Wonderful News: A Log Cabin Knitalong Is Coming

We’ve known about this for a week or so, and we’ve been bursting to tell the world: the theme for the next Fringe and Friends Knitalong, which begins on January 1, 2018, will be log cabin knitting.
The knitalongs on Karen Templer’s Fringe Association are exceptionally well done. Karen and her panelists dig deep into the chosen pattern. They explore variations of all kinds. They share their thinking and the work of others in the community. Each knitalong becomes a rich, open-ended group experiment in making.
What’s different about this knitalong is that it’s not for a specific pattern or garment; it’s for a technique: log cabin knitting. Knitalongers can use the log cabin technique to knit a blanket, or apply the technique to make an accessory or even a garment.
What Will I Make?
I’ve knit a few log cabin blankets in my day (cough), and enjoyed every one. I know that a blanket is a challenge for some knitters to contemplate, but for me, blankets are a steady source of easy, satisfying knitting. With log cabin blankets, I can play with color and pattern within the safe confines of garter stitch. They may take a while to get done, but they do get done.
For this knitalong, I want to go outside my blanket-y comfort zone. My mind is racing with ideas about how to make a sweater or top using the log cabin technique. The challenge: making something that I’d wear as a part of my everyday wardrobe, not as a log-cabin badge of honor or stunt.

Karen’s sketch (the one on the left) has me thinking of adapting a simple, flowy top or tunic pattern, such as Vasa or Squareish, to log cabin construction. It helps that I’m mad for Sylph right now, and had already encountered these two designs in my search for great patterns for this luscious, drapey blend of linen and cashmere.
The devil (and the fun) is in the details, of course.
What color of Sylph will make the log cabin pattern read clearly, but not too loudly? (Right now I’m thinking of a single color, or two very close shades.)
Which particular log cabin formation is most suitable to a loose, boxy top? Right now I’m thinking that a vertically oriented Courthouse Steps construction (the second cloth in Field Guide No. 4’s Log Cabin Cloths project), which arranges itself into an hourglass shape, will be more flattering than the classic log cabin square. But it will also create more ends to weave in. I haven’t decided which way to go.
Luckily, I’ve got a couple of months to ponder and dream about this design, until the needles-up date: January 1, 2018. In the meantime, I’ll just finish up all my WIPs, real quick-like. Clear the decks!
What Will You Make?
With weeks to go, this is just the starting point for thinking about which pattern to make, or adapt, or whether to use a pattern at all. Here are some options.
- Field Guide No. 4: Log Cabin. This is our latest, most concise thinking on How To Log Cabin, in a pocket-sized book that also includes three projects for your consideration. Is this the knitalong that will get you to knit a Ninepatch Blanket? Or just wing it by taking one of the six Log Cabin Cloth patterns and continuing to add patches or strips until you’ve got the blanket of your dreams? Or do you want to tackle the airy, lacy fun of knitting with gossamer mohair, and making a Sommerfeld Shawl with some company to share the journey?
- Log cabin blankets galore. In honor of this knitalong, we’ll soon be releasing some of our most popular log cabin blanket designs: Fussy Cuts, Star-Eyed Julep, Courthouse Steps, Joseph’s Blankie of Many Colors, and two sizes of Moderne Log Cabin Blanket, in single-pattern download versions. And other log cabin blankets already exist in that format: Mitered Crosses, for example.
- Accessories. Ann Weaver has done amazing work with log cabin construction. Two of our favorites are the Albers Cowl and the Albers Shawl, both of which are full of opportunities for color play, variation, and stashbusting. Log cabin knitting, like log cabin patchwork, yields itself to simple improvisation. Even a beginner can create a scarf or wrap simply by knitting pieces onto each other until the desired shape happens.
- Something we have never seen before. Log cabin is open-ended. It’s modular. The possibilities for using it to construct and shape knitting are literally endless. We can’t wait to see what people come up with!
Wow! Sounds like the most fun evvah!
Something to look forward to! And January is the best time for house mousing it with a new project. Thanks and good morning.
This knit-along comes along at the perfect time. I’ve just learned of two babies coming next spring. One, for sure, will need a Log Cabin blankie in his/her life.
Since my “Buncha Squares” afghan (created by Kay; there isn’t much of a pattern, but there is a Ravelry page) is already in progress, I was already in this game before it began. My Albers scarf (the cowl made with twice as many squares) is probably the most complimented such item I have worn in the last few years. I have only made 10 of the 35 intended squares, so i will still be knitting away when January begins.
