Dear all intrepid knitters,
Suppose you find yourself at a large knitting convention in New York City on the weekend of January 15-17, and you’re wondering what to do with yourself at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning with a pile of handknits on and no place to go.
Come join us for a walk in the park! The greatest of parks! Central Park!

This unprecedented ramble will feature a) fresh air that will range from brisk to freezeyerassoff, b) prime sweaterspotting (accessory-spotting more likely, given the need for jackets, parkas, and puffercoats), and c) the company of like-minded knitterly souls.
We ramble only when there’s a reward at the end—in this case, coffee and a carb. We are not so intrepid that we can cart a barrel of coffee to Central Park, so Le Pain Quotidien is doing the work for us, hence the coffee/carb tuition. Please head over to Eventbrite here to sign up.
Vogue Knitting Live has a wicked list of more than 200 classes, with the knitting world’s finest teachers—Kate Atherley, Mary Jane Mucklestone, Laura Nelkin, Franklin Habit, Amy Singer, and dozens more. And the yarn market is notorious.
Hope you can be there. Olive will attend if she’s in the mood.
Kay and Ann
You two come up with the best plans!
All of us who cannot walk that distance will be with you guys, and Olive, in spirit.
I wish I could join you! That sounds like so much fun. If your rambling ever takes you to Atlanta, I’ll be there with bells on, or at least several knitted accessories!
What fun! I wish I could join you but alas I won’t be able to make it. But take lots of photos so those at home at ooh and ahhh over the handknits and carbs.
What a nice idea! On the day, I will try to tweet you a picture of Piper and I, joining in spirit from a good ways northeast 🙂
I’ll be there, bundled up!
I would love to walk in the park with you! It would almost be worth getting a dog and flying to NYC to join you!
Oh how I wish I could join in. I was there in October and fell in love with running in the park. To be there with hand knits would be even better!
I KNEW I should have signed up for that knitting conference that starts with a V. It sounds like loads of knitterly fun. I’ll be freezingmyassoff in London instead. Maybe I can do my own ramble over to Cocomaya, but mine will have to be lunch. Knit on!
Sounds like great fun! Wish I could join you. If you ever want to ramble around at the Vogue event in Chicago, count me in!
Oh, this is my kind of fun! I’m sorry that I will not be able to attend.
Ooo–this sounds like fun! Our ramble and a carb at Vogue Knitting generally means walking over to Emmett O’Lunney’s in Times Square for a beer at the end of the day. Which once led to a rather drunken subway right that involved a ball of gorgeous pink qiviut being passed around a car on the 1 train for everyone to pet. People were taking their gloves off to get ready for their turn!
Oh, what fun! Alas, we’ll be in the middle of a bathroom remodel. I’d much rather walk with knitters.
I might not even go to the Vogue Conference, but how could I pass up my chance to be a part of the Modern Daily Escort Service?
Love. What a sweater photo opp (SPO™)! You had me at freezeyerassoff.
Amberrrrr! Ambrrrrrr! It will be so fun. And so very early….?????
Oh, I wish I could join you! I was just looking at photos of Central Park, and checking out Balto!! Knit On!!
I’d love to join you (someday!) but will probably be visiting my buddy in Santa Fe that week. Of course, we’ll be taking some beautiful walks, and cruising museums and galleries and, of course, checking out local yarn shops and spinners and weavers and alpaca ranches . . . rest assured the fiber arts will not be neglected.
Oh how I wish I could join you for this! It would be such fun! Have a lovely time! x
Alas, I will be here, warm in my bed at 7:30 am. Will it even be light out? If I were in NYC, you can be sure I would get up in the dark to walk with you in handknits goodies.
As a lackadaisical, newly retired knitter…this is very tempting…maybe a field trip to New York? In January? Hmmm.
Everything sounds fun about this…the organizers, the walk, the other knitters, the handknits, the warm beverages… except for the o’dark-thirty start time! I, too, will be with you only in spirit, which would probably be true even were I to be in NYC on that date.
I got excited when I saw the title but alas, your leaving Nashville for your walk. Let me know when you and Kay plan a nice walk at Radnor Lake or Centennial Park. I’ll wear lots of hand knits!
What a fun idea! I would love to join you but, alas, I live far away. I will look forward to the recap with pictures.
As a Janna, I had to make my comment a reply to a Jana! (I won’t hold the lack of a second ‘n’ against her.)
This sounds like so much fun! I’ve never been to NYC–which I find kind of unbelievable–but I think maybe it would be better if my first visit was during warmer weather!
Well this sounds fabulous. Will I make it to the large knitting convention for a 9:00 a.m. class? I tried to map it but confess I can’t really tell.
I recall a long-ago MDK post with handknits arranged around the John Lennon memorial “Imagine” in Central Park.
Wish I could be there in January: Central Park at sunrise, with Kay and Ann and fellow knitters, and hot coffee, and maybe Olive(!) ….
I hope y’all have perfect weather. What a great idea.
Yer all just an idea a minute! Maybe …
I am signed up! I come in to NYC each year for VKL, it’s a different experience each year for me. It will be fun to add this early Sunday morning romp to my agenda for the weekend!