You’re a Grand Old (Almost Finished) Flag

Hello, beautiful knitters.
We’re taking the day off at MDK, in honor of Independence Day.
At my house in New York, we will have our traditional table read of the Declaration of Independence, after turkey sliders, and strawberry-rhubarb pie that I didn’t bake, because freedom. In Nashville, I’m guessing that pimento cheese, and/or strictly-construed deviled eggs, will figure into the plans somehow, and that you already have local tomatoes there.
Wherever you are, have a happy July 4th, be it Independence Day for you, or just Wednesday.

Gorgeous quilt … God Bless America
(Mimi Sandy, you have said it all)
Your caption is perhaps the closest we will get to hearing Thos. Jefferson blog…. :)!!!!
STUNNING, Flag quilt!
Wow! Yeah, too bad for all the recent frogging. Or whatever it’s called in sewing. Happy 4th!
It’s beautiful. So is democracy! Keep working on both. XOX have a great holiday!
That. Flag. Is. Incredible.
Absolutely stunning!!
You could aim for July 8th: the Liberty Bell rings in Philadelphia, for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence!
No matter when it is finished, it is a true masterpiece.
What a stunning pursuit of Happiness.
This is one of the most amazing projects I’ve ever seen!
Could not agree more.
SO PERFECT!! EVERY WORD!! It’s one of the most amazing and beautiful projects I’ve ever seen, and I’m so happy that you’re nearly finished! (Hey, Fishy Fishy!) 🙂
The Fish is the star.
Your Flag is AMAZING!!!
Beautiful symbol of our beautiful Country. Finish on any July 4th. Be independent!
Need to see another 40-50 flag photos. A stunning work of art!
Absolutely beautiful work of ART!!!
Happy Fourth
Now that’s patriotic! Stunning and what Gale said. Happy Fourth; enjoy the day!
In awe of you and the quilt. Couldn’t be a more perfect union of sentiment and crafts for this day.
The Republic lives! Finish any day you want, Kay; it’s always a great day to be proud of our good country (and of course, your amazing work).
Oh, how WONDERFUL! It was clear it was going to be lovely from all the bits and parts photos, but seeing that gorgeous maroon red stacked with the midnight blue here, and all the texture — really, it’s breathtaking. Smitten. Can hardly wait to see it finished. signed, flagstalker.
The quilt is beautiful. But, I question this holiday from the perspective that freedom and the right to it is compromised significantly when we have been separating babies and children from their parents and incarcerating the parents for seeking asylum… which is not a crime. Can any one of us imagine what it would be like to be put in jail when no crime has been committed? Let alone to have our children taken away from us? Is this what it means to live in a democratic government?
I’m an immigrant but have lived in the US most of my life, and the Fourth is bittersweet for me this year. I’m also a doctor working with the poor, including recent immigrants, so I see up close how this administration is hurting very vulnerable people. This is why we have to keep donating and calling and marching and VOTING. Before 11/2016, I had never been to a march in my life, but now I’m an old pro at it. Last Friday I was at my congresswoman’s office with an open letter about separating families at the border. If we love this country, we can’t let it become what Trump would have it become.
Thank you for your message! This is not a time where we can be proud of our country given what is being done to vulnerable people who are fleeing from violence and brutality. What does freedom and democracy mean? Yes! We must get out and call our elected officials, march, and vote. Democracy is a verb. Thank you for all that you are doing.
That is a beautiful flag. Memorable and meaningful.
It is a lovely flag you’re building there, lady.
That is a gorgeous quilt and flag! Amazing work! And also, happy 4th of July and God Bless America 🙂
Stunning!! I never saw the stripes!!! A treasure!!
Beautiful ! We are so lucky to be free !
It’s so beautiful, Kay. Hope you and yours have a safe and nurturing 4th of July. We will also be attending a yearly picnic at which the Declaration is read aloud. I am going to try not to sob while hearing it. Prayers for our country. XOC
Ray Charles singing America the Beautiful on the radio choked me up just now. Hard times.
Magnificent work in progress! The visible seams on the stripes are a beautiful metaphor, too. Happy 4th of July to the Modern Daily Knitting gang!
“I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” —James Baldwin. Still working toward a more perfect union. And your flag is GORGEOUS.
Beautiful post!
I had forgotten about the flag quilt! And, once again, I want to make one!
This flag is a shining beautiful reminder of why it is so important for us to stay strong and woke. love love love
Alabama = Kay = Channing = Tatum = love of Country and Flag quilt…..
What a blessing to see the love of our country and your heart to pass it forward.
I long for a time when we stop asking someone else, especially the governing, to do what we should do. When’s the last time you heard that a family that is living on the street was adopted by a family that decided to not spend money whining and helped..
Patriotically perfect!
Fantastic….so wonderful. WOW