A word of warning for anyone planning a garment: Be very careful about where those squares are positioned: you may not want the center, or “bullseye” of the square centered over certain body parts; imagine how I know this.
Excellent tip! I’m making notes!
Interesting! I’ve always loved The Modern Quilt Wrap by Mags Kandis in KSH. Maybe now is the time. Will start with a cloth first as I’m new to this technique.
I was trying to remember the name of this pattern when I was writing the post! Thank you. Here’s the link:
Sounds promising. January is a good month for blank knitting!
“Blank knitting”, ;). Great phrase..
Hopefully the Christmas knitting will be done by Jan. 1. I’m lusting after either the Albers Cowl to use up my miles of leftover sock yarn (though the Modern Quilt Wrap might be better for small quantities of zillions of yarns) or the Vasa in shades of gray. I’ve never participated in a Knitalong before, so this will be a new learning experience!
We can continue our sweater twinning! My Granito is going to reach the pockets today, h*ck or high water.
YES!!! Can’t wait!
Not so much about the knit-along to come as one going on here in Byrdstown, TN where our little group of 10 or so knitters have gathered to knit lapaghans for the VA hospital in Nashville and our favorite pattern is the Moderne Log Cabin from the original (I think) Modern Daily Knitting book. It lends itself to a endless variety of color combinations along with the ever popular red, white and blue. Three colors work out just perfectly with the slightly small version we make to fit with wheelchairs. If we were closer to NYC we would knit for the veterans there so please don’t feel discriminated against. So 3 cheers for log cabins in any iteration.
It is so heartwarming to hear that the good old Moderne Log Cabin is being made for such a loving, healing purpose. You all are way out in front on this knitalong!
I have to take this opportunity to show you one of my favorite knitter interpretations of the Moderne:
Tehri’s version shows that stripes are a great solution for dealing with limited yardage on some of your colors, as often happens when you are using leftovers for a log cabin project.
Everything Terhi knits is an elevation of the original. I think I would recognize her work anywhere. Here’s another brilliant log cabin-y thing, Terhi’s take on Laura Aylor’s City Block Shawl:
Thank you Betty!
Awesome! How about a log cabin poncho? Poncho’s are really popular this year(have you seen Stone Point poncho?-gorgeous & fun to wear!) and a log cabin version would certainly be fun to knit & wear!!
The phrase “log-cabin badge of honor or stunt” got me–what would that kind of stunt look like? Can’t think of many knitting projects that are stunts (aside from yarn bombing and hmm, maybe pussy hats?) but stunts can be terrific! Really support the idea of a log-cabin stunt.
Sorry for being vague! I had in mind some runway sweaters (was it Rodier? can’t recall) that were big log cabin squares, very bright, made into thick, square sweaters. Debbie New, in her brilliant book Unexpected Knitting, also did some log cabin sweaters that, to my very opinionated eye, looked like they would be more fun to knit than to wear. I’m aiming for something more fluid and flattering.
But on a baby? A log cabin sweater looks super cute, as proven by Cirilia Rose:
Somewhere in an era long ago, Valentina Devine did a log cabin kimono: in keeping with her spirit and aesthetic, it was really wild in both yarn and color choice. It was published in more than one of the mags. That was my virgin log cabin adventure, with the untortunate targets placed over each butt cheek. Maybe 20+ years ago.
I just did a google image search to see her work. She also did a lot with mitered corners!
Sounds wonderful.
I’m planning on a lap blanket to donate to Little Black Dog Rescue for a raffle to raise funds for a rescue from TX that has drained the funds of the organization. Follow my progress in the Ravelry M-D group and post yours also!
I think a log cabin garment would be an excellent way to experiment with Ann’s single speckledy yarn technique of cabining. Low-key yet intriguing!
(Re: stunt knitting, that’s what I consider skipping the lifeline before beginning unscripted toe decreases.)
I don’t plan to take on a garment. I thought I would finally make Fussy Cuts or another Mitered Crosses but then I saw this on Ravelry I already have the yarn for the other two projects but I was so blown away by how fantastic the Moderne looked with the added stripes and the colors of the yarn, that I went and and bought more yarn so I could make that version with a couple color adjustments.
Ooh that’s a lovely pattern!!!
New Year’s resolution — stash busting — and this is perfect! I will say — for a garment — I would envision a log cabin inset of some kind within a garment– but my brain has not quite wrapped around that into a real idea as of yet. Think I’ll stick to a blanket. And perhaps use the opportunity to hone my Continental skills (or lack there of) since In am a SLOOOOOW english style knitter.