A Wild Yarn, Part 3

Dear Kay,
Having a fine time over here. This is the most addicting thing I’ve done in a long time other than Season 3 of Bloodline which is pretty addicting if you’re the sort who likes a family gone bad.
Just joining us? Catch up with A Wild Yarn, Part 1 and A Wild Yarn, Part 2.
To recap:
Pattern: Sue McCain’s Easel Sweater from MDK Field Guide No. 3: Wild Yarns.
Yarn: Lichen and Lace Worsted Superwash, shade Pressed Flowers. (We’re expecting a new batch of this yarn next week. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s back, in all its unpredictable glorious color.)
Here’s the result of four skeins knit straight from the ball, no alternating two rows, none of that fussypants blending-the-skeins business.

This is what happens when you knit hand-dyed yarn start to finish, then add in a new skein when a skein runs out.

Maybe you think this looks like it doesn’t really match. Maybe you’re right.
The decision about what color to use for the contrasting sleeves was actually pretty easy. I dove into the Plucky Knitter stash and came up with Bello Worsted, in some color I forgot to write down but it’s GOLDEN. MUSTARD. It pulls from the shiny sunset golden glow of the front part of the sweater (on the left).

The sleeve cap needed a new skein of yarn. As you can tell.

This Easel Sweater pattern is now something I’ve pretty much memorized, it’s that simple. Set-in sleeves, a boxy shape, worsted yarn. If you’ve never made a garment using hand-dyed yarn like this, all I can say is that there is a massive amount of fun to be had just watching the colors unfold. Because it knits on a size 7 needle, you can make this sweater in a couple of weeks if you have the wind at your back, a few nights of uninterrupted time, and a yarn that keeps you mesmerized the whole way.

The sewing up will be the final chapter of A Wild Yarn. This project has made me love knitting all over again: the simplicity of the pattern, the colors of this yarn, the idea that randomness can have a rhythm all its own. Unpredictability is fun, I discovered.
I love everything about this. I love the name of this colorway – “pressed flowers” – it perfectly captures what the yarn does when knitted. I love that you didn’t worry about mixing and blending and trying to be sure that where the new skein started wasn’t obvious. Just trust and knit on. I love the unexpected golden sleeves. Looking forward to seeing it finished, and modeled, if you can stand to put it on in hot summer weather. Find some overly enthusiastic air conditioning! And last on this not all-inclusive list of things, I love you guys, every one of your guest contributors, and the people who comment with such appreciation, humor, and kindness! Go MDK!
Well that says it all. Ditto! 🙂
I completely feel the same way as Tamara! Everything about this is wonderful! Everything about this whole website/blog is wonderful! Love Love Love!!!!
Me, too. I love the way the hand paints build when you don’t blend skeins. I love pooling…
I third those comments. No matter what the day ahead holds for me, I start with a cup of tea and this blog. A giggle, an inspiration, a bit of encouragement, and maybe even a recipe or song…maybe if more people would do the same the world would be a different (better) place.
I could totally get into knitting a who-cares-if-it-shifts-colors sweater along with the third season of Bloodlines. Sign me up. I’ve grown to dislike every single character except I’ll always love Sissy Spacek playing anyone. Xox
The hubs and I just finished the third and last season of Bloodlines. I’d love to hear what you think about the characters after the last episode! My “learning to knit” got put on hold while watching Bloodlines!
Glad to know I was not the only one who could not stop watching Bloodline! I even had a project that was put on hold from last summer, waiting for season 3, and now it’s finished! as for Ann’s new sweater, it is lovely!
Gorgeous just utterly gorgeous & that golden mustard for the sleeves: genius. I can’tell wait to see it finished.
Love this sweater. It is unpredictable in such a wonderful way. I can’t wait to see it all sewn up.
I am completely smitten with this project and was heartbroken I missed out on ordering the original blue colorway. I am now on the hunt to find some “unpredictability glorious” yarn to inspire my own. Thank you for the inspiration!
This is my favorite of the Easels I’ve seen so far. Love the color combo. I planned to skip Easel, but this may change my mind!
I love it…thanks for taking a chance and leaving the succulent fruits of your labor to the rest of us!
I LOVE THIS!! Can’t wait for the final chapter. 😉
I LOVE it!
I like the Marie Kondo-esque folding of your sweater pieces.
I love this sweater. I think it works in all its randomness. The mustard sleeves are pure genius. (And I’m quite sure the Morse code is saying “Come to Canada.”)
All of the above! Kudos to MDK.
I love the sweater and the (sort of) Xs that formed on both the front and back in similar proportions, by magic!
Completely agree about the hypnotic effect of watching color changes progress in yarns and how it can keep you knitting and knitting and knitting to see what’s next….
What great fun!
Love it!
Love it. Love the non matchiness and the mustard sleeves.