Dear Kay,
I am itching to Bang Out a Sweater. I haven’t dropped everything for a new project since at least last Tuesday. I’ve never made a lopi sweater. I’m just so curious. Where will all this lead?

The mission, to recap:
• Stopover pullover by Mary Jane Mucklestone.
• We all cast on Monday, February 1.
• Finish date: As soon as we all possibly can.
Let’s dive right into that crucial decision to be made after committing to a knitalong.
The yarn.
Already, you can find deliciously opinionated yarn talk going on in the comments.
Now, we would never talk anybody out of using whatever yarn you like. But we do encourage you at least to read about the glories of Icelandic sheep and their unique wool. It is a very, very specific kind of wool, unique to the icy island of Iceland. If I had been exposed to the sub-Arctic climate for 1,100 years—like these sheep—I too would probably have developed a distinctive combination of outer and inner fibers.
Outer fiber: long, glossy, tough and water-resistant. Inner: fine, soft and insulating.
Ístex is the Icelandic company that makes yarn from this fiber. They are Lopi.
There are five weights of pure Lopi yarn, all the way from Bulkylopi to laceweight Einband. The Bang Out a Sweater pattern calls for Léttlopi, a worsted-weight Icelandic wool. It’s the real deal. It’s great. And it’s one of the most inexpensive wools you can buy.
A Swerve
I was all set to go with Léttlopi until I read a comment today from Susan that changed everything.
She writes: “Another yarn option would be to trot over to the Schoolhouse Press website and indulge in some unspun icelandic (plötulopi) which produces an even airier and lighter project. Sort of like wearing a breath.”
I keep misreading it as plutoloopy, which seems right for a yarn that is not actually a yarn but an edge-of-the-solar-system fiber. It doesn’t even come in a ball; it’s a “plate.”
At the Schoolhouse Press website, you can see Plötulopi as it’s shipped in 18-plate stacks. It’s roving, basically, a line of flurf not unlike what comes out of your dryer filter. Pencil roving, they say. Whatever.
I am in. If it’s not really yarn, it’s not really knitting. This is going to be a trippy, awesome knitalong.
Test Drive
Before picking plutoloopy colors, I wanted to test out this roving-as-yarn concept. At TNNA, we were given Noro’s new Rainbow Roll which is not sushi but indeed a pencil roving that seems sort of like plutoloopy.

It’s not made from Icelandic wool, I think, which has longer fibers apparently. But Rainbow Roll is definitely a not-yarn. It says so right there on the label:

The not-knitting experience is akin to the feeling you get when you first take the wheel of a U-Haul panel truck. You drive seven miles per hour for the first half hour. Feels dangerous. Soon, you are frankly tired of going so damn slow, so you speed up, a little. You hit the brakes so hard that you feel the entire load behind you shift in your direction. You start driving faster and faster, tailgating, halfway in the other lane, but it starts to feel good, and before long, you’re just flying along get-out-of-my-way-people-I-am-U-Haulin’.

That’s what it’s like to knit with this stuff. I broke the strand five times in the first ten minutes.
I can’t wait to get my plates of plutoloopy and start not-knitting this Stopover.
PS A request: if you know a local yarn shop that stocks Lopi yarns, please leave a link in the comments. Lopi can be tricky to find if you’re not in, say, Iceland.
PSS Share your Bang out a Sweater pix on social media with #BangOutASweater. Excited to have so many folks game for this.
Plutoloopy! Awesome. I am going to call Lopi “Loopi” from now on in honor of your coinage.
I decided that I want to be Just A Little Different and ordered some Wool O’ The Andes. KnitPicks is always pushing me to try this yarn, and it’s way cheap, so what the heck. If I don’t like it I can always knit the sweater again with Loopi, right?
River Colors Studio (just outside of Cleveland, OH) has a huge selection!
There are many delightful aspects to living in Australia. But one of my enduring regrets is that it’s far too warm to ever wear a sweater made of lopi wool. Or a cowl or toasty mittens. Ok so maybe I exaggerate – you could wear one a few times in the middle of winter, especially if you lived in Canberra or Tasmania. But we just don’t have the need for awesome piles of cosy wear like you do in the States. I’m so keen to knit an Icelandic sweater. But I know it would just sit sulkily in my drawer, and only be worn once or twice for an hour before I started to melt. So while I’m lovin’ all the wintry blogs, it’s bittersweet.
