Liz Kaplan
Liz Kaplan has been using fiber and textiles to make things ever since she was a child and not allowed to watch television. (She has since made up the viewing hours lost.) Liz has worked behind the counter, taught knitting and crochet, and created special events at yarn shops on both coasts. One of her recent projects, in collaboration with artist Laura Stillman Carraro, is The Seder, a Passover haggadah for the 21st century.
Liz currently resides in Oakland, California. You can find out more about Liz and keep up with her class schedule at LKStitches.
Contributions From Liz Kaplan

Playing with Mini Skeins: Color Fun
Begin with skinny little skeins, and then? A brilliant crocheter cuts loose.
Read More about Playing with Mini Skeins: Color Fun
Why I Crochet: A Knitter’s Story
We hear from a knitter who loves them both.
Read More about Why I Crochet: A Knitter’s Story
A Visit to Fiber Farm in Tracy City, Tennessee
If you've ever wanted to try to dye fiber with Prickly Pear Cactus, this is the place.
Read More about A Visit to Fiber Farm in Tracy City, Tennessee