purl Soho’s online fulfillment center (me in Irvine, they in Tustin, CA). I love to wander their many aisles of stock, they are open to the public for limited hours, limited days. (15431 Red Hill Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 259-1185)
I second the recommendation for the Purl warehouse in Tustin, CA. For Southern California knitters, it’s the next best thing to the Mothership. What it lacks in ambiance, it makes up for in volume. And the staff are friendly and down-to-earth.
Years ago, on a visit to NY, I made it a point to see the Purl shop when it was on Sullivan. It was small but oh so colorful! Someday I hope to return and visit the “new” location.
I love Knitty City! I’ve only been there once, a few years ago, but I loved the yarn selection (they had Sweet Georgia yarns at a time when it wasn’t readily available elsewhere), and my husband loved that they had a spot for him to sit and read while I shopped. In addition, a helpful staff person gave us great directions for how to get to our next destination by subway. I wish I got to New York City more often so I could go shop there again.
Rating your relatives—you made me snort my tea.
I was at String on the Upper East Side for the first time recently. If anyone has a hankering for luxury, cashmere, things that sparkle and glitter, super soft halo-y yarns etc,and tempting kits of same, that’s where you want to go. There’s a table to sit and knit at that seems to have welcoming regulars. Warning-there’s a sold-by-the-piece luxury chocolates shop downstairs, the shop is on the 2nd floor.
I also love Brooklyn General. Another cross craftual lair.
I love String too. I’ve been to the last 2 locations. Luxury yarns all the way. Koigu with cashmere? Yes, please.
My feeling is that Knitty City is a bit overpriced.
I find School Products (which has just moved to 13 East 37th Street, 6th floor) fascinating with its unique and affordable cashmere selection.
Lion Brand has a great staff and wonderful events. They are closed early on Fridays and all day Saturday.
Thanks for the list Kay! There are a couple there that I haven’t checked out that I will add to my list for the next time I’m in the city.
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Oh, I have long wanted to see Purl IRL, though (because?) I already get a lot of joy from the Purl Bee online. I think that you are the one who alerted me to its existence in the first place. Thank you. (If the staff is not as friendly in person, that’s OK. When visiting a Temple of Yarn I don’t necessarily expect perkiness from the acolytes.) I also love the Downtown Yarn’s old-fashioned green-painted screen door. So inviting! And, since my local “one stop shopping center,” Fred Meyer, stopped carrying Lion Brand Amazing yarn, I might well be tempted to go the Lion Brand store and get a sweater’s worth of yarn! Amazing is a blend, and not a fancy one, but I have been very happy with it.
Habu Textiles has fled NYC for Colorado. I made a trek to their old address in Murray Hill in October only to find that they had just moved out. I consoled myself with a visit to Lion Brand-a really fun place to browse. Knitty City is also a nice -they have a comprehensive selection of ADDI needles.
My Knitty City bag, into which Pearl Chin (I think) put my purchases, is a treasured possession.
I do work for a museum near Lion Brand, and their window is always a knitterly treat! Plus, they have a nice collection of LB yarns that aren’t sold in the big box craft stores, and neat notions. Today it was a gingerbread concoction, I believe (too rainy to take a picture!) I’ve been to Brooklyn General (years ago), Knitty City, and Annie and Co., and finally made it to Purl Soho. Does Yarn Co still exist? If I am in the neighborhood I always check out the yarn stores …but I am a NJ knitter, my LYS is Knit a Bit in Fanwood, NJ.
Though the Lion Brand outlet (if you are cruising the NJ Turnpike) has some great deals on yarn in packs.
And though I have never been knocked by an American Girl shopping bag, I regulary doge back packs. For a short person like me, if someone at the train station turns fast, I almost get wacked. In the face.
I agree about the Lion Brand store. I know some of us yarn snobs will poo poo the idea of wasting precious time trekking to it, but boy, is it worth it. Google Lions Brand Yarn Studio and take a gander. The window displays are an artistic second to none as far as yarn shops go. I will also add that they will prints, for free, any pattern on the Lion Brand website. A wonderful surprise.
This is wonderful! I want to go to New York just to visit these yarn shops.
Great to have the list. Boo-hoo on Habu but then I occassionally get to Colorado.
I love Schoolhouse. I enjoyed the visual feast of Purl Soho in Oct, 2014.
Does anyone know where I put the souvenir project bag???
The day after Thanksgiving, my district provides a free bus to the city…I live in CT….and the past couple of years I have done my own personal yarn crawls…last year I did some Brooklyn shops…Brooklyn General was fun……this year I took a friend and visited some Manhattan stores I’d not been too…loved Annie’s! Plus everything was 20% off for Black Friday….one store was very off putting, owner followed us the entire 2 feet of the store….and then we did String…I’d been to a previous location….I only bought a very expensive pompom….
Knitty City, Downtown Yarns and Purl! Yes! I stop at each one for very particular things and reasons. I’ll throw a vote out to Annie & Co. on Second Avenue (Upper East Side). Brand new, shiny space with yarn crammed in everywhere – plus it is also a needlepoint shop with gorgeous stock. Embroidery and knitting in the same space just makes me swoon.
I get notifications in my e-mail from Purl Soho. It never fails to please me when I receive them, even if it is about a craft that I don’t do. Although I have never been there in person, there is just something about it that I find pleasant, relaxing, and welcoming.
While in New York on a business trip last June, I made the trek (on foot) from Times Square to Purl Soho. Through the rain. Torrential rain. And thunder, and lightning. It was worth every step, but knitters, be smarter than me. Take a cab, or an uber, or even the subway! Excited to check out all these other shops next time I’m in town.
Thank you for the shop update. How timely! I’m headed to NYC from Texas to attend the Vogue Knitting conference. Habu was on the list to visit. Will adjust accordingly. Thanks!
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Thank you for the great list!
I’m so happy to see a picture of Downtown Yarns again. I once left my wallet at the store, and didn’t notice until I was in Brooklyn and got a call from my bank. Rita called them and asked them to track me down, and let me know that it was safe. The BEST!
It’s been nearly a decade (!) since I left Manhattan, so things are getting a little hazy. But I also used to enjoy Seaport Yarns, even though the setting in a high-rise office building is a little off-putting. And I could swear that I used to frequent a LYS somewhere in the East Village, but I don’t think it was Downtown Yarns. Was there another one? Or maybe it was DY and I’m just having a premature senility episode. Knitty City was new when I left, so it was never part of my regular routine.
I will say, living in DC has permanently spoiled me. We have such an embarassment of riches when it comes to fantastic LYS. The incomparable Fibre Space is my home base, but we have many other gems as well.
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The link for Knitty City doesn’t work ( should be:
Also seems Purl Soho has closed.
I have used several of your knitting patterns, especially the sock pattern using only 2 straight needles. The pattern is fantastic with all the visuals. My socks turned out lovely. Being left handed using DPNs is not easy for me, next I am going to try using a circular needle. Just asking if you have any sock knitting books /patterns using a single Circular needle
I am from Australia
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