Exactly Marg – it’s the curse of the Australian knitter! My daughter spent a year in the UK so I got to make some thrummed mittens, but now she is back I have no excuse to knit this jumper. 🙁
Marg, I live in the states, in the oft-chilled and damp Pacific northwest. Need for a sweater that sheds rain: high. Need for a cardigan to whip off at the inevitable hot flash, then drape over shoulders or tie around waist when cooling off and feeling the chill NW again: also high. I recently realized I don’t really wear sweaters anymore, just cardis. OK the occasional cotton pullover, but this Lopi is far far cry from the land o’ cotton. So I’ll be enjoying (am already) this KAL from the backseat. Can somebody turn down the heat, please?
Would Plymouth’s Trabajos del Peru work? Ravelry has it at an aran weight. It is a single but has a thick/thin texture. other choices in the stash dive are Tahki Donegal Tweed homespun or Cascade Eco +. obviously I need to knit a sweater
Yesterday I almost asked my fellow Twin Cities, Minnesotans who all carried LettLopi. Wasn’t sure if that would be hijacking someone else’s blog.
Here’s what I know: Has Lettlopi
All I ask is that you not buy out all the colors I’m planning to run over and pick out. 😉
Not sure:
Ok, Duluth not TC, but they provided AMAZING shipping service when I made a last minute decision for a wedding gift-knit. Call. I know they have Lopi, aka Alafoss to Istex. Call, memory hazy. Greater TC, Mahtomedi. Fun area.
My plates of plotulopi bought in Iceland are not the right colors for this venture. Which is probably good since I feel loopy enough dropping all to do this. Don’t need to be on pluto, knitting plates!
I had some LettLopi in my stash for the body and one contrast but I ordered my other contrast colours from WEBS last night. You can also get it from Craftsy. Roughly the same price but the shipping rates to Canada were much better at WEBS. I may be a little late starting. Depends on how well USPS and CanadaPost can work together.
Jen, that is a great store. Looks like I will have to make more than one sweater – love all the colors they carry and not too far from Michigan. Thanks
They are quite a delightful store. I’ve been frequenting since I moved to Cleveland in 2003; my favorite by far. Erika is fantastic and her staff is friendly and helpful. Can’t ask for more in a yarn store!
In Toronto, Romni has a wall of Lopi. No trouble finding the right colour there!
I am going with the Léttlopi, very easily available in the UK from Deramores – I had thought I’d have to buy it from Iceland! (and yes so inexpensive, I had no idea!)
I have always wanted an Icelandic Sweater, but due to the lack of Proper Winter here in the UK these days (it’s more like a cold bath, usually) I haven’t knit one in the full-on Lopapeysa, I would never get to wear it!. But this looks like a good lightweight version of one. I am quite excited.
I don’t know, Fi, standing round outside with small people for several hours today made me want *all* the woolly goodness. But I’m nesh, so I could probably wear a full on Lopapeysa in summer!
From Gail, at she shoots sheep shops, the link to plutoloopy:
And I love Gale’s blog post about her quest for Lopi, where she writes about that shop:
I just read Gale’s post and I’m SO GLAD I DID! I’ve been arguing with myself about buying lettlopi because I just know there must be something in the stash and Gail said Lambs Pride and I know I have PLENTY of Lambs Pride buried in there. LOTS OF IT. Blankets-worth. Woohoo! Count me in!
Don’t sell yourself short, Ann–you do have a a distinctive combination of outer and inner fibers.
Pilling can be happened by frictions!
I have knit 2 Stopovers (so far) and love the pattern. I love knitting the Lopi on large needles so that the sweater is light and easy to wear. And I will tell you it is by far the warmest sweaters I own. Living in New England I have worn them every day!! No need for jackets!!
Having knit with plutoloopy, I would perhaps worry about doing it in large needles, big gauge, just because it is not twisted. Even with the Lettlopi which is twisted but not plied, if you snag the sweater, the yarn tears easily. I have had to darn my one sweater! (Probably why Lettlopi usually gets knit on a US7 for a denser fabric)
I want to do a shout out for Tolt yarns who have every color in stock. Their website is easy, their shipping super fast (it took WEBS twice as long to get something to me and I live an hour away!!) and their packaging beautiful!!
