Gretchen Funk
Gretchen Funk learned to hand knit from her dad when she was small, and has been teaching knitting for over 14 years. She knits lots of sweaters, and loves teaching and empowering knitters. Her classes at the Yarnery in St. Paul, Minnesota are a great place to solve problems and get inspired.
Gretchen is also an avid machine knitter, and loves combining hand and machine knitting to make hybrid knits. Every month you can find her at the Midwest Machine Knitters Collaborative meeting.
Gretchen’s designs are available on Ravelry, and in the books Wearwithall: Knits for Your Life, What Would Madam Defarge Knit?, and Knitting Sweaters from Around the World.
Contributions From Gretchen Funk

How to Make a Needle-Felted Steek
This changes everything: the fun, pointy, super-secure steek method pioneered by Alice Adams.
Read More about How to Make a Needle-Felted Steek