Meg Swansen
Meg Swansen wears many hats—knitted, we suspect—as a brilliant teacher, author, visionary publisher of remarkable knitting books, and head of Schoolhouse Press, an online purveyor of hard-to-find, delicious books, patterns, videos, tools and wool.
She carries on the legacy of her mother, the master knitter Elizabeth Zimmermann, who in many ways brought knitting into the modern age, encouraging knitters to think for themselves and to be intrepid in trying new techniques.
Meg Swansen’s Knitting Camp is legendary for the camaraderie among its hundreds of participants. Heading into its 44th year, Knitting Camp combines teaching, immersion in new techniques, and good friends who return from year to year. It sounds pretty much like heaven, up there in Wisconsin.
Contributions From Meg Swansen

Arnold’s Scarf
Elizabeth Zimmermann sends a scarf off to be photographed . . .
Read More about Arnold’s Scarf