Have fun with the knit along! You are all going love it and I would urge you to give Lettlopi knit on US10 a try
I am listening very closely, Andrea! I too am wondering about the large needles/big gauge with this not-yarn. What if I doubled it? It might defeat the airiness goal. But it might keep it from falling apart. Will go try it doubled with the Rainbow Roll while I wait for my yarn to come from Iceland…
Tolt appears to be out of white, but I ordered other colors this morning, and they already shipped it!
Plus they are super wonderfully nice there at Tolt.
I would love to Bang Out a Sweater, but it was 75 yesterday in Houston. Like our friends Down Under, I’d get almost no use out of a sweater so warm yet airy. A cardigan in cotton with a whisper of wool, yes. But I haven’t owned a long-sleeved wool pull over in 20 years. Gonna have to live vicariously thru all you living at True North…
Me, too! I was actually thinking about trying this until reality tapped me on the shoulder and sneered, “You haven’t worn anything wool since 1969. Give it up unless you plan on moving back to Dallas.”
Maybe I could buy some of the plutoloopy and keep it as a pet.
Here in sunny Arizona, I would love to make this sweater but it is not often cold enough to wear something like this. Maybe we should try it in a nice cotton.
I wondered about cotton as well. I’m in frosty MA, but thinking ahead to Spring sweater-wearing.
I found Lett Lopi online at Craftsy and Webs. Also Craftsy had all the colors I needed.
dublin bay – ordered yesterday morning and even as we speak, my yarn is wafting across the country ready to jump on my needles! I was impressed with dublin bay’s customer service!
Ingebretson’s in Minneapolis.
And I found I just missed Arne and Carlos!
I thought about the wheel of Lopi. I made a jacket with it one a zillion years ago. Gorgeous stuff.
OOOOH thanks for this. Should I decide to participate I could just run over there and get some cheese and sausage and gingersnaps to go with my yarn.
Depth of Field Yarn also has it, in Minneapolis. We are pretty lucky!
Can we also have this KAL on ravelry? Much as I love the blog, I find the comments hard to follow.
Hi Karin! It’s up and running over at the Modern Daily Knitters group. Please join in wherever it suits ye!
I’d like to give a shout out to my local, Tolt Yarn and Wool .
Knowledgeable, customer focused and well stocked- Tolt is such a well curated shop. It is a serenity inducing creative experience. I always feel more clever and capable after a visit to Tolt. And they have Lopi.
I’m excited to bang out a sweater. It’s been a while since we’ve done this together- maybe since the Venn Diagrams and Mind Maps of the Perfect Sweater™.
Workplace of Tif aka Dottie Angel, embroiderer of hand knits!
I wish you guys would also address the issue of fit in this pregame warm up. So if we know we want a shorter yoke depth, do we count rows and divide by decreases to know where to put them. IE all that math stuff we should do but don’t. And arm length, never seem to get that puppy right.
Sometimes I just shut my eyes and pick a size, knit and pray it will fit.
Speaking of Ravelry (as I was in a comment just added to the prior post), for those stash busters reluctant to purchase “new” yarn, perhaps the option of helping another knitter destash is a go? One can search all the stashes with “for sale or trade” listings by weight, color, or brand…
Great idea! It starts to be win-win-win.
Hmm, I wonder if Brooklyn Tweed Shelter would work? I have a lot of random skeins, I would only need the MC.
Fancy Tiger in Denver has both lettlopi and alafosslopi, and they have a website for those with un-lopi’d LYS’s.
Fingers crossed I have my Webs order by Monday, but I doubt it. My “LYSs” are too far to go look for it. Looking forward to checking the Lopi box off my things to try!
Ooo! The Sow’s Ear carries those “plutoloopys,” but not in sweater quantities last I saw.
My LYS, Knit One Purl Two in Rockford, carries Lettlopi… But I have NO budget for a sweater right now boo!
Thx, Terri! Knit One Purl Two is my LYS, too. Maybe we should have a Bang Out A Sweater gathering!
