Ailbíona McLochlainn
Ailbíona McLochlainn is a knitter, writer, and recovering academic.
Taught to knit at a young age in the improvised manner of Eastern European folk tradition, she considered herself for some time an “illiterate knitter,” never having learned any knitterly terminology. It was not until 2016. when she was asked to lead a knitting workshop, that she finally taught herself how to read patterns, mostly so that she could communicate with her students and write patterns of her own. Shortly thereafter, LB Handknits was born.
Today, Ailbíona enjoys designing for independent yarn manufacturers and dyers, while exploring the possibility of producing her own sheep-to-skein yarns. Inspired by the Irish weather and a cyclist’s outdoor lifestyle, she loves working with beautiful, breathable, locally sourced fibers.
Ailbíona’s designs can be found on Ravelry.
Contributions From Ailbíona McLochlainn

Knitwear in Scandi-Noir Thrillers
Handknits are a crucial ingredient of this dark crime genre.
Read More about Knitwear in Scandi-Noir Thrillers
A Knitter’s Weekend: Donegal, Ireland
Experiencing the tweedy, coastal delights of Donegal will take more than a weekend.
Read More about A Knitter’s Weekend: Donegal, Ireland