Cyndi Lee
Cyndi Lee is the first female Western yoga teacher to fully integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism in her practice and teaching. Founder of New York’s OM Yoga Center (1998-2012), which drew practitioners and teachers from around the world, and a lay Buddhist chaplain, Cyndi now teaches yoga and meditation internationally.
Cyndi learned to sew, embroider, crochet and knit from her mom, yet still mostly knits rectangles and sews prayer flags. Cyndi has taught yoga and knitting retreats, and is a regular contributor to Real Simple, Yoga Journal and Lion’s Roar. She is the author of five books including May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind, OM Yoga: A Guide to Daily Practice, and the classic yoga text, Yoga Body, Buddha Mind.
Keep up with Cyndi at her website, www.cyndilee.com.
Contributions From Cyndi Lee

A Knitter’s Weekend: Taos, New Mexico
A high desert home for artists, craftspeople and free thinkers.
Read More about A Knitter’s Weekend: Taos, New Mexico