Stix in Bozeman, MT has both bullky and lett Lopi. And believe it or not, we are doing a Lopi KAL right now! 16 sweater knitters, 2 vests and a poncho!
Once upon a time I knit a sweater for my mom from a pattern designed for lopi yarn out of Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride yarn. I had already knit it out of lopi, so I had the opportunity to compare. The gauge substitution was correct, but the second (non-lopi) sweater was much heavier and stiffer. There are things I like about lopi, and things I don’t, but it’s very distinctive, and worth trying. The feather light warmth is one of the good things.
So, after that commercial for lopi, I don’t know if I’m going to answer the siren call of this KAL. I’m hoping to finish my current project by February 1, but I may be banging out mittens. They’ve been calling me all winter.
I found lettlopi at Nordic Store. Since that’s in Reykjavik I won’t have my yarn in time to cast on 2/1. But now I want plotulopi too!
My first KAL. My first Icelandic sweater. My first sweater knit in the round from the bottom up. Oh My. Hope this is not my first epic fail. We can be sure of that….remembering the acrylic knit cable sweater knit in brown for my boyfriend, now husband. Shudders.
90 High Street
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
this is where I ordered the red for the green version of the sweater, Craftsy had all the other colors….hope it will be here by Monday (all of it) most reasonable for a sweaters worth of yarn (under 50 from Craftsy, and less than 8 including shipping for the extra ball of red that Craftsy did not have. I live in MA and its cold still, if I don’t wear it this year Winter always comes again….
I love your description of driving the UHaul – it’s like you’ve been with me when I moved. This not-yarn is something I haven’t tried…yet.
True confessions. I bought lettlopi in Reykjavik in September and I’ve already cast on for this knit-along. In fact, I’ve started twice. My colors were too contrasty for a bi- colored ribbing so I stole part of the yoke pattern and used part of that instead. Can’t wait to see what everyone else is up to.
Very intriguing, that your colors were too contrasty. Food for thought…
i’m in. lord help me.
Earlier comment got lost somewhere…
Other Minnesota option: Yarn Harbor, Duluth. They gave me awesome service last summer on shipping some wedding-gift-knitting yarn. I’m in the TCs.
I just ordered the lett lopi from Handknitting
PLÖTULOPI/Unspun can be ordered there as well.
I’ve been eyeing the Stopover pattern for awhile and have asked my niece if she’d like one. She lives in Minnesota so I bet she’d like it.
My yarn is on its way. So I guess I’d better finish up the sweater I’ve been procrastinating on so I can bang this one out too!
I had an unfortunate incident with lettlopi…a decade long unfinished object that every two months I consider throwing out. KonMarie would have some words with me, I think.
The lopi was from a Smiley’s sale, New Yorkers, but there’s none listed on their website now.
I am very greatful/resentful that you have pointed out the existence of a NORO pencil roving. I LOVE me some pencil roving, still have a stash of White Buffalo. Which is to say, I will want some Noro rainbowcakes. And also to say: I clearly do not need them, as White Buffalo has been out of business for 10 years or so and I still have a considerable stash.
Trying to convince the kids that a good science fair project would be how twist imparts strength.
Noro pencil roving. Kinda…makes me wanna knit a sweater…
Smiley’s! I generally only remember acrylic type yarn at Smiley’s. Maybe because that was all I was looking for at the time… I loved the bags of Lion Brand “Jaime” baby yarn in all of those wonderful colorways that they used to manufacture. However, I’m glad to hear there was more.
Maybe you can frog that sweater and use the yarn for the KAL. A nice sweater may always be donated (a4A?) if you find that the yarn is still not to your personal liking. Just saying.
Help me, Amber . . . when you knit with the pale buffalo, did it behave as a yarn ought to behave? Do you indeed feel that it will stand the test of being relatively loosely knit, in a single strand?
Ambivalent in Nashville
In the absence of a LYS that stocks Lopi, I went online and stumbled into the Nordic Store–
Lettlopi straight from Iceland in an oddly economical way (both in time and $). Mindboggling!
I blabbed about it on my blog today.
Gale, your blog post is so juicy and on point.
Just ordered my plates from the Nordic Store, thanks to you.
