Mary Lou Egan
Mary Lou Egan has been teaching knitting and designing for a long time. She teaches regularly at the famous Yarnery in St. Paul and at shops and fiber festivals nationwide.
As a teacher, she likes class to be fun, and the knitting not stressful. Teaching all levels plus working knitting clinic has given her insight into ways to address the challenges knitters face, and the chance to practice tips and tricks on unsuspecting knitters.
The title of her last book Drop-Dead Easy Knits—co-authored with Gale Zucker and Kirsten Kapur—sums up her knitting philosophy.
Now semi-retired, Mary Lou has taken up rigid-heddle weaving and spends time with her Norwegian Fjord horse and in her big garden. You can follow MLEganDesign on Instagram and find her designs on Ravelry, where her username is MLEgan.
Contributions From Mary Lou Egan

Behind the Scenes at Vesterheim
Wooly wonders lurk behind the Staff Only doors at a museum in Iowa.
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Meet the mother of Swedish-style fiber craft
The seeds of this multi-craftual mother's work still live on.
Read More about Meet the mother of Swedish-style fiber craft
A Knitter’s Weekend: Washington Island
Weave (or knit!) your way through a long weekend on this charming island in Door County, Wisconsin.
Read More about A Knitter’s Weekend: Washington Island
Summertime and the Weaving is Easy
Explore the basics of rigid heddle weaving in a half dozen concepts knitters can relate to.
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Beginnerland: Rigid Heddle Weaving
A new weaver takes us on her odyssey from dishcloths to statement scarves.
Read More about Beginnerland: Rigid Heddle Weaving
Each One, Teach One: It’s Only Knitting
A seasoned knitting teacher and designer folds in a new resource—and offers something special to MDK readers.
Read More about Each One, Teach One: It’s Only Knitting