Thanks for that link – I am amazed at ALL the colors! No matter what else I end up getting, I may have to order a skein of Murky (1410?) just for the name. 🙂
I’m in. Yarn ordered. Doubtful that it will be here by 2/1. Excited to get started whenever that may be. I’ll play catch up.
Would Wool of the Andes Superwash Bulky work? (I was gifted 7 skeins of Delft Heather by my dearest friend and would love to make this sweater.)
This is an old post I know! But in case you check, did you ever do this sweater with wool of the Andes yarn? I am late to the knitting game, but love the look of these sweaters, just not sure I can take the itchiness of Lori yarn!
Oh Lawd have mercy but I’m in. The only sweaters I’ve knit are baby sweaters but I’ve been wanting to knit one for me for a while now. Leave it to Ann and Kay to motivate me to get started. Living in Alabama, I don’t have much need for a super warm sweater but it sure would be handy when I do.
Thanks all for the wonderful recommendations on buying the wool. I am off to order yarn.
okay, do I block my swatch before determining the gauge? I know you have said the Léttlopi can really get BIG after blocking. I never have blocked my swatches before, because I usually knit, you know, hats and stuff.
Yes. Block it before determining gauge. Otherwise it will only fit you until you wash it the first time.
Also, knit a nice generous gauge swatch. The little ones lie. Ask me how I know.
While I won’t be using LettLopi for my sweater; I don’t have a SQ of a single color in stash, and, in any case, don’t think it would hold up well knit at a loose gauge (I just blew through the elbow of a 10-year-old LettLopi sweater —not a Lopipeysa—knit at c. 5 st/in), for anyone interested, my LYS The Yarn Barn in Woodbridge, CT stocks LettLopi. They have a web site, but it’s not set up for ordering.
Also, I have a good supply of random colors of LettLopi from other projects, and if, say, anyone develops a sudden need for 25 yds or so of, say, turquoise or jade green, I can stick some in the mail.
I’m in. I am trying Lettlopi.
I knit a pi shawl out of the Icelandic wool you are thinking about from Schoolhouse Press. It turned out the size of a bedspread after blocking, which is what I use it for, since it is too big to wear.
The yarn breaks easily, to say the least, but it isn’t hard to splice it back together.
The “plutoloopy” is indeed beautiful and lightweight. However. Many years ago I made a hat out of it while at Meg Swansen’s Knitting Camp. Ann’s comment about it breaking every few minutes is, if anything, an understatement. A friend and I split two “plates” and each made a hat. We both had an unbelievable amount of breakage and vowed never to use it again. Use with caution and only if you really, really enjoy spit-splicing!
I don’t bother to spit-splice plotolopi, just overlap a couple of inches and knit on. Any thicker parts disappear into the halo when blocked.
I wouldn’t knit a single strand of plotolopi at the gauge of Stopover, however; I’d stick with lett-lopi there. I was told by an Icelander that she knits it on #10’s, but that would be in a shawl or something less subject to elbows and snags.
I just finished a Stopover using a double strand, which gave me gauge, a still very light sweater, and the expectation of durability. (Lett-lopi, which is very lightly spun, is made from two plies of lett-lopi as roving.) A double strand is much fluffier than lett-lopi. At this point, a block away from finished, I have only a photo of the yoke. The white, doubled plotolopi is fluffier, than the lett-lopi colors.
NOTED. I mean, I love spit-splicing as much as the next person, but I don’t love it MORE than the next person.
You’re very persuasive, Ann! Though I wrote in yesterday about all the appropriate yarns in my stash, I decided to go with the LettLopi. So I’m in, all the way. (Do I get credit for at least seriously thinking about knitting from stash? I do have a yarn acquisition problem.)
Ann: Lettlopi has FOUR greys and THREE blacks. Not to mention a colorway called ….. Murky. How is a girl to choose from all this bleak grisaille?
So good, so good. I went with winter blue heather for main color, which really should be called Black With Some Dark Blue Not Much Actually.
I was prepared to sit this out until you mentioned the unspun stuff. I have some (discontinued) Bobin in the stash which is the same as the loopi stuff, I believe. I think I’d better do this. 😉
hello ladies, i have a question i will be using homstead by plymouth yarn. my lys suggestion. i noticed that the needle size for this yarn is us 9 – do i have to go by homesteads suggestions or should i follow the stopover instructions of 10.5 needle? how do you think it will come out? when it comes to subsitutions of yarn i’m lost. thank you and i’m looking forward to the kal.
zelma toro
And add me to the lemming parade! Imma going lilac, grape, and mustard!
My yarn is ordered. I had a good-sized Christmas gift card for Purl Soho, so I went with Brooklyn Tweed Shelter (they don’t carry Lettlopi). It shipped today, fingers crossed it arrives quickly so I can get a swatch made and washed. Can’t wait to pet the yarn and then get started!
I keep repeating, “I do not have time to do this…. I do not have time to do this….” (Even while I was looking at Lopi colors…..)
I kept saying this, and somehow I bought the pattern, and then the yarn. I’m still saying it, but I believe I will be casting on 2/1.
I must be INSANE because I have a club kit on the way already from another KAL, not to mention 5-6 UFOs hovering around my chair. But. But. But. Have always wanted to knit an Icelandic sweater, with Lopi, so I’m in. Light grey heather for MC, with lilac heather, spring green heather, violet heather for the rest of the pattern. I was encouraged by the comments in the Stopover projects that advised “I knit it over a weekend,” “only took me a week,” “this is a really fast knit I’m casting on my second one.” We’ll see …..!!!!!
With apologies for the serial comments, ordered my yarn from River Colors Studio west of Cleveland, thanks to an earlier commentator for the suggestioin. No option on their website for a faster shipping option, so we’ll see if USPS gets it here in time.
For those who want to ponder all LYS options or are running into the dreaded “backordered” advisory if you’re buying online, Lopi is distributed by Westminster Fibers and their website has a store locator for USA and Canada: Under “Select the Brand” look for HANDKNITTING-LOPI in the first drop down menu, then pick a state or province.
Here in Seattle, we have Lopi at Tea Cozy Yarn in Ballard. In fact, I sold some to a customer tonight who is planning on banging out a sweater with you guys! (Hi Karen!)
Urban Yarns in Vancouver, BC (Canada) has Lettlopi, Alafosslopi, and Bulkylopi, and they ship worldwide!
I’m in. Got the pattern off Ravelry and the lettlopi from Craftsy is ordered in grass green for MC and either lapis, sun yellow, light red for CC with a skein of white for an alternate. Their price was $4.40/skein so a spare wasn’t a biggie. I haven’t knit a lopi sweater since the late 80’s when my daughter was in high school/college. Climate change is real but this looser gauge tempts me to try once again. I hope the yarn comes in time to start on the 1st.
My first lopi! Size 10.5 needles, woo hoo! I ordered from Ram Wools in Winnipeg.
I’m a hat knitter, currently have 3 or 4 WIPs, and hope to finish a couple of ’em before Feb 1.
Shout out for a UK LYS that stocks it: Wild and Woolly in east London.
I just ordered my yarn. I’m thankful I’ll have the body and sleeves to drum up the courage for the colorwork. This is my first colorwork project. Yikes!
Meadowlark Yarns in Cheyenne, WY carries Lettlopi!
Last week I finished knitting my first lopapeysa, the Amaelfi, which I read about it here on the blog. It calls for Lett Lopi at a regular gauge (I used size 6 needles) and makes a warm sweater but not too heavy. At least not for my son in Boston. Not ready to jump right back in for another one though.
Just got lett-lopi on sale at . Not sure how much is left, though.
Finally gave in and ordered the yarn last night. For my fellow Canadians, Yarn Forward in Ottawa has it. ( They also ship to the States. Not sure how quickly I will be able to knit it, but it’s about time I get a sweater instead of DH and DD!
i just realized where all this icelandic wool and snow films is heading (bear with me here – i’m just catching up on the last 10 or so posts): rams
may already have been mentioned somewhere here, but i never get to read through all the comments.
i just realized where all this icelandic wool and snow films is heading (bear with me here – i’m just catching up on the last 10 or so posts): rams
may already have been mentioned somewhere here, but i never get to read through all the comments.
if you hadn’t heard of it, you’re welcome!
This year I am going to learn intarsia and how to graft something that turns out exactly how I planned it. Love your store on Broadway